
Real People, Real Results.

Truth About Kidney Health and Gout

People who are emotionally invested in avoiding protein often state that protein damages the kidneys, particularly when that protein comes from animals. Where did this theory come from? Not from studying humans. On the podcast I share with ultra-endurance world-record holder, Zach Bitter, I was talking with Dr. Stuart Phillips, one of the world’s leading protein experts, and we got

The Red Meat Cancer Risk Doesn’t Add Up

Some researchers have said that red meat leads to colon cancer. In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) proclaimed that red meat was a Class 2 carcinogen, and that processed meat was a Class 1 carcinogen, which puts it in the same category as smoking cigarettes in terms of the risk of developing colon cancer. The level of relative risk

Plants Are Out to Poison You!

Plants have been on the planet for roughly 700 million years, and they have been successfully fighting off various fungi, insects, and other animals since well before humans arrived some 3 million years ago. Plants have developed all kinds of defense strategies to ensure the survival of their species, including a system of elaborate chemical defenses. If you and I

Getting Hung Up on Health Markers

Often when people follow some form of a low-carb diet, they focus on monitoring certain things through blood testing to get some insight into the effects of diet. Blood testing provides some data and often can help to troubleshoot problematic health issues. Before I get into some of the common observations that I’ve made about carnivore dieters, let me put

Jon heals from gut issues, fatigue, and arthritis

The Fruitarian Diet and its Promises of Healing Chronic Diseases   I was a raw vegan/fruitarian for seven years. I was actually an influencer in that community and offered health consultations helping people heal chronic degenerative diseases using a fruitarian diet and now do the same thing but now recommend an animal-based diet/carnivore.    I’ve actually helped many in the

Dwight B thrives on carnivore diet

An Active Lifestyle at 71: Tennis, Mountain Biking, and More     I am 71 years old, retired, and now live in Idaho. Sports include tennis, mountain biking, kayaking, river climbing, and softball. Health has generally been good, but I had irritable bowel syndrome for many years and skin cancer in several places, removed with Mohs surgery.   At retirement,

Ex-Plant Eater Josie Defeats Ulcerative Colitis

A Vegan Overnight: Josie’s Journey to Plant-Based Eating After Struggling with Ulcerative Colitis    When Josie stumbled across a PETA tent at the tender age of 13, she was so moved by their content that she became a vegan overnight.   Fast forward ten years later, and her health was going downhill—fast. After being admitted to the hospital multiple times,

Ray’s Scale No Longer Dies Beneath Him

Age: 65   Former Athlete to Morbid Obesity   I was formerly athletic and became morbidly obese, peaking at least 365 pounds. I actually don’t know HOW HIGH my final weight went because my scale DIED beneath me one morning. Within half a year of this dietary change (heavy meat ketovore), I was down to 332 pounds and feeling great.

Jennifer Gains More Dense Muscle On The Carnivore Diet

From Ankylosing Spondylitis to Carnivore Diet: Jennifer’s Story   Jennifer is a long-term care nurse and bodybuilder in Ohio who, like many of us, was raised on Cheetos and Kraft singles and a standard American diet. As a child, she experienced terrible hip pain, which later in life would be diagnosed as ankylosing spondylitis.   In her 20s, “when I

Joel is off all medications and his doctors on a carnivore lifestyle

Joel’s Struggle with Autoimmune Diseases   Joel was an engineer for Exxon-Mobil and developed autoimmune pericarditis after a viral infection. He fought it for years and had a bad flare-up in 1988. He resigned from Exxon-Mobil and was put on SSDI disability for ten years because of the pain and fatigue.   In 2011 he was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis,

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