Patrick healed from Ulcerative Colitis on a carnivore diet
My inflammatory markers (CRP) are back in normal range and I have no ulcerative colitis symptoms
My inflammatory markers (CRP) are back in normal range and I have no ulcerative colitis symptoms
I started having problems with my blood sugar right after I had my first baby. I was diagnosed as a gestationally diabetic while carrying. I was given no advice or follow-up after having her. Within two to three months later, I was constantly dizzy, hot, my heart would start beating out of my chest, shaky, hyperventilating, and I’d feel
The Healing Power of the Carnivore Diet My whole life, my health has been an enigma to me. I was always skinny as a kid and could, and did, eat pretty much anything I wanted without gaining weight. That included a lot of sugar. Sugar poured over my cereal in the morning, sugar in the juices and sodas I
Controlling Blood Sugar With A Meat-Based Diet In February 2018, Connor found Dr. Baker, and after hearing his story, he made the decision to follow a primary carnivore diet “with the help of a close friend who was also experimenting with the diet.” Connor defined his diet by saying, “When I say primarily Carnivore, I mean about 90% of my
My Diagnosis And Struggle With Chronic Pain I wanted to share a bit of my story with you and how the advice through your appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience changed my life over two years ago. I’ll start at the beginning. I was about 16 and a half when I was diagnosed with Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Hepatitis C,
Peter’s Experience with Carnivore Six years ago, after dropping most carbs from my diet and relying mainly on meat protein and eggs, I lost 40kg and resolved Type-2 diabetes , my blood pressure normalized, my asthma resolved, my Crohns disease is in remission, and my gout vanished. I used to take a handful of drugs everyday – now nothing. Meat
Scott and his wife turned to the Carnivore Diet to help control their son’s Type 1 diabetes. After his blood sugar level was measured in the 300s and 400s, they decided the medical team’s advice to simply “count carbs and cover it with rapid-acting insulin” wasn’t a good solution. A High Protein Diet for Controlling Blood Sugar “You never