Debbie overcomes eating disorder through Carnivore Diet

Defeating Bulimia with a Carnivore Diet 


At 54 years young, Debbie was bulimic most of her life from about age 19. She finally found food freedom starting with keto but would still have some bad days because, as she puts it, one can still overeat on keto snacks. She then moved to keto-carnivore, which helped her to cure 30-plus years of dealing with her eating disorder.


Debbie then started to realize that there are some anti-nutrients in plants that we don’t need as once thought. The science of all this resonated with her since she is a physician’s assistant.


For a time, she followed the Atkins diet plan. All her friends told her that doing so would cause her to die of a heart attack. She now knows that sugar is the main cause of coronary artery disease. After being on the keto-carnivore eating plan, she honestly has never felt better after curing her 30-plus-year bulimic behavior.


“There’s no more binging because, as you know, it’s very hard to overeat too much meat.” She enjoys eating about 2 pounds of meat each day and absolutely loves it. Aches, pains, and menopausal symptoms are gone. She is an avid tennis player and now has the stamina to play matches and be victorious against opponents who are much younger!


Debbie says that at age 54, she has never looked or felt better. A recent body mass index test shows that she is 19 percent body fat. She hopes to take the test again soon and that it will show improvement in her score.


Debbie is still working as a physician’s assistant and is a huge fan of Dr. Shawn Baker. She wants to spread the word and help others by sharing her story.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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