Steve improved his depression and has not had a seizure on a carnivore diet

The old Steve
The new Steve

Hi, my name is Steve. I would like to share my story in the hopes that it will inspire others.


A Life-Changing Injury


I’m 34 years young. In my 20s, I was a footballer. I played 3rd & 2nd grade for Manly Marlins. I was your average young guy who loved to party & have fun. On the 29th of April 2012, I was playing a game & hit my head; however, I continued playing & then, after the game, went out with my mates & got drunk.


To cut a long story short, it turns out that I had a concussion & the next thing I knew, I awoke in the hospital after being in a coma for two weeks. I suffered a hypoxic brain injury.


Struggling with Severe Disabilities


As a result, I was left severely disabled. I was wheelchair-bound, had brain damage, became vision impaired, lost a lot of weight, and had a lot of trouble chewing, swallowing, and talking. Worst of all, I developed epilepsy and had regular seizures, which seemed to make my disabilities even worse.


Over the past eight years, I have suffered from severe depression & anxiety. I have a fantastic team of therapists and carers & very slowly, and I have seen some improvement.


Discovering the Carnivore Diet


In November 2019, my carer suggested a ketogenic diet, which swiftly changed to a carnivore diet.


Since then, my depression & anxiety has gone. I cannot explain how good I feel. My eyesight has improved to the extent that I no longer need glasses, my speech has improved, and I have put back on most of the weight I had lost (and gained lots of muscle tone).


I also had major trouble with my sinuses, my nose was constantly blocked or running, but that has now stopped, and my sinuses are clear. The best thing ever is that I have not had a seizure this whole time.


Since being plant-free, I have:


  • More energy and feel better than ever
  • Received a positive blood test showing healthy ranges of all blood markers, including normal nutrient levels. LDL was high, but triglycerides were very low
  • Regular and healthy bowel motions
  • Received a great report from my counselor, saying she had never seen me in a better mental state
  • Received an amazing report from my chiropractor saying he’s never seen me in better condition and does not want to touch me
  • Received a great report from my OT saying she was very pleased with the progress I’ve made and that I had better keep doing what I am doing
  • Improved fine motor skills
  • Improved cognitive ability, I have so many great ideas for future projects.
  • Not had a virus, cold, or allergy. In fact, my nasal congestion issues have decreased massively.
  • Felt a huge improvement in my dental hygiene. I was having massive problems before, and the dentist said I would need to go back soon, probably for another filling; however, I am not experiencing any pain or discomfort.
  • I take no supplements or medication apart from Keppra for my epilepsy; however, I believe I can come off that one day.

Steve’s Mission to Educate Others


I believe wholeheartedly in this diet. I am educating myself about it constantly and hope to have a blog to help educate others one day.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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4 thoughts on “Steve improved his depression and has not had a seizure on a carnivore diet”

  1. You have every right to be proud of your progress. I am on carnivore but am having urges to eat plant food, especially peanuts. Why peanuts, I don’t know.
    Even being only 90% Carnivore I have lost weight and my health issues have improved. I have auto immune issues and high blood pressure.
    Keep posting to encourage others to maintain the carnivore diet. Have you listened to Dr. Paul Saladino M.D. on Utube. He is very good. So is Dr. Ede M.D.

  2. Excellent, fantastic news! The gut and brain axis gives you a direct channel for healing potential. Best wishes to you!

  3. VERY impressed with your story and a true inspiration to others! Thank you for sharing and may your health journey continue to improve – God bless!

  4. Your story was truly inspirational. I pray that the improvements continue so you can get off the last of your medicine. Thank you for sharing your story with the world. Who knows how many people it may help.

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