Kerrie healed migraines, inflammation, hormone imbalances on a carnivore diet

Military, Fitness, and Alzheimer’s: Kerrie’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet

Kerrie was a military member for ten years and has always lived an active lifestyle. She has even spent much of her adult life in the fitness industry and competing in powerlifting competitions.


It wasn’t until Kerrie’s mom was diagnosed with late-stage Alzheimer’s disease that Kerrie began to question her health. She says she always struggled with her memory, and after researching Alzheimer’s for her mom, she began to connect eating a low-carb diet to better brain health.


From Low-Carb to Carnivore: Kerrie’s Natural Progression

Her initial research became vital one year ago when Kerrie was training for a powerlifting competition. As a part of her training, she intentionally put on weight but now needed to lose weight quickly to compete in the weight class she wanted. Kerrie says she hired a registered dietician who was supposed to help her lose weight quickly.


However, she felt everything the dietician told her was different from what she was researching. Kerrie was told to follow a very high-carb and low-fat diet. Kerrie says although she lost weight, she felt miserable. Kerrie also says she started learning about the benefits of the keto diet from a bodybuilder’s perspective. She told her dietician she was planning to start following a low-carb diet, and a month later officially fired the dietician.


Benefits of the Carnivore Diet: Migraine-Free and Improved Memory

Kerrie says her progression into carnivore was somewhat natural. She first started low-carb, then started eliminating foods as she began to see how some foods were affecting her.


Kerrie did experience diarrhea as she transitioned but found that, eventually, her body evened itself out. She reached a point where she had eliminated everything but meat, nuts, and coffee. Kerrie describes struggling to give up nuts but discovered the nuts gave her debilitating migraines. By April 2020, she became a total carnivore diet follower.


Today Kerrie is migraine-free, and she says her memory has significantly improved. Kerrie says she eats one meal a day that typically consists of a lot of meat (mostly beef) and water. She also takes an electrolyte supplement but has found the rest of her vitamin and mineral levels have improved.


The Carnivore Lifestyle: A Family Affair with Positive Results

Being a carnivore has also become a family affair for Kerrie. Her husband joined her carnivore way of eating in late 2020, and her kids now eat low-carb. Kerrie describes reading about a family who used low-carb eating to help treat their child’s brain tumor, so she decided her two boys, ages nine and three, would also follow a low-carb lifestyle.


She says the first month of transition was hard for her sons, but she has noticed significant improvements, especially in her oldest son. She says he recently received the best report card he has ever gotten, and his teacher has said his focus has dramatically improved.


MeatRx Coach Kerrie’s Advice: Take Small Steps to Improve Your Health

Kerrie is now a MeatRx coach. She describes how being in the fitness industry for many years has helped her learn about health.


She says she “loves working in the carnivore community” and has a lot of respect for Dr. Shawn Baker and all she has learned from becoming a MeatRx coach. Her advice to anyone looking to get started on the carnivore diet is to “take baby steps.” She hopes as a health coach to help her clients “take small steps to improve their health.”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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