Real People, Real Results.

Pranavan improved blood pressure and fitness on the carnivore diet

From Tradition to Carnivore Diet Pranavan, like many of us, grew up believing in the merits of a well-balanced diet. He followed the guidelines touted by health professionals: whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and a moderation of red meats and saturated fats. He ardently stuck to these dietary principles, especially given his family history with diabetes and heart

Tro improved prehypertension and prediabetes on a carnivore diet

The Weight of Childhood Tro’s earliest memories are tinged with the awareness of his weight. At just eight years old, he vividly recalls a winter recital that became a turning point in his life. Playing a reindeer, he felt the weight of public scrutiny as his classmates laughed at him. This moment was more than just an embarrassing childhood experience;

Mike improved blood pressure and cholesterol on the carnivore diet

The Power of the Carnivore Diet In a world full of dietary advice and countless dietary regimens, Mike shares his testimonial on the healing power of the carnivore diet. His story is more than just about the carnivore diet. It’s about a holistic approach to health, the importance of ethical farming, and the profound connection between humans and animals. Mike’s

Ivor improved cholesterol and weight on a meat-focused diet

A Health Awakening Ivor’s journey into the world of meat-focused eating begins with a health scare. In 2012, he finds himself 30 to 40 pounds overweight, struggling with hypertension, and alarmed by high levels of serum ferretin and liver enzymes. His cholesterol is also off the charts. Despite consulting three different doctors, he doesn’t find satisfactory answers to his health

Douglas manages anxiety and blood glucose on a carnivore diet

A Life of Chronic Illness Douglas, a retired respiratory therapist, has spent his life battling various health issues. From adrenal tumors to bladder cancer, his life has been a series of medical challenges. But it’s not just the physical ailments that have plagued him; paranoia has also been a constant companion. The medical treatments, while necessary, have left him feeling

Cheryl improved anxiety, depression, disordered eating, and cravings on a carnivore diet

Cheryl had a long history of struggling with disordered eating, anxiety, and depression and found herself tired of feeling unhealthy and unsatisfied. She decided to radically change her lifestyle and, after some research, she found the carnivore diet. Beginning the Journey Transitioning from a life of dietary restrictions and mental struggles, Cheryl decided to give the carnivore diet a chance.

Jim lost weight, improved energy and blood pressure, and reduced medications on a carnivore diet

Jim is a man on a mission, a mission to regain his health after a significant wake-up call. In the past, he followed a standard American diet. This dietary approach typically includes a heavy focus on processed foods, refined sugars, and high levels of carbohydrates. However, Jim’s health crisis, a stroke, compelled him to reevaluate his lifestyle and nutrition. Shifting

Mollie reduced coronary artery calcium (CAC) score while on a carnivore diet

At the age of 65, Mollie is a shining example of how diet can reshape one’s health and quality of life. In the throes of her retirement years, Mollie is reaping the benefits of a diet that many might view as unconventional – the carnivore diet. Before this significant shift in her diet, Mollie had spent years battling health issues.

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