Neal cleared his eczema on a carnivore diet

Neal hails from Edmonton, Alberta, and has found incredible success in ending his lifelong battle with eczema while following the carnivore diet.


Battling Eczema and Weight with the Carnivore Diet


Neal’s carnivore journey began on his 30th birthday when he decided to try something different to treat his painful and worsening eczema. Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a condition that causes dry, itchy, and inflamed skin.


According to the National Eczema Association, many people with eczema use the phrase “flare-up” to describe a phase of eczema when they are experiencing one or more acute symptoms or side effects from prolonged itchiness.


After hearing about the carnivore diet from Dr. Shawn Baker’s podcast, Neal decided to give it a try himself. “It sounded pretty crazy,” he recalls. “I had given everything else a shot and tried to rid myself of this lifelong condition.” Neal had really bad eczema on his mouth, face, arms, and hands. Cases of severe eczema may include periods of flare-ups that can last many days or even several weeks.


Moisturizers, antihistamines, topical steroid creams, and corticosteroids are among the potential courses of eczema treatments usually recommended by healthcare providers, although many in the carnivore community have found relief from switching to the carnivore diet.


In addition to his skin condition, Neal hoped that the carnivore diet would also help him address being overweight. “I always struggled with weight,” he shares. “Even after losing about 40 pounds, I was still 185 pounds. I’m 5’4”, so that is big for me.”


“I figured, well, what do I have to lose at this point?” For his 30th birthday dinner, Neal began his carnivore journey with steak and eggs and said he hasn’t looked back since.


Quick Results: Eczema Cleared in 30 Days


Soon after he began following the carnivore diet, Neal saw incredible improvements in combating his lifelong struggle with eczema. “In 30 days, my eczema was gone! I couldn’t believe it. It was the most incredible thing! I had tried every medication and diet supplement out there, and nothing had helped my eczema before, but in just one month on the carnivore diet, it was cleared.”


As the body can take some time to adjust to a new way of eating, 30 days tend to be the minimum recommendation for those interested in trying the carnivore diet.


Overall Health Improvements with the Carnivore Diet


In addition to resolving his eczema, Neal was able to lose weight as well. “I leaned out quite a bit, and at 170 pounds, I feel my best.” Another significant win was after a recent doctor’s visit. “The most important thing to me was when I had my yearly physical.


Last time, my doctor told me that I was pre-diabetic, and if I had kept up my old lifestyle, I would eventually develop diabetes. This visit, my blood sugar was completely normal, my weight was in a good range, and all my other lab work showed that I was in perfect health!”


Neal says he’s never felt better! “I’ve never had more energy. I can concentrate better at work, and I’m more productive,” he says. “I’m happy, healthy, and full of life!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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