Eric improved cardiovascular health on carnivore diet

My name is Eric. I am 63, had a heart attack back in 2007 at age 51.  I was stented and put on 80mg statin for the rest of my life.  My diet was SAD, 80% plant based.  I was advised to follow a low fat diet.  Hypertension got worse, I became obese, then autoimmune disorder, depression and perhipheral neuropathy in the feet which affected walking.  I had the statin shuffle and chronic sore feet.  I became borderline invalid from severe psoriasis of the hands, was unable to work or function normally for 4 years.  All psoriasis treatments failed (100 UV light sessions and then chemotheraphy).  When I turned 60 I rolled my ankle and broke my leg. 

For sure I look better, redness in the face gone, bags under the eyes gone, becoming lean again, active and so on.

Off The Plants, Off The Statins

With all these issues I discarded medical advice and went low carb high fat for 2 years, then carnivore for 1 year.  All symptoms went into remission on LCHF then stalled so I removed all plants and the symptoms disappeared.  After 9 months carnivore my cardiologist stared at his computer screen and muttered … wow, your triglycerides are really, really good.  And then he said – I’m taking you off statin. 

Even though I was a stented heart attack survivor originally diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia, I was taken off statin.  I guess he doesn’t see carnivore blood work often, or perhaps I am his first one.  I am in Canada, a public health system where doctors are not inclined to reveal or discuss particulars with the patient.  I suspect inflammation dropped like a stone on carnivore.  For sure I look better, redness in the face gone, bags under the eyes gone, becoming lean again, active and so on.



From Unable To Do Cubicle Work, To Working In Construction

I got a job doing physical work on construction sites.  Physical work wasn’t easy but I felt it was a better choice than returning to a corporate cubicle.  Carnivore made it possible.  I got stronger every day.  I will retire in a few years and plan to thru hike the Appalachian Trail when I am 65.  It is something I had considered impossible for over a decade.  It has been a very slow process for me but my transformation is clearly outstanding.  Dr Baker you are correct, that the carnivore diet is perhaps the best therapy for chronic disorders.  But it did more than that, it restored and improved quality of life.

Chris Improved Arthritis, Tendinitis, And Lost Weight On Carnivore Diet

Hey Doc, I’ve been following you for a couple of years now after listening to you on Joe Rogan. I broke both legs back in November of 2018. Completely shattered my right heel and have 17 herniated disks. I was a mess. I had arthritis in my left ankle so bad I could barely walk. I’m 5’4 and ballooned up to 198lbs. I was miserable and in constant pain. I also developed tendinitis in my right elbow so bad I couldn’t lift a 10lb dumbbell. I made the decision to go on the carnivore diet Feb 1.

I’m down to 174lbs have no tendinitis, my arthritis is gone and my back doesn’t hurt. I have no sugar cravings and am damn near in better shape than before my accident. I just wanted to say thank you for being a voice and showing me how great this diet is.

For sure I look better, redness in the face gone, bags under the eyes gone, becoming lean again, active and so on.

Off The Plants, Off The Statins

With all these issues I discarded medical advice and went low carb high fat for 2 years, then carnivore for 1 year. All symptoms went into remission on LCHF then stalled so I removed all plants and the symptoms disappeared. After 9 months carnivore my cardiologist stared at his computer screen and muttered … wow, your triglycerides are really, really good. And then he said – I’m taking you off statin.


Even though I was a stented heart attack survivor originally diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia, I was taken off statin. I guess he doesn’t see carnivore blood work often, or perhaps I am his first one. I am in Canada, a public health system where doctors are not inclined to reveal or discuss particulars with the patient. I suspect inflammation dropped like a stone on carnivore. For sure I look better, redness in the face gone, bags under the eyes gone, becoming lean again, active and so on.

From Unable To Do Cubicle Work, To Working In Construction

I got a job doing physical work on construction sites. Physical work wasn’t easy but I felt it was a better choice than returning to a corporate cubicle. Carnivore made it possible. I got stronger every day. I will retire in a few years and plan to thru hike the Appalachian Trail when I am 65. It is something I had considered impossible for over a decade. It has been a very slow process for me but my transformation is clearly outstanding. Dr Baker you are correct, that the carnivore diet is perhaps the best therapy for chronic disorders. But it did more than that, it restored and improved quality of life.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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