Jeff got jacked on a fasting carnivore lifestyle

Hi, my name is Jeff. I am 60 years old. I want to tell you what the carnivore diet did for me and how it got me jacked.


A History Of Fitness


As a kid, I looked at bodybuilders of the day as heroes. I always wanted to be like that. I was into sports and worked out. I then got into the fitness industry, and between 1981 to 2001 – I owned, operated, and managed health clubs and fitness centers. I trained people. I gave seminars on fitness, exercise, and nutrition… I was involved in the manufacturing, distribution, marketing, and sales of Nutritional supplements and educated people on what and how to use supplementation.

Believing The Wrong Thing


I was taught, believed, and practiced the Protocol of eating 6-7x per day (every 2.5 to 3 hours to maintain an anabolic state and a positive nitrogen balance and to avoid going catabolic) consisting of 50%+ Carbs, 50% Protein (as lean and fat-free as possible) and as low of Fats as possible I believe in 1.0 to 1.5 g of Protein per Pound of Body-weight per day, and a minimum of 1.0 g of Carbs per Pound of Body-weight per day. Everything that I knew, practiced, and taught others was WRONG…


Trying So Hard


I did not know that I didn’t know. I worked out hard, I ate correctly, and I was dedicated, motivated, and disciplined. But I wasn’t ever getting the RESULTS that I wanted, no matter how hard I tried. 


I ate less. I exercised more. Nothing worked. I was big, I was strong, BUT I didn’t look like I wanted to look.


Shocked By A Friend’s Photo


Then in May 2017, I saw a photo of one of my best friends – Sam, who I had not seen for 3-4 years. I was shocked, astounded, awestruck, and speechless. I have known Sam for over 30 years. In that photo, he looked like a Greek God… I had to know WTF … I contacted him immediately.


Getting Over My Own Beliefs


It took him from the beginning of May 2017 to the 3rd week of June 2017 to convince me to try what he was telling me to do.


It was contradictory and opposite to everything that I knew and had been told and taught my entire life.


I finally surrendered, only because I knew Sam, and I saw what he had done. He obviously knew something that I didn’t know. 


I started my first day on June 26, 2017, the day I took my first “Before” photo.


Within two weeks, I felt and saw changes that I had not experienced before with any diet I had ever tried. I kept at it and continued to research and investigate everything and to educate myself more. I have never stopped or looked back.

Motivating Others


My Journey continues. I adjust, tweak, and modify as I go on my personal Journey to see how far I can take this in all aspects of my life.


Life doesn’t have to end at 50. If done right, 50 is just the beginning of an incredible future.


Please join me on the Journey of your own. I am here to help educate you, inform you, help you, inspire and motivate you. Your success is my personal reward !!

Intermittent Fasting


When I started off, I was only doing Intermittent Fasting, as Sam had convinced me to do. I was not including the ketogenic/low-carb diet at this point.


I was doing a 16/8 IF Schedule – 16 Hours Fasting Period and an 8-Hour Feeding Period and, within the first two weeks, I felt and saw changes that I had not experienced before on other “diets” that I had tried – within the first two weeks, I knew that something was “happening”!!


I did NOT change my foods (eating, my diet) – I just continued to eat the same things that I had been eating (including carbs), but now, I was eating everything during the 8-hour Feeding Period – I was doing four meals a day (eating a meal every 2.5 hours +/-)


Narrowing The Window


Then, Sam asked me how I felt and how I was doing – and when I told him that I felt and was doing great – he had me switch the IF schedule from 16/8 to an 18/6 schedule… within 3-4 days, the immediate problem that I was experiencing was trying to eat all 4 of my meals within the 6-hour Feeding window – it was almost impossible – too much food – so, I adjusted and changed to 3 meals – one meal every 2 hours.


So, I was still doing high carbs, high protein, low fat – because, at this point, I did not have all of the information, and I did not know any better.


The low carb discussion didn’t enter the picture until about month 2 – and, then, from month 2 through about month 4-5, my carb intake went from over 200+g per day, down to 150g per day, to 100g per day, to 50g per day, eventually down to about 35g per day, a level that I then stayed at for several months. 


As I continued to educate myself on everything, and, to tweak and adjust other facets of my foods/ diet – and, although I had adjusted the Carbs down to a low carb intake – I was still doing the balance of my foods as high protein, and, moderate fats (which I still believed to be necessary – keeping my protein high for muscle building and maintenance, and, low fats, so that I didn’t get fat)


Feeding Window On A Crack


Over time – during the first 6 months (end of June when I started) – I went from the initial 16/8, then to 18/6, then to 19/5, and, eventually, by October 2017, I was on an IF 20/4 schedule – and, as noted, I adjusted my Carbs from over 200g/day, down to 35g/day.


I was still doing 3 meals/ day during the 4-hour Feeding Period – and, I stayed on this Schedule from Oct 2017, up through May-June 2018 – – during which time I brought my Carbs down to 20 g per day – and, this schedule lasted from about June, 2018 up through Oct 2018 – at which time I kept the same foods, during 3 meals, but, adjusted the IF Schedule again from 20/4 to 22/2 (eating the 3 meals one every hour) and, I then stayed on this schedule (22/2), with minor adjustments along the way in the foods – but, still, high proteins, moderate fats, and low carbs.


From October 2018, up through February, 2019 – one of the adjustments that I made during this period is to change from 3 large/ regular sized meals to 2 regular meals (the first meal of the day, and, the last meal of the day, with just a snack (like peanut butter, sugar free jello, almonds, or pork rinds, string cheese, or similar) in between the 2 meals.


Somehow, not by any thought or planning, one day during February, I couldn’t eat the 2nd meal; I was just full and not hungry – so, I had just eaten the first regular meal and the snack, and that was it… then, this feeling of not wanting, or needing the last meal, continued – and, all of a sudden, not by choice or planning, my IF Schedule went from 22/2 to 23/1. I was eating everything within 1 hour every day – which is what I continue to do up to now.


Going Keto


In March 2019, during additional, extensive research – I made a decision to adjust my Macros to a true ketogenic formula plan – 75% Fats, 20% Protein, and, under 5% Carbs (I was actually under 2% Carbs by this point).


Within 2 weeks I was seeing, and, feeling immediate differences and great results – I truly believe that having too much protein (which I thought was absolutely necessary as an active bodybuilder for not only adding new muscle, but, to maintain the hard earned muscle that I had) – but, I was wrong.


Now, looking back, I truly believe that the protein, the extra protein, was an obstacle, and, holding me back from further gains – especially the Whey Protein Powder supplement shake that I was doing as one of my meals every day (which turns out to be the worst form of protein to ingest because of the immediate insulin spikes it causes).


The leaner the proteins, the proteins absent sufficient fat, the quicker it is digested, and, the more insulin that is produced in conjunction with the protein consumption.


Finally OMAD


So, not by planning, not by conscious choice – I somehow ended up on an IF Schedule of 23/1 – which, by operational definition, is the same as, or very similar, and close enough to the OMAD (“One Meal A Day) diet that people talk about – because although during my 1-hour feeding period, I am eating multiple times (2 regular meals, and, a snack in between) – I am basically consuming all of my foods non-stop during that 1 hour period.


My Current WOE


My current Macros are approx. Calories (2,200 to 2,400) / Proteins (0.4 to 0.5 g per pound (so 90-100g/day)) 20% of my diet) / Carbs (under 10g/day) under 2% of my diet)), and / Fats (upwards of 200g/day) over 75% of my diet)) – all consumed during my 1-hour Feeding Period – and, then, for the next 23 hours – the Fasting Period, I do not eat anything of any kind whatsoever.


I feel great. I feel healthy – I am never hungry, and I have lots of energy and lots of mental focus.



Since March 29 (the date of my last writing above) – I have had various “adjustments in both my Nutritional Protocol and my Exercise Protocol, and I always do extensive research and self-experimentation to see what works and, ultimately, what works best for me, and my goals. 


Steak And Eggs Protocol


On May 19, 2020, I started the “Steak & Eggs” (Carnivore) Protocol

as of tonight – I am on Day 13 – and feel fantastic

Never Hungry, No Cravings


I only eat Beef (fatty steak cuts – like Rib-eye or Chuck Eye Steak), eggs, and butter – nothing else.


My Protocol since approx Feb-Mar 2019 has been OMAD – Intermittent Fasting 23/1 (actually 23.5/0.5) 


Up until this May 19 – my Macros were – Fats (80-83%), protein (17-20%), and Carbs (under 1%) – so switching to the Carnivore (Steak & Eggs) was simple and easy (My Proteins have always been “Fatty Proteins,” nothing “Lean”)


My Macros now are – Fats (70-73%), Protein (27-30%), and Carbs (0%)


My OMAD Meal consists of only the following…

Steak (1 pound)

Eggs (6 whole)

Butter (4-5 tbsp)


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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94 thoughts on “Jeff got jacked on a fasting carnivore lifestyle”

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Thank you so much – it feels good to get positive feedback – shows that the efforts eventually payoff and can motivate others. Best, JT

        1. Jeffrey Tiller

          FYI: there is a conversation below with “Bob” starting on June 3 that this is discussed – if you want to check that out, hopefully that answers the inquiry. Best, JT

          1. Wow, amazing transformation. I love it. I too am on an OMAD doet and started last week the Steak and Eggs diet. Is this all you eat:
            Steak (1 pound)
            Eggs (6 whole)
            Butter (4-5 tbsp)
            And nothing else Jeff?? Looking forward to ur reply……
            I always wondered how much butter to add to my meal so that it’s enough that I lose my body fat. I guess I’ll follow ur amount 👍

        2. Jeff, you are an amazing person and I love the red truth pill that is all about real results. I have done Adkins diet 3 times and lost 30 lb on each attempt! I would like to know what is different in your approach? I needed carbs and bread after 2 months on Adkins diet so it worked but I lost will power. Any thoughts?

  1. Hi Jeff,
    Wow great progress, are you a coach? I would like to talk to you about your WOE if possible.
    I think I am having the same issue with protein and would like to get your insight on it. Thanks

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Kent – don’t feel left out – I did respond to you, and thank you – but it looks like they didn’t post my response (no idea why ?) –

      1. Hi Jeff
        Thanks for your reply. I just checked back in and saw all of your responses but didn’t see anything more on the coaching aspect. Would you mind reposting your reply if you are able to? If you’re not coaching yet I think you should 🙂

        1. Jeffrey Tiller

          Hey Kent – thank you for the follow up – what happened was that I replied “No, I don’t (or haven’t) really done any coaching” (but said that I was open to it and considered it – and, I included my email address so that you, or anyone interested could feel free to contact me – not realizing that this site restricted anyone from self-promotion or direct communications with each other – which, I completely understand now, so not an issue) – i have never coached (per se), in regards to doing it professionally and getting paid for my time and knowledge – all that I have done basically is just helping people out at the gym when I am there – those that ask anything – nutrition or exercise based – I am glad to take time to answer and help them (as long as it doesn’t interfere with me getting thru my workout LOL) – and, the same on this site post – I am glad to answer questions as they come up and as I have time to follow -up / I have people suggest I do a YouTube channel (like Thomas DeLauer, or Dr. Eric Berg, or a program like Andrew Eenfeldt does with his hugely successful Diet Doctor site, or, of course other pioneers in this arena like Fung, Attia, Phiney, Longo, Lustig, Hyman, Feldman, Noakes, Sisson, Teicholz, Taubes, Berry, many other great inspirers (of course Dr Baker :-)) – I did design a Program based on my own experience, and self-experimentation and concluded that there are basically 3 critical, key elements to the nutritional protocol – 1. Intermittent Fasting (when you eat, and when you don’t), 2. Macro formulation (what you eat), and 3. Meal Frequency (How often you eat) – done right, and all 3 combined, to me, creates the “Perfect Storm” for nutritional success ! as always, I hope that my response addresses your inquiry and answers as best possible – and, again, thank you for writing – Best Regards, JT


    Jeff great content and insight. This is what I was looking for to confirm my research as well.. That is what I want to get to, OMAD same meal. Just started at 18/6 with only black coffee or water during fast. I’ll eventually kill the coffee, but increments. Love the idea of one meal of steak and eggs. So easy to follow.

    Would like to learn about your workout. Currently doing strength training 4 days per week and 1 day of HIIT (really just a mixture of exercises like sleds, tires and KB to get the heart racing and sweat pouring. I’ve got at least 50lbs to lose. Do you coach?

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Thank you Scott – as always – I greatly appreciate everyone’s comments and positive feedback – it helps validate all of the effort into getting to where I want to go physically. as for coaching – you can see the reply I sent to Kent above who asked about the same thing. as for “Simplicity” – you are correct – it does not get any easier (on many levels – shopping, economics, preparing, cooking, clean-up) – my refrigerator/freezer only has (3) items in it – Steak, Eggs and Butter (and literally, nothing else). FYI: I am NEVER Hungry, and NEVER have Cravings. I will try to post some photos of my refrigerator and meals for everyone soon. Thank you again. Best, JT

      1. Hope you consider becoming a coach on here or somewhere. Very similar in where I’m starting and want to achieve. You’ve run the gauntlet and you have the system down. Always up for more info! Keep up the great work! I can always be reached at scottsetter @ gmail .com

      2. Hi Jeff, I’d love to follow you on Instagram or YouTube or any social media you might be in.
        Do you have an Instagram?

  3. Unbelievable transformation. Could you share your workout? I’m 64, used to be almost 400lbs and about 240 right now. Lost it with a combination of keto, carnivore, IM, OMAD and outright fasting. I really would like a transformation close to that and would like to know your routine to look like that.

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Thank you Brian – you words are greatly appreciated. I am 59 – and, as of June 26, 2020 (in about 3 weeks) will be 3 years from the day that I first started on this “Journey” (all due because of my friend Sam who I saw a FB photo of and my jaw dropped in amazement) – and, as you can see in my “Story” above – things have morphed along the way up to my current Protocol of OMAD IF ZC (23.5/0.5)(I eat everything that I consume in a 24 hour period within a 30 minute feeding period and fast (no foods of any kind whatsoever) for 23.5 hours daily))(and, my Calories are approx 2,200+/- and macros of approx 73% Fats, 27% Protein (Fatty Protein), and 0% Carbs (except for the insignificant Carbs in the Eggs) – my Foods consist only of – Steak (1 pound), Eggs (6 whole) & Butter (4-5 tbsp). Just goes to show you that everything that we were told, taught and believe about Nutrition was wrong and that “Diets NEVER Work (EVER) !!” – Red Meat, Eggs Yolks, Salt, Saturated Fats, Fiber, Fruits…. and the list goes on, and on – everything was wrong ! Thank you again my friend. Best, JT

        1. Jeffrey Tiller

          Thank you for the follow-up question Hans – hopefully the following answers your inquiry sufficiently (as best as I can summarize here) – During my life I have tried everything in regards to exercise routines (name it and I have probably experimented with it) – and, like most, I used to be under the belief that you had to lift heavy to be in great physical shape. But, as shown thru many studies, that is not true, and, furthermore, as my own experience and self-experimentation has shown – it is not true (and, lower weights avoid injuries). My “Exercise Protocol” which I have utilized consistently now for the past 2 years is basically as follows: I do only One Body Part Per Day (Mon (Back), Tues (Triceps), Wed (Chest), Thurs (Biceps/ Forearms), Fri (Shoulders/ Traps), and Saturday (Legs) – I do not do Abs and I do not do Cardio ! For each Body Part noted I do 6-8 exercises for each, and each Exercise I do 3 sets, and, for each Set I do as many reps as possible on the first Set (anywhere from 60-80 reps), and then Sets 2 and 3 I do between 20-30 reps. Each Set I focus on Form and Intensity (mind-muscle connection/ and TUT (slow, controlled movements)), and I go to MMF/ Exhaustion. As for weight amounts – it all depends on how I am feeling for the day, and for each Exercise – but, overall – I do light-weight and high reps. I probably utilize the 5-to-30 pound range for all dumbbell exercises and on any machines I don’t go heavy (just enough that feels right to be able to complete the high reps range that I do). A good comparison example of my past Protocols to my current Protocol – on the Leg Press Machine – I used to do 26 x 45 pound plates (13 plates on each side) and I would crank out 10 reps on my 5th set – But, now, the most that I do is 4 x 45 pound plates (2 on each side) – and the first set I try to do 50 reps and then at least 20 reps for Sets 2 and 3 – and, I do these before I do Squats (on squats I use 25 pounds on each side plus the Olympic bar – and can barely stand when I finish 3 sets). Note: this is my personal Protocol, which has worked for me and gotten me My results. The problem with fitness/ exercise is that if you ask 10 professional Trainers what to do – you will get 10 different answers. So, for me, I just do my own research and experimentation, and, then, design a Protocol that works for me and gets me the Results that I strive for.

          1. Thanks Jeffrey. I really appreciate you taking the time to type all that out. Very helpful. I definitely agree with the approach of experimenting personally regardless of who is recommending some approach. That should be the final judgement on whether to continue something. We all need to be responsible for our own conditions and outcomes, whatever those may be.

            Have you ever had someone spout out that you must be taking steroids?

            I ask because I posted your amazing results on my Facebook today and someone in my network wrote “Jeff got jacked on roids…”.

            I guess I can see how someone could ask that since you’re incredibly cut for your age. I’m in my mid 50s and I feel like someone snuck in while I was sleeping and installed a slow leak in my muscular system….

            It’s like I can’t “pump” enough, although I also don’t put as much time in on it as used to as a lad, either. So that’s probably somewhat of a factor.

        2. Jeffrey Tiller

          Hans – your last message did not allow me to “Reply” – not sure why but there was no visible Reply link below the message – but, in any case, I can answer it here – I have nothing to hide – when I was younger I did experiment with various products (gear) but I never got the results that I wanted nor expected – and, looking back now – it was obviously because I had no idea about the overall incredible impact that nutrition has on everything. But, everyone has “definition” (the “Jacked” look once you get the body fat % down low enough – even small guys look good when they lean out – and larger muscled guys even more so. In the past 2 years, being that I am 59 years old and getting older LOL – I have, under medical supervision, done TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) at times – but, not in the last 9+ months as I get my bloodwork done regularly and my Testosterone Levels (off of TRT) was over 1,100 – which I attribute to the IF (Intermittent Fasting) and LCHF/ Keto (and now ZC/Carnivore) – which has been shown through multiple studies to increase both Testosterone and Growth Hormone (up to 2,000%) – so, I haven’t felt the need for the extra push int hat dept (although like I said – I am still getting older, and, who knows, I may be needing the TRT again in the future) – I hope that helps answer the question my friend. Best, JT

          1. Thanks JT! Great answer.
            I passed it along to my friend and he found it very interesting. Thanks for the information!
            Personally, I ‘ve been Carnivore for 4 months as of yesterday. I’m loving it for the most part but am still experimenting with the right macro ratios. I have to add a lot of salt and other minerals to my diet or I get some aching. I figure that’s probably making up for the dead water we have nowadays.
            But overall I’m super sharp mentally and I keep getting leaner slowly but surely. I used to hover around 180-185 and now I’m stably at 175 and as of a couple days ago I’m at 172.
            Today I tried eating as much meat and eggs as I could in about half hour the way you do. Let’s see if I can make it 23.5 hours IF’ing before giving in. 🙂

          2. PS: I think the Reply feature here only allows for a certain number of indentations (each reply is another indent) before it stops allowing more. But you can just pick the “parent” reply one up from the one which doesn’t have a Reply link, if that makes sense.

          3. Jeffrey Tiller

            Thank you again Hans – first and foremost – it has nothing to do with “hoping to make it” – being hungry or not hungry, having cravings or no cravings is not a conscious decision and has nothing to do with discipline, willpower or self-control (that is why “Diets” don’t work (NEVER) – it is only about Hormones and Hormone regulation and control – when the Hormones are in correct balance – it is impossible for you to feel hunger or cravings (in the beginning it is a mental game – peoples habits vs actual chemistry) – as for the “Macro Ratios’ – mine are basically in the range of 70-75% Fats, 25-30% Protein, and 0% (insignificant) Carbs (just the Carbs found in eggs)) – to me, what I call (my) “the Program” is dependent upon (3) Key (Critical) Elements that are each effective separately, but, when combined are a powerful “Perfect Storm” – 1. What You Eat (the foods, amounts, and Macros), 2. When You Eat (the Fasting periods), and 3. How Often You Eat (Meal Frequency – plays a huge role in everything – in layman terms “Every time that you eat you generate insulin production – every time you increase insulin you store fat – so, every time you eat, you store fat.” (the more times you eat, the more fat you store)) – I suggest (beginners) do a minimum IF 16/8 and 2-3 meals (No Snacks ever), then move to 18/6 with just 2 meals, and, eventually, if possible, or desired to move to a 23/1 with just one meal (OMAD) – in most cases – people won’t have to choose to increase the IF period nor decrease the meals – it will just happen naturally as the body adapts. As for the “Vitamins & Minerals” issues – I personally do not take (nor believe in taking “Supplements” – I used to be a big proponent of Supplementation (in fact I had a regiment where I was doing 8 Supplements daily in combination with my 6 meals, and heavy workouts) – but have come to look back on all of the Supplements that I bought as a complete waste of money) – and, the Vitamins and Minerals the body needs are almost entirely provided by the Beef and Eggs. I have several diagrams (that I can try to get posted soon) that shows all of the Nutrition Facts of Beef (Steak) and the Vitamins & Minerals in both Beef (Steak) and Eggs. Furthermore, the “Benefits of Beef” are incredible (vs other types of meats – pork, chicken, lamb, fish, etc). and these Benefits can be found at “Beef Central” under the article entitled “11-health-benefits-of-eating-beef.” The other concerns that people have is Vitamin C (which is addressed by many experts in this Carnivore field (Dr. Baker being one of them), and including Dr. Kevin Stock – who has said – (people on a Carb based diet – where their body fuel comes from glucose – need more Vitamin C because the molecules of glucose and Vitamin C are similar and compete with each other for uptake and the glucose is favored and wins out – so more Vitamin C is required – when on a Low Carb diet and using Ketones for fuel – there is a diminished need for Vitamin C – and in studies done (as outlined in the article) – prolonged consumption of meat only diets – NEVER resulted in scurvy). And, the big “Fiber” issue – (For decades, Fiber has been touted as an essential component of a healthy diet. The supposed benefits of a high-fiber diet have been drilled into us through recommendations by our doctors, government, and the food industry alike, yet many of these health claims have not been proven by research. In fact, many studies have demonstrated that excess intake of fiber may actually be harmful, particularly for gut health.). as for my height (6’0″) and weight (210 pounds) – I have maintained a consistent weight (never varying more than 5 pounds (between 205 and 210) for well over a year. FYI: I train in a “Fasted State” – I workout in the mornings after getting up – and my one meal is at 4-5 pm daily. I hope this response and information answers your questions and helps Hans – thank you again my friend. Best, JT

  4. Your article has inspired me. I am 83 years of age. Have high blood pressure and Myestenia which is an auto immune illness. For several years I have tried Keto and carnivore including raw meat ( Vonderplanetz diet). with varying degrees of success. I am now starting the OMAD steak, eggs, butter system. I feel no hunger but sometimes have the urge to eat during the day out of boredom. With your permission I will keep you informed on how I progress over time.
    I had good health until I passed 82 years. Tehn I discovered the above mentioned 2 illnesses.
    My great grandfather was a dairy farmer in Poland before coming to america in his old age to live with his children, my grandfather. . He lived to 104, never ate bread or any plant foods. Lived on Meat, Chicken, Chicken fat, and raw milk.

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Wow Edward – 83 and going strong – I love it – how inspiring !!! Yes, of course my friend – please keep me updated on your progress. and feel free to ask me any questions as I am glad to always share and help. By no means do I pretend to understand the illnesses, nor would I ever venture to give any advice in regards to what is appropriate in regards to such. But, in any case, I truly believe that Nutrition, and proper Nutrition (not the protocols that we were taught, told and believed growing up (i.e. the Standard American Diet and Food Guide Pyramid crap)) is the most important aspect for all health – “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates. Best, JT

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Thank you Bob – depending on the type of measurement – calipers, water volume, DEXA-scan, etc… varies wildly – and I don’t trust many of them – I have seen people who got a DEXA that says they were 6% and they were clearly above 10% and I have seen people who say they got measured and were said to be 15% and they were clearly below 10% – so it is a crap shoot – the guys on stage (Classic Physique) will be at 4-5% for competition and be dry from Water Loading the week prior – but, I would say that on any given day (when the gyms are open LOL) I am probably between 10-12% – but, that is just my guesstimate from knowing myself and others who get tested regularly.

      1. Thanks Jeff! I’d guestimate you at 7%. The reason I ask is your vascularity is amazing even for a cut guy. Do you attribute that to genetics or is there some special super secret, you’d have to kill me if you told me, trick to it?

        1. Jeffrey Tiller

          Thank you Bob – again – guesstimates are just that – guesses – and, I appreciate your “guess” of being at 7% (I wish LOL). as for my “Vascularity” – unfortunately there is no “super secret” to share (if there was, I would) – I just got lucky in this regard I guess – my friend Sam (who is the friend in my original “Story” who got me on this Journey) is a competitor (and has won 18 trophies) – and wants the same “secret” from me as he is jealous LOL – I have not done, and do not do anything “special” for this – it just happened – many people have compared my forearms to Stallone’s (and I do not work out my Forearms except one day a week (2 exercises) on my Bicept day) – I get compliments a lot on my vascularity in my forearms, biceps and calves – and I do nothing extra or special to achieve it. I was getting good striations on my Chest before the Pandemic shutdown – so have smoothed out some from lack of resistance weight training – but, hopefully, that will come back quick enough once I can get back in the gym on my regular schedule. My friends are still trying to get me to push to get into competition level and actually start competing – but, I am not sure (I am not really a stage diva personality LOL) – and, I didn’t do this Journey to impress anyone – I did it for myself and to see what I could personally achieve physically, and, I still continue down this Journey, continually trying to push myself to new levels. and, learning at every step of the way, and, adjusting accordingly. Afterall – “You don’t know what you don’t know, until you do.” (like the awakening I got when I first learned and realized that everything that I was taught, told and believed about Nutrition and Exercise was basically completely wrong.) Sorry that there was no “super special secret” to parlay to you Bob, but hopefully my response and information helps. Best, JT

          1. Thanks JT. I figured it was genetics. My brother was similar but I have deep veins so never show vascularity. Thanks for your response. You are a motivator for me. I’m in stage one — lose 40 lbs of fat via carnivore, I’ll start some moderate lifting during this phase just for form and then hit it heavy in stage 2.
            Thanks again!

  5. Hey Jeff,

    What a great testimonial, incredibly inspiring!

    I’ve also read through the comments and you’ve parted with some great advice.

    I just have a question about your training regime if that’s ok?

    There seems to be lots of evidence that ‘bro splits’ (one body part per day) isn’t the most effective way to build muscle. Can I just ask if you used this way of training ton actually build the muscle you now have or are you using it too maintain the muscle you’ve already built using a different protocol?

    Thanks in advance,


    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Thank you Russ for the nice compliments – I am always humbled in this regards.

      as for my “Training” – like I said in one of my responses previously – I have tried probably every standard routine out there in regards to exercise protocols – BUT, for me, the one that has always worked, and continues to work, is the 1 body part per day (and my body part weekly schedule is as I outlined previously – the breakdown of each body part for each day of the 6 days each week)

      I did this protocol to build my muscle, and continue to use it – because it is what works for me and has given me my best results – I have done this 1-body part per day protocol since about 1997 – the only thing that is different for me now is the low weight, high reps, high intensity (vs the heavier weights that I did many years ago) – I have been on light weight, high reps for the past 3 years since first starting on my current journey

      also, as I have previously stated – the problem with the fitness industry in general is the wide and varying information and beliefs – like I said – ask 10 professional trainers a question and get 10 different answers – for me, my belief, is to do my own research, and my own self-experimentation and see what works best for me to achieve the results that I want – and, that is what I do

      I hope that has answered your inquiry my friend – Thank you again for your nice feedback, always appreciated.

      Best Regards,

      1. Fantastic reply, thanks Jeff, exactly what I thought you’d say!

        In not at your level but I have been low level training for several years and as with yourself, I’ve honed my routine and diet regardless of what the who called gurus spout…mostly so they can sell something!

        I also did OMAD for a year but I have to admit that I find it difficult to fit into my lifestyle. Outside of the current lock down I normally have business lunches on a regular basis. However when I was doing it I felt amazing, just kinda strong and able, it had as many positive psychological as physical effects and it’s certainly something I will return to.

        Thanks again Jeff for bring so open and honest, you’re a breath of fresh air 🙂

  6. Jeffrey Tiller

    Laughing this morning …

    For some reason I was thinking about old beliefs and old routines (stupid “Bro Science”)

    Having to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours to maintain a positive nitrogen balance and remain in an anabolic state

    Including preparing 2 Casein Protein shakes before going to bed and have them sitting on the night table next to the bed – then set my alarm to wake up 2x during the night to drink the shakes (Casein because it was a slow digesting protein to last longer thru the night)

    So that I was in a constantly Fed State 😳🤦‍♂️

    Now I go 23.5 hours every day without any foods of anykind whatsoever !!

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Thank you Traci – 🙂 always appreciate feedback on my efforts. Good luck in your endeavors – I shouldn’t say “luck” as it has nothing to do with that – it is science (physiology and biology) – if you do it right – you have no choice but to get results !!

  7. Awesome achievement Jeff
    At 53 years young this was a great read and motivation for me; I’ve saved it to refer back to at times

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Thank you Baz (great name – only other time I have seen that name is the guy that plays one of Red Reddington’s military attache on Blacklist (ex Navy Seal)) – as for your age – 53 is just a number – especially when it comes to fitness and health – I know people in their 70’s in awesome shape and others in their 20’s in horrible condition – it is the individual person, like yourself, making a decision to educate yourself, and learn more, and then make it an integral part of your life, a sustainable lifestyle – giving you great health, and, equally, a quality of life. 1st step is the desire, 2nd is making a decision, 3rd is taking action. “Make It Happen !!” Best, JT

  8. Hi Jeff, I have been carnivore for 3 1/2 months and have seen a lot of good progress but the one thing I struggle with is not having enough energy. I can feel pretty good and then after a workout etc I can feel wiped out, not sure what I am doing wrong. Could you contact me at kenlor45 at gmail? I could use some expertise. 🙂 Thank you

  9. Dear Jeff,

    I’m very impressed with your results, could you pls anwser a couple of questions?

    Do you use plant based oils to cook your steak and do you use herbs?

    What kind of butter do you eat? Is it a grassfed only kind of butter and is it salted or unsalted?

    Do you only drink water, or also coffee? What about alcohol?

    Looking forward to your reply,

    Best regards,


    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Thank you Bob for your comments – as I say – I am always humbled by others appreciation of me and my efforts – and, it validates my work –

      that being said – now to answer your specific inquiries…

      1. what do I cook with –
      a. I NEVER use plant/seed based Oils – NEVER
      b. When I use any Oil it is always – Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed Olive Oil or Coconut Oil (rarely)
      c. I only use oil (mostly Olive) for cooking my Eggs (just enough to grease the pan for no sticking – less than 1 tbsp)
      d. I always use Butter for my steaks – both for cooking and then just to add more on top once it is on my plate (as you can see in the Meal Pic above)

      2. as for what type of Butter do I use – just standard, store bought, salted Butter

      For me – I stick to basics and don’t over-think or over-complicate things when it comes to “organic, grass fed, free range, etc…” – I just buy what is available – the best things at economical prices (I used to be an owner of a 200 acre Organic Farm producing vegetables, Mediterranean herbs, and other such things for distribution to supermarkets – and, my experience (and knowledge) is that it is a waste of spending extra money on such things for nothing (only my opinion, and my practice – everyone has their own thoughts, beliefs and practices and they can do whatever they want – I just do what I do for me, and not anyone else)

      3. as for Herbs, or Sauces or Condiments – the ONLY things that I use are – Salt (normal, standard table salt – again, I don’t get into all the hype, etc with various salts like Pink Himalayan, or others), Black Pepper, and Garlic Powder (to taste) – and nothing else – I love Salt and Pepper on my Steak and Eggs !! I NEVER use sauces or other condiments. I love the great, natural tastes of my foods, so sauces and condiments aren’t necessary or anything I think about or desire.

      4. as for my Drinks – I have not drank any alcohol, of any kind, since I was 19 years old (I am now 59) – I just never liked it, and never got into it – I love the smell of coffee brewing, but can’t drink it without lots of Heavy Whipping Cream, and lots of Stevia (Erythritol filler) which I used to do during my feeding period on Keto/LCHF, (and, I hate the taste of Teas) – but, completely stopped coffee, and all dairy (except Butter) when I went full Carnivore/ZC – my only vice (yes, a bad one I know, but…) is I drink Coke Zero (or other diet sodas like Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Mtn Dew), and, Water.

      Bob – I hope this answers your questions satisfactorily – if not, please let me know and I can answer more…

      Best Regards,

      1. Jeffrey Tiller


        just to clarify – I separate out oils such as Olive, Coconut, Avocado – from other “Plant/ Seed” based oils, which are the ones that I was saying that i NEVER use

        and, during my Keto/LCHF protocols – I cooked with both Olive and Coconut oils regularly for my OMAD daily meal – as a source of Fats for my macro protocols at the time

        but, since revising my protocols, and shifting toward my current Carnivore/ZC protocol – I stopped using those (except for the small amount of olive oil that i use for my eggs pan to keep from sticking) – otherwise, i only use butter now. (and, i would probably use beef tallow if it was more readily available to me, but it isn’t, so i use the butter)

        i hope that better clarifies the Plant/Seed based oils question


        1. Hey Jeff,

          Thanks for getting back to me so soon and answering my questions.

          I looked at your pictures and saw the bottles of oils, so i was curious.

          I used to make my own beeftallow by asking my butcher for the excess fat they cut away around the kidneys and then just render it myself.
          It just makes a mess of my kitchen with all the splattering going on whenever i cook a steak with it. Now i use a airfryer to cook my steaks, so no oils needed anymore.

          I do use some tallow in my coffee with cream sometimes. Does this interrupt the fasting time you think?

          I’ve tried the fasting thing ( 20/4 ), I ate 1 pound of steak and some boiled eggs, just the white, I don’t like the taste of the yolk when it’s boiled. I experienced no hunger and asked some zero-carbers if this was normal. They told me too eat more and to eat whenever i was hungry. Figuring they where more experienced then me, i listened to them with hardly any results. My weight stayed the same.

          Seeing how ripped you are, i’m thinking i was on the right path all along and I will discipline myself back to fasting.

          Concerning the alcohol, I already knew the answer and i was kinda hoping for a free pass once in a while, haha 🙂 At least you drink some cola zero etc, probably at rare moments, but it’s good to know, i can let “loose” from time to time.

          Ok then, back to the drawing board i guess,



          1. Jeffrey Tiller

            Hey Bob

            just a couple of quick comments my friend…

            when you do everything correctly and you get your hormones regulated correctly (to me those would be – Insulin, Grhelin, Leptin and Glucagon (to activate HSL) (of course there are many other hormones and factors that go into the whole system/process, but those are the main 4 for hunger, satiety and weight/fat loss)) – then there is no discipline, willpower or self-control required – I do not put any thought of effort into trying to “fast” as I am never hungry and never have cravings – when i eat my one-meal every day – at no point is it out of the feeling of need or hunger – i only eat to make sure i get the nutrients needed – with never any sense of being hungry at any point during the day

            as for the HF-Coffee (with cream, tallow, etc…) – do this during your feeding period, with meals – not during your fasting period and not between meals (if you are doing multiple meals) –

            there are 3 key elements (in my opinion) to a successful nutrition protocol…

            1. Intermittent Fasting (probably the most important in my opinion) – “When You Eat”

            2. Macros Formulation (High Fat, Moderate Protein, Low/No Carbs – “What You Eat”

            3. Meal Frequency (how often any foods are consumed (including fat-coffee) meals, and snacks) – “How Often You Eat”

            these 3 elements when done correctly, and combined create the “Perfect Storm” for nutrition and fat loss

            and, in my opinion, from my (limited) knowledge, and personal experience – never eat anything (nothing of any kind whatsoever) during the fasting period, and never any snacks (or any foods, or items that will trigger any metabolic effect) between meals (if you eat more than 1x/day)

            in basic, simple terms (realizing this actually has a lot of moving parts) – I always say…

            every time you eat = you produce insulin / every time you produce insulin = you store fat / so the more times you eat (anything) = you store more fat

            and, when Insulin is present it is impossible to have Glucagon, and, without Glucagon there is no fat burning

            unfortunately in today’s society with the standard American/ Western diet – an average person is eating 6-7x’s per day – 3 standard meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner, and snacks in between and before bed) – and each time there is insulin production and fat storage – everyone is in a Fed State 24/7 because they never allow enough fasting time to rid the body of glucose/ glycogen stores in order to allow the fat as energy process to be initiated – thus the horrible global “Pandemic” of metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia, pre-diabetes, diabetes, obesity and chronic diseases – and it just keeps getting worse

            because everything that we were taught, told and believed about nutrition was wrong –

            and, it is hard to change people’s belief systems

            Max Planck says it best – “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.” – so hopefully there is a shift in the future to stem the tide…

            so much for a “quick response” – found myself just rambling on – sorry for the lengthy reply to your simple points…

            I guess I never learned the ‘Be Bright, Be Brief, Be Gone” mantra as well as I should have…


  10. Jeff,

    Amazing transformation – your vascularity is very impressive; 59 be damned – it’s impressive for any age.

    Quick question – Do you train fasted? What time do you train, and what time do you eat?



    1. Thank you Matt – very much appreciated
      Yes, I always train in a Fasted State, and always feel great doing so – never any issues
      I train 6 days a week in the morning from 7:00 am to 8:15 am
      and, I eat my meal at 4:30 pm (my Feeding Period is never more than 30 minutes) and I Fast 23.5 hours every day – with no foods of any kind whatsoever during those 23.5 hours –
      Hope that answers your questions sufficiently
      Best Regards, JT

  11. Jeff,
    Found this to be very inspirational for me. I went on Carnivore diet off and on over the last few months and dropped 20 lbs in the course of 3-4 months.

    I’ve still got at least another 40 or 50 to go, and have been stalling. I think it’s time I try OMAD with Carnivore, and kick my “arnold Palmer (Half Ice tea, Half Lemonaid)” cravings to the curb.

    Your workout seems so intense, especially the Daily – 1 body Part routine. I’d like to try this, however I fear I may not have that kind of time to dedicate to it each day. How long is each workout generally for you?

    Also – You look like a fellow Gold’s Gym Member. I go to the Sacramento Golds gym. How are you handling your workouts during the COVID-19 Pandemic? is your Gym re-opened?

    Thanks again for the inspiration

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Good morning John – just saw your comment – thank you for the kind words – as I always say – I am humbled by peoples comments and reactions to me – it really does validate the time, energy and effort that I have invested in myself

      first – I see you saying the same thing that I see and hear other (most) people say – they are trying to “lose weight” (as they always are concerned about how much they weigh, and how many pounds they want to lose, etc…) – which is absolutely the wrong mindset (old school, bro-science, gym rat mentality / and, something that we all were told, taught and grew up believing – just like all of the other bad/ misinformation we were raised on in regards to nutrition and exercise) – weight loss to me is in the same category as Calories (actually almost meaningless or insignificant when it come to optimal health) – weight as in pounds means nothing – what has significance and needs to be addressed is “Fat Loss” – so instead of a weight scale – get your Body Fat % checked and then use that as a guide and for your goals – if you can get down to below 10% BF – it doesn’t matter what your weight is in pounds – for example – I have 2 friends – both are 5’9″ tall – one is 185 pounds and overweight/ obese (28-32% BF), and, the other is 285 pounds (100 pounds more at the same height) and he is at 5% BF on stage at that weight – so, stop focusing on weight and calories (insignificant if your nutritional protocols are correct and setup to balance, control and regulate your hormones)

      my gym has been closed since March 18 – it opened for only 2 weeks from July 1 to July 16 and then closed again (just enough time for me to almost work through the daily soreness and tightness of the first couple of weeks – so, yes, I have that to look forward to again 🙁 ) – so I haven’t been able to do anything – and, unfortunately, I do not have the great home setup like Dr Shawn has at his place – I am jealous every day when I see him upload his new daily exercise videos – he is doing so awesome (talk about a real “Beast”) !! people like that are who inspire me – people who have a belief and commitment, who live by their words, and do what they say – he is the poster boy for his program – as he should be (most YouTube/ Social Media talking-heads aren’t)

      as for my workouts – they are usually 50-60 minutes in length and at most 75 minutes (never longer) – I get to the gym at 7am (Fasted since 4:30 pm the day before) and I am usually gone by 8am, but, never later than 8:15 am, as I have to get ready and be working by 9am – so, although intense, my workouts do not consume too much time overall in the big scheme of things.

      just remember – even though others may be your ‘inspiration” – it is actually you there doing the work and what it takes every day – so, do not forget to give kudos to yourself – you deserve it !!!

      Best Regards, JT

      1. Thanks Jeffrey.

        My whole family is going carnivore to test out if it resolves health issues (like eczema for the kids).

        If you are on any Social media, I’d love to follow your progress on this.

        Thanks – John.

        1. Thanks John –

          and, seriously, best of luck with the family carnivore commitment – you should see great results for all involved

          as for social media – no, I am not – I have people hounding me to do YouTube channel, Instagram, etc… with the idea to do something similar to what Thomas DeLauer, and Dr Eric Berg do – but, I just haven’t had the extra time, to focus on anything like that

          and, MeatRx and several other platforms keep asking me to be a “Coach” for them and their clients, but, I am not beholding to any specific guidelines – I do what I do because it works for me – based on my immense hours of ongoing research, and self-experimentation and adaptation on my own journey –

          if I had the platform and ability to do my own coaching, and my own educational channel – I probably would –

          my issue with many of those that do it now is that they end up wanting and trying to please everyone all the time and they have to constantly create and distribute content – even if that content gets further and further from their basic mission – so, almost 100% of all of the people that I follow (and, I follow a lot of them) – I am now to the point of almost cancelling my subscription to their channels because they all just do content for the purpose of doing content and fill space vs actually doing good, quality content

          instead of 7+ videos a week – creating 1-2 videos per day – if they would stop, focus and just do one quality video per week, and have it based on their actual mission – it would be so much more beneficial to everyone – and, not make them seem like sell-outs

          I especially stop following people once they start promoting products – theirs or 3rd parties – it then becomes basically an advertisement – and, to me, this is an obstacle to the message and tarnishes the respectability of the person and their original mission

          anyway – sorry for my rant – just felt I had to say something on this……….

        2. John

          the following is from some material put out by Paul Saladino about kids on Carnivore – you might find it interesting my friend…

          One of the most common questions I get about animal-based diets is whether kids can eat in this way. I think that humans of all ages have been eating primarily animal-based diets for millions of years, and I definitely think that kids can eat in this way today. If you’ve ever seen the way babies or toddlers tear into meat you’ll know that these foods are clearly programmed into our “book of life” as highly desirable and nutritious. Incorporating organs into diets for babies and toddlers is also great, and in my view totally evolutionarily consistent, though for many it’s culturally unusual. Within many currently living indigenous groups,liver, heart, kidney, bone marrow, and many other organs are commonly given to children as part of a nutrient-rich diet. In his writings about Inuit, Vilhjalmur Stefansson noted that kidney was given to children as if it were “candy.” Can you imagine a world in which our children received organs as snacks or treats? We would see some incredibly healthy kids, most dentists would be out of business, and childhood diabetes would vanish almost overnight.

          hope that helps with you and your family


  12. Jeff, you have inspired me. I’m 73 and have been on TRT for about 5 years. I can’t wait to get back in the gym next week, I’m in Florida so our gyms are open. I’ve been about 80-90% carnivore for about 3 months and feel great but I really would like to get my weight down so the routine you described sounds like a good start. I wish you well and thanks for your detailed responses.

    1. Thank you John – as ever – kind words are appreciated and I am always humbled. At 73 and still going strong and pushing it – you are the true inspiration my friend. Get back in the gym – adjust your Nutritional Protocols as necessary to work best for you, your life, your goals and your needs – and keep making strides !! Stay in touch and let us all know how you are doing. Best, JT

  13. I’ve been carnivore since June 2020 after being fairly strict Paleo since 2012. I’ve been chasing improvements of some autoimmune issues. Paleo got me off pain meds, but I still have pains. Going carnivore helped ease the pain a little more. I have taken pain meds 4 times since 2012. I know which foods affect me and I avoid them.

    So, I went meat and salt only June 2020. I didn’t give up my coffee, but switched to whipping cream instead of half and half. I’ve added Kinder’s salt, pepper, and garlic blend just last month so I could stand to be around other garlic eaters (my partner, especially).

    I’m mentally comfortable here, but I think or overthink not giving up the coffee with whipping cream. Should I just cut myself some slack on that? I don’t want to give it up. My extenuating circumstances: low blood pressure (42/22) and low resting pulse (30 bpm during the day, 5 bpm during sleep). I’m not asking for medical advice, just opinions on the use of whipping cream. I occasionally fast in excess of 60 hours, but I still have my coffee with creamer in the morning and still consider myself “fasting”. I’d go to black coffee, but I really just love it how I love it.

    My other eating habits: coffee with creamer in the morning, one meal every evening between 5 and 6 pm.

    1. Ellen
      It sounds like you have done great and you are well informed, plus you have your own experiences which are the best indicators.
      Enjoy your Heavy Whipping Cream – combined with your other routines noted – the HWC will not have any significant affects. Enjoy your vice 🙂
      Best Regards

  14. FYI – a status update that I sent to someone over this past weekend
    just an update/ insight into my current nutritional protocols

    oh, and, I turned 60 today 11-29

    by the way
    i cut out butter completely
    and only eat beef meat, no other types like pork or chicken or fish
    since a cow is a rudiment and the meat is more nutritious
    and I added beef liver as a daily staple
    between Eggs and Liver – covers all vitamins and minerals
    Liver is the super foods of super foods, and I definitely feel it

    still kept fat macros high but increased protein

    my main, standard daily meal is now…

    6-8 whole eggs
    24-26 oz beef
    about 14-16 oz liver and the rest about 8-10 oz of…
    either ground beef (70/30) or tri tip or a combo of both

    so full time Carnivore/ OMAD

    Best Regards,

  15. Very inspiring Jeff. I’m 48 and I’ve been doing IF (basically OMAD) for approximately 8 years and have been amazed how easy it has been to maintain my weight. Once I was out of high school my weight constantly yoyo’d with 80 pound fluctuations at times. About 4 years into OMAD I started to lift weights and have seen some decent results. I am curious about trying your workout routine. Could you possibly list some of the exercises you do per body part?


    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      you can contact me – iquana joe 99 at gmail / write to me and I can converse more / i rarely check for new comments here / today i saw your message from march 31

  16. Jeffrey Tiller

    April 7, 2021 update FYI
    back to using butter again for cooking my eggs
    since Ribeyes are so damn expensive – been eating Chuck Eye Steak, and Flat Iron Steak
    both cuts are good fat-to-protein ratios
    still doing beef liver as well
    not measuring anything – not calories, nor macros
    but, i am probably at 70% fat, and 30% protein
    still OMAD – and IF 23.5 hours daily
    the best results that i have had is definitely when i do steak and eggs with butter
    not only best results, but, also easiest – for shopping, preparing, cooking and clean-up

  17. this is my current Nutritional Protocol as of 4-14-2021
    IF 23.5 / 0.5 (eat everything within a 30 minute period daily)

    Chuck Eye Steak (16 oz)
    Bacon (4 oz)
    Eggs (4 large)
    Butter (1 tbs)

    Calories – 2,174
    Fat – 159 g / 1,434 Cal / 66%
    Protein – 177 g / 708 Cal / 33%
    Carbs – 3.4 g / 13.6 Cal / <1%

  18. Jeffrey Tiller

    New Post – Today (May 4, 2021)
    will be 1-year “Carnivore” on May 19, 2021
    will be 4-years since I began this journey on June 26, 2017

    (Now only eat – Beef, Bacon, Eggs, Butter)
    (Ribeye, Chuck Eye Steak, Flat Iron Steak, Tri Tip Steak)
    (Ground Beef – 70/30 or 80/20 (nothing Leaner))
    (Beef cooked in Bacon Grease/ Eggs cooked in Butter)

    OMAD (One Meal A Day)
    (4:30 – 5:00 pm daily, 7 days/wk)

    IF (Intermittent Fasting) 23.5/ 0.5
    (I eat everything in a 30 min feeding period)
    (and, No Foods of any kind for 23.5 hrs/day)

  19. Jeffrey Tiller

    New Post – Today June 9, 2021

    after further research, and experiences
    I have decided that I am going to do a 30-day self-experimentation
    as outlined in detail as follows…

    right now, my current protocol is
    IF (23./0.5) – OMAD (4:30 pm daily) – CV
    (CV (Beef, Bacon, Eggs, Butter))

    Calories – 1,979/ day
    Macros – approx 130 g Fat (60%) and approx 185 g Protein (40%)
    Foods –
    Tri Tip (10 oz)
    Ground Beef 80/20 (6 oz)
    Bacon (4 oz)
    Eggs (4 lg whole)
    Butter (1 tbsp)

    *Note – Beef is cooked in Bacon grease, and Eggs are cooked in Butter
    (my current seasonings are only Salt & Pepper)

    I am going to experiment with a “Beef-only Protocol”
    my plan would be as follows…

    Calories – 2,026/ day
    Macros – approx 135 g Fat (60%) and approx 190 g Protein (40%)
    Foods –
    Chuck Eye Steak (16 oz)
    Ground Beef 80/20 (10 oz)

    *Note – Beef will be seared in skillet with no fats/ oils added,
    (and, only Salt as seasoning)

    as soon as I get through my current inventory of foods for my current, existing protocol (which will be in approx 2 weeks), then, I will buy the inventory for the new protocol outlined, and, start the self-experimentation for 30 days

    based on my research to date in this area – I am expecting to have some great results, over and above the good results that I have already experienced in my 4-year journey (as of June 26, 2021) outlined in “My Story” above – including IF, LCHF/ Keto, CV

    I will post updates in this Comment section during the 30 day period
    and, if all goes as expected, then, this will probably be my longer term protocol

  20. Jeffrey Tiller

    Saturday, June 12th Update

    still researching, and debating with myself as to adjustments in protocol – i am doing good with what i am doing – feeling and seeing results in past 10+ days – and, outlined and considering the 30-days Beef Only path – and eliminating the Bacon, Eggs and Butter – but, not sure that will do anything drastic over what my current protocol achieves / also, as discussed, i had eggs in the protocol for a reason, more than because i like eggs, but, because they have vitamins and minerals that the beef didn’t have / also, as long as bacon isn’t having negative effects on my results, and, the fact that everyone loves bacon, not sure if there is sufficient reason to remove bacon from my protocol or not (by doing so, i would also lose the bacon grease that i like to cook my beef in), and, as for butter, it is only 1 tbsp per day, nothing significant, and, it is a great way to cook my eggs the way i like them…. so, all of that being said, and under consideration – i still have about 2 weeks worth of current protocol foods in my freezer (tri tip, ground beef, eggs and butter), so, i have time to continue to research and think it through before making a final decision….

  21. Jeffrey Tiller

    *4th Year Anniversary* ‼️

    Today – June 26, 2021

    4 years to the day since I started my current “Journey”.

    I started with just Intermittent Fasting (IF 16/8) because of my friend Sam. Who I owe this all to, thank you Sam, Thank You ! 🙏

    I didn’t know anything at the time about – Meal Frequency, OMAD LCHF/ Keto, Zero Carb, or Carnivore – those all came to me at different points in the “Journey” after much in-depth research and educating myself, and ongoing self-experimentation to see what worked, what didn’t, and why. All of which have been important and have made a difference.

    I went from – only IF
    To – IF-OMAD-ZC-CV
    What I refer to as “The Perfect Storm”

    This “Journey” has not only changed my Health and Physicality, but also my Life, in so many ways.

  22. Travis Tussing

    This is so awesome to see! I had fallen into the same classic bodybuilding diet 300g protein 215g carb and super low fat eating 6-7 times a day. Now I eat 200g protein 240g fat and practically zero carb. More energy, more strength, more gains, and I stay SHREDDED year round. So cool to see other people experience the same!

    1. Jeffrey Tiller

      Thank you Travis. For me, even more so than my own personal Results, is to be able to have a positive effect on other people who are seeking to better their lives, and health, through nutrition and fitness. I am humbled when I am able to do so. Thank you again. Best, JT

  23. Jeffrey Tiller

    FYI – just posting a Summary of my “Exercise Protocol” for anyone interested.

    My “Exercise Protocol”
    (Resistance Weight Training)

    Light Weights
    Proper Form/ Pay Attention to Details
    High Reps, High Volume
    High Intensity
    (points of contraction Concentric & Eccentric)
    Extended “TUT” (Time Under Tension)
    (Slow, Focused, Controlled Movements)
    (Moving the Weights, Not Throwing Them)
    (don’t use Momentum, use your Muscle)
    (lift/lower w/control thru full range of motion)
    Mind-Muscle Connection
    (put your Mind into your workout)
    (focus on the Muscle being worked)
    Always “MMF” each Set (see below)
    Rest Between Sets

    1 Muscle Group 1 day/wk (see below)
    (then a full week of Recovery for that Muscle)
    6-8 Exercises per Muscle
    3 Sets per Exercise
    High Reps
    1st Set of each Exercise
    (50-80+ Reps)
    Then 2nd Set
    (25-40+ Reps)
    Then 3rd Set
    (20-30+ Reps)

    MMF (Momentary Muscle Failure)
    As soon as I reach the last planned Rep
    I always push to do 5 more Reps
    Sometimes I get 5 more
    Sometimes 2-3 more
    And, Sometimes only 1 more Rep
    But I push for as many more Reps as possible

    “Exercise Schedule” (6 days/week)
    (Time in Gym approx 1 to 1.25 hours)
    Monday – Back/ Abs
    Tuesday – Triceps
    Wednesday – Chest
    Thursday – Biceps/ Forearms
    Friday – Shoulers/ Traps
    Saturday – Legs/ Calves
    Sunday – Off

  24. Jeffrey Tiller

    “The old-school belief that you can’t gain size from light loads has effectively been debunked.”

    According to Brad Schoenfeld, a PhD holder and expert in all things muscle building and fat loss, who has spent considerable time researching hypertrophy.

    “Research now provides compelling support for the conclusion that similar hypertrophy can be achieved across a wide spectrum of loading zones provided that sets are taken close to the point of failure.”

    That last point is the important one, training to failure. This is a technique often employed by bodybuilders and weightlifters alike and refers to the point at which you can’t complete another rep of a lift without good form. The idea being that you have stressed your muscles to their absolute breaking point, which, following the repairing process the body undergoes following any form of muscular training, should result in a greater increase in strength and size.

    “Hypertrophy can be attained across a wide spectrum of ranges – as high as 30+-RM per set. Provided that the volume load is equated, there does not seem to be much different in whole muscle hypertrophy between loading zones.”

  25. Jeffrey Tiller

    New findings: Lifting relatively light weights (about 50% of your one-rep max) for about 20–25 reps is just as efficient at building both strength and muscle size as lifting heavier weights (up to 90% of one-rep max) for eight to 12 reps, according to the study, the latest in a series done at McMaster University in Ontario.

    “Fatigue is the great equalizer here,” Stuart Phillips, Ph.D., a kinesiology professor at McMaster and the senior author of the study, wrote about the research. “Lift to the point of exhaustion and it doesn’t matter whether the weights are heavy or light.”

    Lighter weights just as effective as heavier weights to gain muscle, build strength.

  26. Jeffrey Tiller

    Saturday July 17, 2021

    I am trying the following Protocol for 3-4 weeks (maybe longer if successful and feeling good)
    To see if I can reduce sufficient fat, and maintain lean mass

    Tri Tip (8 oz)
    Ground Beef 80/20 (4 oz)
    Bacon (4 oz)
    Eggs (4 lg)
    Butter (1 tbs)
    Pork Rinds (60 g)

    Calories approx 2,050
    Approx Macros
    135g F / 190g P
    60% F / 40% P

    Been doing this for the past 2 days and feeling good so far
    Down from the approx 2,700 to 2,900 calories I was doing, and adjusted from the 65% F / 35% P macros
    I think this new protocol should work nicely for leaning out, and still significant protein to maintain muscle in the process

  27. Jeffrey Tiller

    July 22, 2021 Update

    This is the first time since my initial results from starting IF in June 4 years ago, that I feel something incredible going on. Back then, within 2 weeks after I started just IF I said that the results I was getting was different and better than any diet I had ever done before, it was that amazing of a feeling. And, now, I have a similar feeling with the results I am starting to see and feel with my OMAD CV current Nutritional Protocol. I sense something different happening this time.

    I am seeing different results this time…
    Size like I had 2 years ago
    and, Starting to get definition and vascularity again

    But, this time, leaning out different in upper and lower abs, and obliques… better than before….

    If I keep on this path, I think that in approx 60 days that I will see some great results not experienced previously

    Completely accredit it to OMAD CV

    Different feeling, Different results than LCHF

    Thinking elimination of Dairy (except Butter), All Vegetables, All Fruits, All Nuts/Nut Butters, and All Sauces, Oils, etc… is having positive effects overall

    it is like a Perfect Storm coming together right now.

  28. Status Update
    August 2, 2021

    Still going strong and feeling great with OMAD (now over 2.5 years). and, of course, Carnivore since May 19, 2020. and CV is absolutely the best protocol bare none.

    I eat everything within an approx 30 minute “Feeding Period” (scheduled at 4:30 pm everyday, 7 days/week).
    And, the other 23.5 hours per day I do not consume any foods, of any kind whatsoever (“Fasting Period”).

    My current “IF OMAD CV ZC” Protocol. Beef, Bacon, Eggs, Butter & Pork Rinds. Only Salt for Seasoning. Cook Beef in Bacon Grease, and cook Eggs in Butter.
    (Breakdown – Tri-Tip (227g / 8 oz), Ground Beef 80/20 (113.5g / 4 oz), Bacon (113.5g / 4 oz), Eggs (4 lg whole), Butter (1 tbs), Pork Rinds (60g / 2.1 oz)).
    Calories (2,000 to 2,100), Macros (60% Fat, 40% Protein).

    My Weight as of yesterday (8-1-2021) was 191 pounds (my height is 6’0″). Although I do not consider weight important (as it is about Body Composition (Body Fat % and Lean Muscle Mass)), I use weight as a reference tool only to check changes and results, (and to adjust my protocols for self-experimentation research), just like I do a Mirror (which, to me is the best form of seeing, and measuring Results !!!).

  29. Update
    Sunday August 8. 2021

    Getting the feeling now that I am at a point that I am not chasing fat loss, or muscle growth.

    Feeling very comfortable that I can easily control my body composition now. A completely natural feeling and not consciously thinking about it anymore.

    Both my Nutritional Protocol and Exercise Protocol are now routine and habit where they are done, and maintained without real thought or effort. It just happens and the benefits persist.

    Haven’t had any hunger, nor craving feelings for over 2 months now, completely subsided (so have control of hormone regulation).

    Visibly noticeable that I have been losing adipose fat, and maintaining my muscle mass during this time.

    Leaning out and looking and feeling better than in the past.

    There aren’t any foods I miss or think about, or want to taste based on any past reminiscence of enjoyment.

    As I completely enjoy my foods now, (delicious, and looked forward to daily) and no feelings of anything being absent.

  30. Status Update
    Tuesday, August 10, 2021

    So, quick update status – I have been deliberating for the past 3-4 weeks about how best to get to the “Best Shape of My Life” by my 61st birthday on November 29, 2021.

    My Nutritional Protocol is now on point, and I am feeling and seeing the results already (I was at 190 today). My goal is to be below 8% by my birthday, and, hopefully I can get down to 6% by then. Trainers at the gym all said that I am looking like I am in the 10-12% range right now (for me, I am not sure where I am at with BF%, I just know that I am not where I want to be, but, I feel that I am on track and in process of getting there).

    My Exercise Protocol is also on point. But, I want to push past my limitations, and get to the “Next Level” of physicality.

    So, I have been considering, and, today started discussing, hiring a Personal Trainer (probably Otto from my gym) to work with me for the final 3 months (September, October, and November up until my birthday). To be there to focus his efforts on helping me, and pushing me, to achieve my goal. To be there to watch my form, and correct movements, and to be there to motivate me to push past my normal barriers thru increased intensity.

    If I decide to do this, he will meet with me several times in advance to discuss my Exercise Protocols, so that we are on the same page, and that the time he works with me can be productive. (I never workout with anyone, which is how I like it, but, having a non-workout trainer help me is a different thing, and, something that I think wll be beneficial at this stage).

    I have also been considering doing Competitions next year (in the Men’s Masters Classic Physique (60+ Group)). And, if I decide to do it, then, I will need to learn how to Pose correctly (which is a science and art unto itself), and, to do that, I have been talking to a 7x Masters Champion (40+ Group) from here (Milo), who has agreed to work with me. Which, if I decide to pursue this, then, I will plan to do so with him after my birthday.

    I am still not sure if I want to get on stage and compete. But, I do know that I want to get to the point where I am Stage Ready, ad could go up on stage and compete if I wanted to. As this would be my own personal achievement, which is why I am doing this. To show myself what is possible, and how far I can get with my physicality. Always pushing and striving to get to another level. And, to show everyone that get is no barrier.

  31. My total time invested in Foods

    Shopping, Prepping, Cooking, Eating, Cleaning

    Comes out to less than 1-hour a day with everything combined

    And never any wasted/ thrown out Foods

    And, the Foods that I buy are more economical than how almost everyone else eats

  32. Summary of Weight since beginning of April 2021

    April 5 weighed 231
    This was day I got back on The Program (70% Fat, 30% Protein)

    Following a period of approx 6-7 mos of sporadic binging from Aug 2020 thru Mar 2021 (mental and emotional binging causing self-sabotage)

    By April 26 weighed 218

    Between end of April and mid June
    Changed protocol –
    Lowered Fat to 65%
    Increased Protein to 35%

    By June 23 weighed 203

    July 5 changed Protocol
    Lowered Fat to 60%
    Raised Protein to 40%
    Lowered Calories from approx 2,800 down to approx 2,100

    By July 6 weighed 199

    By July 19 weighed 194

    By August 12 weighed 189

    Today, August 21 weighed 187

    Not trying to get to any specific weight amount, just use it as a gauge, along with the mirror, for achieving my Body Fat % goals

    Working on achieving my goal to be at 8% BF (preferably down to 6% BF) by my 61st birthday on November 29, 2021

  33. Beginning next Wednesday, September 1, I will have exactly 90 days to my 61st birthday on November 29. So that gives me those 90 days to stay on course with my current protocols, both nutrition and exercise, in order to achieve the state of being in the best shape of my life at 61 years of age. As I have outlined before, my goal is to get down to at least 8% Body Fat (and, hopefully down to 6% Body Fat) by that date. This will be a big achievement for me, and a major milestone in my progress. As my overall goal is to be the paragon of what is possible for anyone, of any age. To be the “poster boy” for my Program, to show what is possible by example. To Walk-the-Talk !!

  34. FYI – I have a lot of improvements to make (in everything in life, not just physicality). But, for my physicality specifically, each day I’m working to bring up my weak points, assess my physique, breakdown my nutrition and training, self-experiment, and take more steps forward. I just want you to know that I appreciate all of my friends and followers support !!!


    Not a Post that I like to do, but, I need, and want to hold myself accountable.

    So that, as much as I share the positive aspects of my Nutritional Protocols and Physical Conditioning, I feel it is important to also share problems and issues that arise.

    I do not know what caused me to take a hard left turn and go completely off track with the following outlined Binge.

    I assume that my ongoing life stresses, and frustrations affect my mental and emotional states, combined with my increased drive and determination to reach my goal of being in the best shape of my life by my 61st birthday at the end of November, and, somehow feeling unworthy of achieving this goal.

    It definitely is a classic case of self-sabotage.

    As many of you know, last week I was re-evaluating my current Nutritional Protocol that I had established back at the beginning of June approx. 3.5 months ago.

    I was re-evaluating because for the week prior to the Binge commencing (Friday, Sept. 17) I had a hard time finishing my daily meal – I was over-full, and feeling bloated, and several days I couldn’t finish my foods (the same foods, the same quantities as I had easily consumed since beginning the current Protocol in June).

    So, as I was re-evaluating, and deciding what to adjust (eliminate Pork Rinds, eliminate Ground Beef, increase Tri-Tip, add Eggs, go from OMAD (23.5/0.5) to 2MAD (22/2), etc…).

    Last Thursday night, Sept 16. I couldn’t complete my normal OMAD meal at 4:30 pm, and, ended up putting leftover Tri-Tip in the refrigerator for the next day.

    Then, at 10pm that night, I was Hungry, which I never feel. So, I ended up eating 2 bags of Pork Rinds (60g ea), 1 x 8 oz bar of Cream Cheese, and a can of Salsa.

    I felt bloated and lethargic. I haven’t had dairy (except for Butter), nor vegetables (salsa), nor extra foods during my Fasting Period for a very, very long time. And, I immediately felt the effects. I had trouble sleeping thru the night.

    I got up Friday morning as usual, and prepared my OMAD meal in advance as usual (measuring the Tri-Tip, Ground Beef, Bacon, and preparing the Eggs, Butter and Pork Rinds – the exact same quantities as I have done since beginning this current Protocol back in June).

    Then, it just happened. At 1:00 pm on Friday, Sept. 17, I went to the supermarket and went on a crazy Binge buying spree. Ice Creams, Peanut M&M’s, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Chocolate Almond Bars, Cacao Bars, Pork Ribs, BBQ Sauce, Strawberries. (as denoted in one of the photos attached).

    And, then, I was in full BINGE mode – insatiable, uncontrollable – the Binge lasted from basically Friday, Sept 17 at approx. 1pm thru to Sunday, Sept 19 at approx 5pm (2.5 days).

    I found myself to be tired, lethargic, in a comatose state with a horrendous headache and neck ache. Night sweats and bad dreams. I couldn’t focus and was completely unproductive. I had no motivation – in fact, I couldn’t get up on Saturday morning and never got to the gym, which I never miss.

    The Binging continued thru Saturday – ordered XXL Pizza, and Burger King Combos, and, then, at 8am Sunday morning, I was at the door of the supermarket waiting for them to open, and went on another Binge food buying spree (Frosted Flakes, Milk, Cookies, Ice Cream, Peanut M&M’s, Chocolate Syrup, Caramel Syrup, Pork Chops).

    And, with the newly added foods, the Binge continued thru the day on Sunday, Sept 19.

    The various photos attached depict some of the non-stop Binging foods I consumed during that 2.5 day period.

    Last night, at 5pm, I forced myself to Stop, and, I called on several friends to come by and take the remaining Binge foods that I still had here – so I didn’t have to throw the food away, but, also, so it was no longer sitting here in the house and available to me.

    An interesting observance – the Binge foods I chose are foods that I used to enjoy, and even crave – but, none of this food actually tasted good to me – yet, that didn’t stop my incessant need to consume them. I just continued to eat, and eat, and eat more, almost non-stop.

    The headache, neck ache, lethargic and comatose state continued thru last night. But, by the time I went to bed, things had passed enough that I was able to get a decent nights sleep last night, and, wake up somewhat refreshed this morning (Monday), feeling better. And, I forced myself to get to the gym and successfully got thru my workout. So, I only missed 1 day of exercise (as I only workout Mon thru Sat, and Sun is always my day off).

    An interesting occurrence – my weight on Thursday, Sept 16 at 1:00 pm was 185 pounds (which is the weight I have had and maintained consistently for 6+ weeks). On Sunday, Sept 19 at 3:00 pm was 208.6 – an approx 24 pound weight increase in 3 days.

    This morning, Monday, Sept 20 at 7:00 am my weight was 201.2 pounds, down 8 pounds since the afternoon before.

    I am curious to what causes this phenomena – increased Insulin spikes due to the reintroduction of Carbohydrates which results in additional Fat storage ?, Dormant Fat cells that are reactivated due to the flood of Carbohydrates consumed in a short period of time ?, Water Weight retention from the Carbohydrates (Carbohydrates, also cause the body to store extra water. When we eat carbs, the energy that we do not use right away is stored as glycogen molecules. Each gram (g) of glycogen comes with 3 g of water attached.).

    My Carb consumption for past 3 days was off the charts. I have yet to stop and calculate the Nutritional Data of this Binge – Calories, Macros (Carbs, Fat, Protein) – but, I can only imagine the insanity of the numbers !!

    I am glad that I was able to stop it late yesterday afternoon and not let it continue.

    But, I am concerned as to what caused me to go off track (way off track) last week. And, worried not to let it happen again.

    Binging is definitely an Addictive behavior, and all of the signs of an Addict were obvious in my actions from Friday thru Sunday. I was conscious of what I was doing, and, I didn’t want to ruin the great results that I have been getting, but, it was as if my logic had no affect on my desire to Binge, and, it was out of control.

    Thank you for listening.
    Best Regards,

  36. Possible New Adjustments…
    *Nutritional Protocol*
    IF 22/2
    ▪️Meal 1 – 4:00 pm
    Tri-Tip (113g / 4 oz)
    Bacon (85g / 3 oz)
    Eggs (3 – whole, large)
    Butter (0.5 tbsp)
    ▪️Meal 1.5 – 5:00 pm
    Protein Shake (2 scoops)
    (Dymatize 100% Whey ISO)
    ▪️Meal 2 – 6:00 pm
    Tri-Tip (113g / 4 oz)
    Bacon (85g / 3 oz)
    Eggs (3 – whole, large)
    Butter (0.5 tbsp)
    *Nutritional Summary*
    Calories – 2,045
    Protein – 205g / 45%
    Fat – 126g / 55%

  37. IMHO – although I label it as 2MAD, and, although it shows separation of 3 different Feeding groups during the 2 hour period – When all foods are consumed back to back basically in a 2 hour window of IF 22/2 it is actually considered one consistent feeding period (OMAD) because there’s no significant time for insulin to drop sufficiently enough. I am looking to do the new protocol like this in order to try to overcome the issue I have been having the past couple of weeks on my current, existing protocol whereby I all of a sudden started getting too full, to the point of feeling bloated, and, not being able to finish my meals (the same foods, and, same quantities that I have been consuming for 3 consecutive months). so, I am thinking that the spreading out of the foods over a 2 hour period vs the 30 minute period I normally follow, will alleviate this issue and allow me to finish the foods, and not feel bloated. The new protocol also increases my Protein up to 45% which is another benefit to the adjustment in protocol.

  38. so, I am debating with myself on what to do, based on where I have been, and where do I want to go from where I am at now.

    I started this Journey on June 26, 2017 by doing just IF 16/8 but wasn’t concerned about Meal Frequency or Macros. So I was eating 4 meals in the 8 hour feeding period, and, was still High Carbs, High Protein and Low Fat.

    Over time, my IF changed from 16/8, to 18/6, to 20/4, to 22/2 to 23/1 (OMAD), and, during that process my meals went from 4 to 3 to 2 to 1, and, during that process my Macros went from 40 Carbs, 40% Protein, and 20% Fat to 5-10% Carbs, 70-75% Fat, 20-25% Protein, to 0% Carbs, 60% Fat, 40% Protein, and, now looking to adjust to 55% Fat and 45% Protein.

    I have been OMAD since January 2019, and I have been basically strict Carnivore since May 19, 2020.

    I got great results from Feb 2019 thru Sept 2019 (consistent weight of 205-210) doing LCHF OMAD (basically 70% F, 25% P, 5% C). and was eating All Meats (Fatty Cuts – Beef, Pork, Chicken, Fish / Sardines, Bacon, Pork Rinds), Whey Proten Powder, Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries), Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans), Seeds, Nut Butters (Peanut, Almond), Dairy (All Cheeses, Cream Cheese, String Cheese, HWC, Sour Cream, Quark, Ricotta-Cottage Cheese), Veggies (Zucchinni, Brocolli, Asparagus, Spinach, Onions, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Cabbage, Mushrooms), Avocados, Olives, cooking in oils (EV Olive Oil, EV Coconut Oil), and Butter, 85% Cacao, Unsweetened Cacao Powder, Sugar Free Jello, Sugar Free Maple Syrup, Stevia (w/Erythritol filler), Fermented food (sauerkraut, dill pickles), condiments/ sauces (Yellow Mustard, Mayonaiise, Sriracha, Salsa, Balsamic Vinegar),

    I was eating – Protein Pancakes with Butter, syrup, almonds / bacon cheeseburgers lettuce bun with mustard, mayo, avocados, dill pickles, sauteed mushrooms and onions / strawberries, whip cream & chocolate bar treat / peanut butter, cream cheese, HWC, cacao powder, stevia treat / Protein Shakes with Peanut Butter, or Berries mixed with Almond Milk and/ or HWC / Omellettes with meat, cheese, tomatoes, onions, spinach, avocados, sour cream and salsa / Bullet Proof Coffee / Cheedar cheese fried in coconut oil broke into chips and dipped in sour cream / Pork Rinds dipped in either a mix of Salsa & Cream Cheese, or a mix of Salsa & Mayo /

    I got great results from May 2020 thru August 2020 doing strict CV OMAD (Chuck Eye Steak, Eggs and Butter, with Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder) – and, that is all that I ate for over 3 months and dropped down to 182 pounds. (basically the Gironda Protocol, but, not as much quantity as he recommended).

    I have gotten great results from June 2021 thru Sept 2021 (consistent weight of 184-186 (down from 232 at end of April)) doing strict CV OMAD (Tri-Tip, Ground Beef 80/20, Bacon, Eggs, Butter, Salt, Pork Rinds).

    each of the 3 periods where I was getting best results were times that I would maintain strict Protocols and measure my foods, and follow set calories and macros.

    all 3 periods I also had episodes of radical/ extreme Binges for 2-4 day periods. / but, in almsot every case, the underlying causes seem to have been financial, mental and emotional stresses, and, not necessarily related to the WOE protocols. or, my own subconscious intent to self-sabotage thinking that I am not worth or that my goals are unattainable, and, I throw myself off-track in order to be right.

    all 3 periods at some point I hit a wall and found that I couldn’t continue to consume all of the foods planned/ prepped for my OMAD Meal – even though they were the same foods, and same quantities as I had been consistently consuming for several months prior to hitting that wall.

    I felt great on LCHF, and I have felt great, probably better, on CV-ZC, and, I have had no issues in over 2.5 years doing OMAD (IF 23/1). I have found that I can get, and maintain being leaner on CV protocol. (which might be the absence of Dairy, Nuts, Veggies, Berries – less Inflammation possibly ?).

    for me, what I have acertained from my own Journey, experiences, self-experimentations, and my in-depth research. is that there are 3 Key Elements critical to a proper Nutritional Protocol for purposes of generating the best results, and, the best overall health.

    1. Intermittent Fasting (Ketosis)
    (when you Eat)
    2. Meal Frequency (Insulin production)
    (how often you Eat)
    3. Macros % (and Calories to an extent)
    (what you Eat)

    IMHO – with IF being the most critical, followed by Frequency, and Macros.

    the following is what I am considering, but, this was what I outlined a couple of days ago based on my initial analysis at the time – prior to stepping back and looking at the past 4.5 years and what has occurred, when, and what my Protocols were at each point.

    Possible New Adjustments…

    *Nutritional Protocol*

    IF 22/2
    2MAD (see explanation below)

    ▪️Meal 1 – 4:00 pm
    Tri-Tip (113g / 4 oz)
    Bacon (85g / 3 oz)
    Eggs (3 – whole, large)
    Butter (0.5 tbsp)

    ▪️Meal 1.5 – 5:00 pm
    Protein Shake (2 scoops)
    (Dymatize 100% Whey ISO)

    ▪️Meal 2 – 6:00 pm
    Tri-Tip (113g / 4 oz)
    Bacon (85g / 3 oz)
    Eggs (3 – whole, large)
    Butter (0.5 tbsp)

    *Nutritional Summary*
    Calories – 2,045
    Protein – 205g / 45%
    Fat – 126g / 55%

    IMHO – although I label it as 2MAD, and, although it shows separation of 3 different Feeding groups during the 2 hour period – When all foods are consumed back to back basically in a 2 hour window of IF 22/2 it is actually considered one consistent feeding period (OMAD) because there’s no significant time for insulin to drop sufficiently enough.

    I am looking to do the new protocol like this in order to try to overcome the issue I have been having the past couple of weeks on my current, existing protocol whereby I all of a sudden started getting too full, to the point of feeling bloated, and, not being able to finish my meals (the same foods, and, same quantities that I have been consuming for 3 consecutive months). so, I am thinking that the spreading out of the foods over a 2 hour period vs the 30 minute period I normally follow, will alleviate this issue and allow me to finish the foods, and not feel bloated. The new protocol also increases my Protein up to 45% which is another benefit to the adjustment in protocol.

    so, that is where I am at to this point…..

    looking to have constructive conversations in an attempt to better clarify what I am doing and why….

    I know many people who are strict CV like I have been – some people the Lion Diet – Beef, Salt and Water only, some Nose-to-Tail, some all types of Meats, Fish, and Dairy, etc…

    and, they mostly all get good results

    I also know many more LCHF people who eat the foods outlined in my 1st successful period above – many who don’t practive IF, and many who do 3 meals a day, and, other variances ….

    and, they too mostly get good results

    besides the actual Nutritional aspect… another issue that is critical, is the ability to sustain and maintain the Protocol long-term as a Way of Life, and, not just nutritionally, but, also in terms of enjoying the foods, and, having some variety so that sustainability is possible…

    for me, I am an extreme example of someone who can eat the same foods every day, but, my level of drive, dedication, and discipline is not normal, combined with my OCD and probably Level 1 high-functioning Asperger’s, my protocols are probably not applicable to most others.

  39. so thinking about doing…

    IF 22/2 OMAD HF-HP-Z/LC

    (4pm, 5pm, 6pm – Food Groups)

    Calories – 2,000 to 2,100
    Macros –
    Fat – 55-60%
    Protein – 40-45%
    Carbs – <1%

    utilizing a mixture of the following food options….
    (also, serves as Grocery List) –

    Meats (Fatty Cuts) –

    Beef –
    Tri-Tip, Ground Beef 80/20, Chuck Eye Steak

    Chicken –
    Legs, Thighs
    Fried Chicken Skins (Cracklins)

    Pork –
    Bacon, Ribs, Leg, Chops, Sausage

    Fish –
    Salmon, Shrimp
    Sardines, Oysters

    Additional Proteins –
    Eggs –
    Whey Protein Isolate –

    Dairy –
    Cheeses (Cheddar, Mozzarella, Swiss, Feta)
    String Cheese
    Cream Cheese
    Ricotta/ Cottage Cheese
    Heavy Whipping Cream
    Sour Cream

    Nuts, Nut Butters, Nut Milks –
    Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts
    Peanut Butter, Almond Butter
    Unsweetened Almond Milk

    Fruits (Berries) – Fresh & Frozen
    Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries

    Vegetables –
    Onions, Tomatoes, Lettuce,
    Zucchini, Spinach, Broccoli, Asparagus
    Avocados, Mushrooms
    Cabbage, Cucumber

    Fermented Foods –
    Sauerkraut, Dill Pickles

    Misc. –
    Apple Cider Vinegar
    Pork Rinds
    Sugar Free Jello
    85% Cacao Bars (Stevia)
    Stevia (w/Erythritol)
    Unsweetened Cacao Powder

    Condiments/ Sauces –
    Yellow Mustard, Mayonnaise ,
    Salsa, Sriracha
    Sugar Free Pancake Syrup
    Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup

    Oils / Seasonings –
    XV Olive Oil, XV Coconut Oil
    Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Minced Onion
    Vanilla Extract, Cinnamon

    Drinks –
    Coke Zero, Sparkling Ice, Crystal Light

  40. continuing to think thru this / was hoping to achieve what I want and not go backwards (i.e. revert to past LCHF protocols, after experiencing the seeming benefits of eliminating the various items previously outlined in my earlier summary messages) / so, for this “Draft Protocol” that I am considering (Screenshot) – Calories – 2,000 / Protein – 240g – 50% / Fat – 106g – 50% // this hits my target numbers (that I have noted as my goal numbers for leaning out, and maintaining lean mass) / gives me a nice variety, and keeps me CV-ZC / and, I can break the foods up into 3 separate feedings in a 2 hour window between 4-6pm (4pm, 5pm, 6pm), so, basically one continuous feeding, so, still OMAD in a sense, but, spread out enough so I don’t get bloated and don’t finish trying to cram all foods in a 30 minute window / the only non CV is the Almond Milk, and, I am just using that to make the protein shake instead of plain water.

    1. sorry I couldn’t upload the Screenshot – so, tomorrow I will do a Summary outline of the Foods and related Nutritional information – so, although the image won’t appear here, at least the information on the Foods included will be available.


    ok, starting to get things dialed in for long term sustainability, enjoyment, and results

    based on: self-experimentation, continued research, variety, economic factors, food availability, ease of (shopping, preparing, cooking & cleaning), and storage

    Nutritional Data – Daily Goals

    Calories – 2,000 to 2,100 range
    Macros –
    Fats – 50-55% / 110-120 g
    Proteins – 45-50% / 215-225 g
    Net Carbs – < 1% / < 20 g

    IF 22/2
    OMAD (2-hour Feeding / 4-6:00 pm)
    (3-Feeding Groups (back-to-back))
    (other than: Alm Milk, PB, Berries)

    Feeding 1 – 4:00 pm
    Eggs – 4 lg whole
    Butter – 0.5 tbsp
    Salmon – 100 g
    Shrimp – 100 g
    Cheddar Cheese – 16 g

    Feeding 2 – 5:00 pm
    Protein Shake
    ISO Whey – 2 scoops
    Unsw Almond Milk – 2 cups
    Peanut Butter – 2 tbsp

    Substitutes – in lieu of PB
    Frozen Strawberries – 100 g
    Frozen Raspberries – 100 g

    Feeding 3 – 6:00 pm
    Tri-Tip – 114 g
    Bacon – 57 g
    Shrimp – 100 g
    Eggs – 2 lg whole
    Butter – 0.5 tbsp

    Sample Summaries –

    w/ PB –
    Cal – 2007
    F – 114g / 55%
    P – 217g / 45%
    NC – 17g

    w/ Straw –
    Cal – 1,862
    F – 99g / 50%
    P – 211g / 50%
    NC – 20g

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