Jon healed migraines, IBS, Borrelia, partially paralyzed eye, and joints on Carnivore diet

Struggles with Health Issues


Jon is from Sweden and is grateful he discovered the carnivore way of eating. Before becoming a carnivore follower, Jon was on and off the ketogenic diet.


He says he had a lot of injuries early in his adult life from working out, specifically in his ankles and wrists, which caused him a lot of pain. At twenty-five years old, Jon was also diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).


From Keto to Carnivore


John says he first tried the ketogenic diet after being diagnosed with IBS. He says, “It helped, ” but he struggled to stay consistent on the keto diet and teetered between following it two a tee and falling off the wagon. Jon’s weight began to creep up and became an issue as he struggled to stay consistent with the keto diet. At his highest weight, he tipped the scales at 102 kilograms.


After a sickness, Jon was partially paralyzed in one eye, which made blinking more complex and much slower than it was previously. Additionally, he had an operation on his foot but still found he struggled with the pain of walking and had to be careful not to put all of his weight on that particular foot.


Jon also struggled with weekly migraines; he took many medications to treat them. Jon came across the carnivore diet five months ago and decided to try it.

Adjusting to the Carnivore Lifestyle


He says initially, he was very strict with his diet. Jon ate meat, salt (notably Redman Sea Salt, which he orders from the United States), and water. He says the first week was very hard for him, mainly because he tried and failed to give up coffee. His body did not react well to the sudden lack of caffeine. 


Jon says he also struggled with his energy the first two months of following the carnivore way of eating. His energy levels were up and down, almost like a rollercoaster. However, Jon’s body has seemingly adjusted to the carnivore lifestyle and is now reaping the benefits.


Jon has lost seventeen kilograms since he started the carnivore diet. Jon says he no longer struggles with IBS or pain in his foot or joints. He also says he has had one mild headache during his carnivore journey instead of the weekly migraines he used to endure. Additionally, his energy levels have evened out. 


Jon describes feeling it is much easier to do manual work like shoveling snow and other things he found difficult before finding the carnivore lifestyle.


What is somewhat surprising is that Jon no longer struggles with a partially paralyzed eye. He says he has improved his ability to move and blink his eye, which he didn’t think was possible.


Other People Notice a Difference


Jon also says other people have noticed a difference in his health. He describes his masseuse, telling him his back seems much more aligned and healthy.


Though Jon admits he had some success on the keto diet before discovering the carnivore way of eating, he says the carnivore lifestyle is much easier and sustainable for him. He has seen many improvements in his health and is now a believer in this lifestyle.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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