Andrew improved digestion, brain fog, joint pain, libido on carnivore diet

“I gave up alcohol five years ago, which is a great achievement in itself,” Andrew begins. “But two years after giving up the drink, I thought my health would have improved, but it got worse. I had problems with my libido, gut issues, brain fog, poor memory, joint pain, lack of energy, and I became fat.”


Struggles with Health and the Journey to Recovery


On a quest to figure out how to regain his health, Andrew says he read 84 books and listened to countless health-related podcasts in 2017. He did six months of a ketogenic diet and was able to lose some weight, but it wasn’t until New Year’s Day in 2019 that he started his carnivore journey.


Andrew’s Journey to Six-Pack Abs through Carnivore Diet and Bodyweight Workouts.

“The first month or two, I wasn’t sure this was the right way of eating for me,” he writes. “I didn’t feel quite right, but I stuck with it anyway, and I’m so happy I did!” Andrew’s diet consists of cheese, eggs, muscle meat, bone broth, and organ meat. He was amazed at his results.


“After five weeks, I noticed I was getting stronger and leaner,” he explains. ”Within a few months, I ended up having a six-pack, all from eating a meat-based diet and doing ten minutes of bodyweight exercises three to four times a week.”


The Benefits of Carnivore Diet and Bodyweight Workouts


As remarkable as his outward results are, Andrew is even more impressed with the internal healing that occurred. “The brain fog is gone and my enlarged prostate returned to normal,” he shares. “I’m just full of energy, buzzing around the place!


I used to suffer from gut issues while following a vegan diet, so removing all those plants and grains made a difference.” Andrew occasionally includes fasting in his routine, something he hadn’t been able to do before following a carnivore diet. “It’s amazing when you incorporate everything together.”


Internal Healing and Improved Biomarkers


Several of Andrew’s biomarkers have improved as well over the 15 months he’s been a carnivore. “My resting heart rate is about 45, I’m feeling dynomite!” he shares in his testimonial. “My triglycerides are at 66 mg and my testosterone is through the roof at 1020 mg/dl.” While Andrew’s total cholesterol did go up, he is not concerned about his numbers.


Andrew offers some great advice for how to stay successful on a carnivore diet and how to incorporate workouts for even better results. “I recommend doing bodyweight exercises for up to ten minutes, and do enough reps to get to failure. For me, this was between six and ten reps.


I found it best to train while fasted, and don’t eat until two hours post-workout.” For anyone starting out, he advises, “The transition may take some time, but just stick with it and you’ll come out the other side. I have my life back!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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14 thoughts on “Andrew improved digestion, brain fog, joint pain, libido on carnivore diet”

  1. This is one of the best ones I’ve seen! Older gentleman, went from fat and depressed looking, to VIBRANT and absolutely shredded. Wow. Talk about a powerful testimony!

  2. Natividad Mendez

    Andrew your a true inspiration. Can you please tell me what your 10 minute bodyweight workouts is?
    I plan to give the Carnivore diet a try and I would love to have the workout routine you used.

  3. WOW. I mean, wow.

    Congratulations, Andrew – your tenacity has surely paid off, and will no doubt continue to for the rest of your life.

  4. Wow Andrew, that is amazing! Yes, I would like to know what your workout routine is also. I am going to be 61 soon and I was thinking of trying the TRX system to tone my body, but it looks like your system works awesome.

  5. How inspiring for those of us who are older. Like the others before me I would be happy to know what your workout is. I’m 63 and even lifting weights hasn’t helped me to look like that, lol.

  6. Absolutely brilliant Andrew. Have seen a couple of other comments asking about your 10min exercise program. Would you mind posting it?

  7. Michael Correia

    After reading your post it was indeed very inspiring. I am 54 and really determined for change. Been on Carnivore for 3 weeks and going through everything you identified,brain fog, temptation to eat the wrong foods. Your before / after is the best I have seen. My next step after a few more weeks is like many others I have seen, what is your workout routine. Thank you for sharing your success story.

  8. Andrew,
    Dude, fantastic Physique results. You have inspired this over 50 man to convert to carnivore and hope to match your shredded stated. Great job and thanks for sharing.

  9. Amazing transformation Andrew. Everyone is asking about the workout programme I would be interested in know what you ate each day on the carnivore diet? Did you stick with red meat or did you have variety in terms of meats?
    Again big achievement 👏

  10. Andrew I couldn’t understand but you said workout fasted then don’t eat for 12 hours or 12 minutes?
    You’re energy is amazing. Thank you

  11. Inspiring. I’m on mostly carnivore diet. It looks like adding a bit of cardio every day is going to finally give me the 6pack.

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