Katja improves bipolar, ADHD, Aspergers, arthritis on carnivore diet

Traditional Treatment Methods Failed


Katja started the carnivore diet in December of 2018 and believes that it saved her life.


Her depression and anxiety levels had reached a severe level. She feared losing her job due to repeated long-term absences. She became a recluse and wasn’t able to leave her home. She disliked being around people or getting anything done. She spent a year talking to her doctors trying to get an assessment for ADHD and Asperger’s syndrome among her other conditions.


Discovering the Carnivore Diet


She started becoming depressed about age 12. Friendships, family relationships, and school became really difficult for her. To complicate matters further, Katja is dyslexic, which went unrecognized in her school system until the ’80s and ’90s.


Her depression was undiagnosed until age 23. Her doctors cycled her through different drugs and drug combinations trying to find answers which none of them provided. So, by age 26 she had tried a multitude of drugs and therapies with no real results.


Finally, she developed a headache lasting 3 months which once again drove her to doctors who said they couldn’t help her. Eventually, she had to figure it out all on her own.


The Benefits of the Carnivore Diet


As an experiment, she stopped eating gluten and found that the headache had left her. This was the first time that she fixed a health problem by adjusting her food intake. Even so, she remained naive about what she had discovered.


In an effort to overcome her conditions, she tried eating organic vegetables only to find that her hands would not function properly. This was devastating news to Katja, who is an artist. She then discovered Mikhaila Peterson.


“I’ve already read about her in her dad’s book 12 Rules for Life, which made me understand and trust what this girl was saying instantly,” said Katja. She also came across Amber O’Hearn, whom she felt was full of amazing information about diet and wellness.


A colleague who had also switched on to the carnivore lifestyle impressed Katja so much that she thought she’d give it a try.


Advocating for the Carnivore Diet


“I jumped right in… I started carnivore straight away. I had keto flu symptoms for about six weeks, and they were pretty hard for me.” She started to feel great and is still getting better over a year later. She now advocates this diet on her Instagram account.


She tells stories from the background of her life to make people understand that depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other immune illnesses are not life sentences. There is actually a way out.


Becoming a Certified MeatRx Carnivore Coach


Katja is now a certified MeatRx carnivore coach and encourages others to contact her so she can help them change their lives and health stories too.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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4 thoughts on “Katja improves bipolar, ADHD, Aspergers, arthritis on carnivore diet”

  1. Hey Kajta,

    I just want to say how much I appreciate you giving such a candid testimonial. Very inspirational and honest, thank you!

    I’m only a few weeks into my carnivore journey and I have already seen improvements but it’s early days. However I have been dealing with similar issues as yourself so this has given me renewed hope that things will continue to improve.

    It’s also wonderful that you’re now helping others and I wish you great success with that!

    Best wishes,


  2. Pingback: How You Can Live a Better Life Through Eating the Carnivore Diet!

  3. Hello, Katja here! I thought I leave a note here for those coming across this article. At this point I have been meds and symptom free for seven years.
    So either this diet works or i am on a seven year placebo-effect-bender. I am currently not coaching and I am also not of social media as such. However I am in the UK and always happy to share what ever to make your health journey quicker and finally joyful.

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