Metabolic Health

Real People, Real Results.

Charity’s improved pregnancy experience on a carnivore diet

From Vegetarian to Carnivore: Charity’s Journey   Charity is a carnivore coach who previously was a vegetarian for over ten years, “super grain heavy, super bean heavy.” She was experiencing severe gut issues and “had chronic constipation for three solid years. Every single day I dealt with this.” She would also get hungry, very emotional, and sweaty when she was

Dunja healed Hashimoto’s and Alex healed perforated colon

Dunja and Alex’s Health Struggles Before the Carnivore Diet   Dunja describes their diet before carnivore as a healthy version of the Standard American Diet—home-cooked food, no junk food, meat, vegetables, and fruit. Alex adds that he did eat a lot of nuts and grains, thinking they were healthy.   Dunja found it very hard to focus, tired easily, and

Tracey reversed her Hashimoto’s on a carnivore diet

Tracey’s Health Journey When she turned 40, Tracey had been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, and she took an interest in low-carbohydrate diets. She would follow the low-carb ways and then a ketogenic diet for the next six years. Low-carbohydrate Diet and Ketogenic Diet Tracey had been following Dr. Shawn Baker, and she also had some clients that were curious about the

Tia gave up her love affair with carbs on a carnivore diet

I was heading down a bad road with lots of health problems. My cousin and a dear friend pushed me to change my life and to look at my illness as a carb addiction. He found Dr. Cywes to help me.   It has been a lifestyle change that has been the hardest thing I have ever done. My main

Darren lost weight, gained mental clarity, and eliminated cravings on carnivore diet

Over the years, Darren has had more than his fair share of trials and tribulations. When he was 19 years old, he was in a severe car accident that broke his back, crushed his pelvis, and put him in a coma for several weeks. Doctors predicted that he would never walk again, but miraculously, Darren defied the odds and proved

Jean lowered TSH which shows Hashimoto is on the mend on from a carnivore way of eating

Jean’s Struggle with Weight and Health Issues Jean has a long history of dieting, and started out being overweight as a child. While she was “almost normal as a teenager,” she found herself struggling with her weight in her twenties and thirties. She is 5’ 4”, and found her weight fluctuating between 130 and 140, even occasionally to 160 pounds.

John reduced A1C to a healthy range, reversed digestive problem on a carnivore lifestyle

John is sixty-three years old and says he has weighed over three hundred pounds twice in his lifetime. John says for many years, he didn’t eat well. In 2001, he entered a competition that required him to lose weight. While preparing for the competition, John followed a vegan diet and lost sixty pounds. John says he received many compliments from

Bruno improved blood sugar, triglycerides, joint pain, stiffness on a carnivore diet

Bruno has been struggling with his weight for most of his life. He describes struggling with a sugar and carbohydrate addiction and says by the time he was a teenager, he was obese. While in his early twenties, he suspected he had hypothyroidism.   He took his concerns to his doctor, who responded, “That’s a condition for women.” Still, Bruno

Kimberly resolved adult-onset cystic acne and lost 15lbs

From Athleticism to Inactivity: A Weight Gain Story   Kimberly describes before finding the carnivore way of eating, her diet “could have been better.” Kimberly was an athlete for most of her childhood and into her early twenties. Kimberly says she ate whatever she wanted on the Standard American Diet and didn’t fear gaining weight because she was so active.

Tammy reversed arthritis, simple seizures, PCOS on a Carnivore lifestyle

Tammy is originally from the United States but lives in Uraguay with her husband. She has an incredible story of healing thanks to the carnivore way of eating. Tammy describes for most of her life, she ate the Standard American Diet. Tammy has always been a naturally thin person. She says she weighed ninety-eight pounds for most of her life

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