
Real People, Real Results.

Jenni healed from eczema on a carnivore diet

Hello dear reader, my name is Jennifer and I want to tell you my story of healing my eczema on a carnivore diet. Clueless Doctor “Your health is great, but you’re still considered obese. But if you keep doing what you’re doing, the weight will come off in no time.” The doctor told me this when I went for my

Sabine improved her mental and reproductive health on a carnivore diet

Early Years: Skin Issues, Digestive Problems, And Allergies   I was born on March 21, 1973, in Germany. Based on my parents’ accounts of my early years, I had skin issues, constant bloating, and digestive problems, constipation in particular, pretty much from the start. By the age of four, I was diagnosed with severe seasonal allergies.   From then on,

Chris improves digestion, fitness, mood, mental health on carnivore diet

Chris works as a butcher I’m healthy, happy, lean, and strong, but that wasn’t always the case! This is my story on why I’m a carnivore, and the amazing benefits this way of life has given me and could give you, too.   Sickly Childhood I was a C-section baby to very young parents. Mom was 21, and my dad

Daniel improved digestion, mental health, joint, back pain on carnivore diet

My name is Daniel and I am forty years old from Australia, 183cm (6ft) and 75kg (165 pounds). I have held off writing this story, despite following the carnivore community for some time, as it has taken this long to heal from quite a few ailments, most notably my joint pain and depression. (No photos as most of my issues

Elsie improved multiple sclerosis, and digestion on a carnivore diet

This WOE works! (female, 61 yrs.) Paleo 3/4 yrs, was good but now plant free with Carni+Eggs f ALL symptoms improved or gone: neuro (MS)100% remission, sinusitis of 30 yrs: gone, GI healed(fiber-free), old injuries/pain improved. Body improvement: 17 BMI, lean w/16% BF w/muscles, youthful : smooth, wrinkle free skin, clear eyes & vision, sharper brain, better nails, teeth, +

Carly got scurvy from eating fruit and healed it on a carnivore diet

Hello, I have a younger point of view than most I know, and I hope it is useful. My name is Carly, and I am a tenth-grader in America.   I Almost Died   Let’s start with my early life. I was born to a long line of diabetics, those with chronic diseases and obesity. My mother was a diabetic

Pyroxidine improved skin, IBS, and anxiety on a carnivore diet

This is the story of how I treated my severe acne with the carnivore diet, and incidentally discovered a range of additional health benefits. By sharing my experience, I hope to inspire others to take the carnivore approach – both to spare themselves the unpleasantness of this condition and the cocktails of pharmaceutical drugs involved in the mainstream medical treatment. For

Lindsay lost weight and improved skin and digestion on carnivore diet

Hello, my name is Lindsay. I’m 43 years old. I’m healthier than I have ever been thanks to you, Dr. Baker! But let me go back… Growing Up Without Fat   I was brought up in early 80s eating zero fat my mum was a model she was a size 8 ( uk ) she never allowed any fat in

Jason improves Chronic Fatigue on carnivore diet

Hi, I’m Jason. I was perfectly healthy until 32, and then my immune system went off the rails.   Stabilizing My Conditions   I have found that eating only meat or fasting stabilizes my condition and removes the immune cytokines that cause flares. I was told I had Lyme’s. I have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and other autonomic damage

Alex beats fungal infection, ADHD, improves gut health on carnivore diet

Alex’s Carnivore Journey    I don’t know exactly where to start. Last fall, I had neck surgery, and after that, I was battling my gut health and a weird fungal infection in my forehead. I tried everything except going vegan.    No medicine helped my fungi problem, and my gastrointestinal problems worsened. I did a deep dive into the ketogenic

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