Grant no longer has ulcerative colitis symptoms on a carnivore diet


My name is Grant, I am a 34yr old male living in Australia on the south coast of New South Wales in wollongong. My father had bowel cancer and Ulcerative Colitis and passed away in 2010.  I was 90kg and very chubby as im 5 foot 7 inches tall.

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2013 and was in hospital for 3 weeks. During my stay in hospital it took a while for the medications to take control of the ulcers in my colon, and at one point the doctors where deciding if they would remove my large intestine completely.

Fortunately the medications started to work and i managed to get out without surgery.

After hospital i slowly but surely got my health back on track trying to eat well and exercise regularly. I was taking a whole heap of medications as well.

 It wasn’t until i started doing personal training sessions in 2016 at my local gym that i really started feeling good, and i truly believe that it was because of the food he told me to eat. The diet he prescribed was your basic meat and 3 veg diet, which i stuck to, eating lots of protein and low carb vegetables. I lost 10kg 

At the time i didn’t really appreciate how much the food changed my life. I made the mistake of thinking i had done the hard work and went back to my old ways. Before i knew it i had put half the weight back on and started feeling bloated again. But i did nothing about it and just accepted that this is what life would be like for me with this disease.

Fast forward to this year where i met another personal trainer and learned about the carnivore diet. After doing alot of research online about the diet, Shawn Baker and a few other people that make videos for you tube, i decided to give the diet a really good go and stick to a solid training regime. 

For the first 3 weeks of the carnivore diet i felt terrible, but i had done the research and knew that this was normal. In week 4 something changed and i immediately felt amazing, the diarrhea and headaches stopped and felt like i could climb a mountain.
I have now been on a very strict carnivore diet for 7 months with the occasional keto friendly salad. Very limited Alcohol. My doctors have given me regular blood tests and i had an ultrasound on my organs, all the results were A ok.
 I have been training 7 days a week and sometimes twice a day. Im down to 72kg and have been that way for a while. My body fat has vanished, i feel amazing and have so much energy. I don’t even feel like i have a disease anymore. My fitness has gone to the next level with this diet and i cant thankyou guys enough for the work you do. 
Im doing so well that i have qualified for the trials of the next season of Ninja Warrior Australia 5. This is definitely part of my story for the show and hopefully i can make it on tv and help you guys spread the message about carbs and sugar being so bad for people. Im a chef as well and would really like to educate people on how to eat real food and cook for themselves. 
Grant M

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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