
Real People, Real Results.

Advait healed metabolic health, IBS, migraines, fatigue, and depression on the carnivore diet

While I was always a health conscious individual, I did not realise I was metabolically unhealthy until my mid 30s. This was the case despite me having suffered from IBS, migraines, general body fatigue, a weak constitution, poor dental health since childhood. Having grown up in a family that had been vegetarian for generations due to socio-cultural reasons, I, like

Josh K improved joint pain, inflammation, digestion, and dental health on a carnivore diet

Josh recalls being morbidly obese as a child. Family meals consisted of lots of carbs—bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes—along with bowls of sugary cereal for snacks. At 12, Josh had back pain from carrying excess weight. In high school, he weighed 330 pounds. Josh developed sleep apnea in his early twenties, and waking up gasping for air terrified him. Another

Barbara S heals from anxiety and digestive issues on a carnivore diet

Barbara is a 54-year-old mother of 3 grown girls with her first grandchild on the way. She was in the radiology field as an MRI technologist for 35 years. She has scanned many metabolically unhealthy people with intramuscular and visceral fat over the years. She has witnessed the overall decline in the health and a rise in obesity in many

Rory improved Joint Pain, Skin problems, Gut Health, and aches On The Carnivore Diet

Rory’s Journey to Carnivore   Rory is from Brisbane, Australia, and says, “I’ve had health problems my whole life; diagnosed at four as an asthmatic. I had my tonsils taken out. From that point, I’ve had a lot of health issues, mainly asthma, gut-related stuff, food intolerances, and then acne, as I became a teenager.   As an adult, I

Irina overcame candida infection, vitamin D deficiency, and vasculitis on a carnivore diet

Irina’s Struggle with Various Ailments   Irina struggled with many different ailments before she found the carnivore diet. She had Candida, IBS, a vitamin D deficiency since birth, bleeding gums, vasculitis that manifested when she was a teenager, PCOS, chronic inflammation, and exercise-induced asthma.   Her doctors told her, “This is just how it is; some people are just affected

Martin improves ankylosing spondylitis and psoriasis on the carnivore diet

Martin’s Struggle with Psoriasis and IBS   Early in life, Martin developed psoriasis, and by age 16, he had about 85% coverage, with cracking joints as well. He gained weight to 215 pounds after school and continued trying different diets. He also developed IBS, was told, “you’re going to have to deal with it,” and was given medications that didn’t

Lily healed from inflammation and digestive and skin issues on a strict carnivore diet

Lily’s Life as an Anarchist in Mexico   Lily is a self-avowed anarchist living in Mexico. She was featured in an HBO special about the anarchist movement, and her carnivore journey is also chronicled in that special: “You can see the progression of me from my pre-carnivore very sickly days until, you know, now, where I’m more or less healed

How You Can Live a Better Life Through Eating the Carnivore Diet!

So you want to know how to improve your life through a carnivore diet? I’m thrilled to share with you the fantastic facts that I’m learning. What is the Carnivore Diet? If you’ve never heard of the carnivore diet, it is simply a diet of animal-based foods, rather than foods from the plant kingdom. If it came from an animal,

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