Autoimmune Health

Real People, Real Results.

Marcel manages psoriatic arthritis on the carnivore diet

Marcel’s Health Challenges and Struggle to Find a Solution   Marcel is working on completing his Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) training and is focused on health. But health was something that was eluding him. Perhaps his health challenges were one of the things that made him decide to be a healthcare provider as well.   Marcel’s Journey with Psoriasis and

Lauren manages eating disorders, mood, and skin issues on a low-carb diet

Lauren’s disordered eating and low-carb meat-based journey   Lauren is in her early 30s and has been Carnivore for 8 or 9 months. Her disordered eating began when she was 11 or 12 years old. She struggled with anorexia, bulimia, and what she describes as “very restrictive eating behaviors” up until she began her low-carb meat-based journey.   She always

Josh manages eczema on a low-carb diet

Josh’s Health Struggles   Josh lives in Richland County, Ohio, and has been a Doctor of Chiropractic since June 2021. As a child, he had eczema, particularly on his fingers. He also had lifelong allergies and asthma, which he was diagnosed with at five years old.   Seeking Answers   When he was in chiropractic school, Josh’s eczema and allergies

Evan E reverses ankylosing spondylitis on a carnivore diet

Ever since Evan was young, he had an insatiable hunger that caused him to binge, in addition to his other daily struggles of ADHD, OCD, brain fog, and fatigue. When he turned eleven—embarrassed by his heavy frame—he decided to go on a diet.   Following Conventional Wisdom: Low-Calorie/Low-Fat Diet   Following the conventional wisdom at the time, he started eating

Darby manages graves’ disease and type 1 diabetes on low-carb diet

Darby’s Life Before the Carnivore Diet   Darby grew up being plagued by every kind of allergy imaginable. At five years old, he was diagnosed with hundreds—from trees to weeds to bee stings and everything in between. At 11, he needed reconstructive sinus surgery due to the many sinus infections over the years and later had to have his tonsils

Kat heals from ulcerative colitis, asthma, and Lyme disease on the carnivore diet

Kat’s Health Struggle and Athletic Journey   Kat’s battle for her health has been a fierce one, and she has fought bravely her whole life to find relief from the crippling asthma and ulcerative colitis that has plagued her since she was a baby. “I had ulcerative colitis from day one, ear infections, and asthma.   Back in the day—they

Emily healed from connective tissue disease, GERD, and fatigue on the carnivore diet

Emily’s Journey: From Keto to Carnivore   Three years ago, Emily was simply looking for a way to lose weight before her wedding. On the advice of her father, she started doing the ketogenic diet. She lost weight for the wedding but was still generally miserable.   Why?   In her early teens, Emily was diagnosed with a debilitating connective

Lily healed from inflammation and digestive and skin issues on a strict carnivore diet

Lily’s Life as an Anarchist in Mexico   Lily is a self-avowed anarchist living in Mexico. She was featured in an HBO special about the anarchist movement, and her carnivore journey is also chronicled in that special: “You can see the progression of me from my pre-carnivore very sickly days until, you know, now, where I’m more or less healed

Adam healed from psoriasis on the carnivore diet

Struggling with Acne and Psoriasis   Adam has been a personal trainer for over ten years. He has been through “some tough times” that have left him “feeling I’m in the best place in my life.”   Adam had “a lot of acne” when he was young. Looking for relief, he tried Accutane, which “made my skin absolutely terrible. Three

Jon heals from gut issues, fatigue, and arthritis

The Fruitarian Diet and its Promises of Healing Chronic Diseases   I was a raw vegan/fruitarian for seven years. I was actually an influencer in that community and offered health consultations helping people heal chronic degenerative diseases using a fruitarian diet and now do the same thing but now recommend an animal-based diet/carnivore.    I’ve actually helped many in the

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