Autoimmune Health

Real People, Real Results.

Connor heals from diabetes, joint pain, immune issues on a carnivore diet

Controlling Blood Sugar With A Meat-Based Diet In February 2018, Connor found Dr. Baker, and after hearing his story, he made the decision to follow a primary carnivore diet “with the help of a close friend who was also experimenting with the diet.” Connor defined his diet by saying, “When I say primarily Carnivore, I mean about 90% of my

Alex improved his pain on a carnivore diet

My Diagnosis And Struggle With Chronic Pain   I wanted to share a bit of my story with you and how the advice through your appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience changed my life over two years ago.   I’ll start at the beginning. I was about 16 and a half when I was diagnosed with Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Hepatitis C,

Anonymous improved anemia and digestive problems on a carnivore diet

My story is quite an extreme one. When I was five years old my entire family became vegetarian. This would have been in 1975, when being a vegetarian was still very unusual. I gather it was after a distressing trip to an agricultural show, but of course I don’t really remember the details. Before that, I had eaten a fairly

Mark improved his arthritis and autoimmune issues on a carnivore diet

My Four Month N=1 (Self-)Experiment ongoing Zero Carb 100% Carnivore.   Mark’s Carnivore Health Highlights   This is a lengthy article. So for just the Highlights:   No more outbreaks of kidney stones. Yes, I am sticking with it!!!! Not because I need to but because I love this way of eating. Meat-only way of eating healed my Rheumatoid Arthritis

Dominic improved fitness, immune system, mood, skin on carnivore diet

I have been working with ketosis for 4 years. Carnivore since middle of December, not looking back now. Growing muscle mass, while staying incredibly shredded at 82kg at the moment. Deadlifting over triple my bodyweight and going for the 80kg-85kg British deadlift record. Prior to carnivore, my lifts were not going up and only slowly when improving. Mental energy and

Joanna’s Crohn’s have alleviated on carnivore diet

Hello Dr Baker! My name is Joanna. Thank you for your previous service to our country and continued work with carnivore!!   Incredible Healing   I’ve been carnivore for almost two months and already I’m shocked at how my body composition has changed. Crohns and Lupus symptoms are completely alleviated, completely! Carnivore is incredible and I promise it works for

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