Bobby’s enjoying relief from Hidradenitis Suppurativa on a carnivore diet

After many years of “yo-yo” dieting on low-fat and calorie-restricted diets, Bobby has regained his health, lost over 150 pounds, and healed from painful skin conditions that affected his quality of life.


Bobby’s Weight Loss Journey and Struggles


Bobby was overweight for much of his adult life. Over the years, he had some success losing weight with low-fat foods like chicken breast, rice, and vegetables, but he found he was never truly satiated. He realized that this was happening because he wasn’t feeling satisfied and often would keep going back to the refrigerator, looking to fill that nutritional gap.


“I had this mindset where I would lose weight, and then ‘treat myself,’” Bobby shares, “But then it would get out of control again. I was miserable, and I didn’t realize to what degree until after I lost the weight.” At 5’7”, Bobby’s heaviest weight was 370 pounds.


In addition to being overweight, Bobby suffered from asthma, high blood pressure, athlete’s foot, and hidradenitis suppurativa, a painful skin condition that results in abscesses and scarring in areas where sweat glands are present.


“I knew if I didn’t do something, I’m going to get up to 400 pounds,” Bobby recalls thinking. “I can’t do this. This has got to stop!” Bobby knew he had to make a change and turned to several resources on intermittent fasting to help jumpstart his weight loss.


The Benefits of a Carnivore Diet for Bobby’s Health


Switching to OMAD fasting (one meal a day) did help initially, but it wasn’t until Bobby started adding more meat-based meals that he was able to lose weight and keep it off. After finding information from Dr. Shawn Baker on fasting with a carnivore diet, Bobby made the switch.


“I learned that the more I could incorporate animal-based products and the more I could cut down on vegetables, the better off I would be.” Since he and his wife share cooking responsibilities, Bobby still includes a small number of vegetables in his diet. “We’ve reached a compromise,” Bobby explains. “I just confine my vegetable intake to a few certain ones like riced cauliflower.”


For the other 90% of his diet, Bobby enjoys beef, pork, eggs, and occasionally chicken. When eating out at a restaurant, he’ll enjoy bunless burgers.


Bobby’s Success on a Carnivore Diet


Bobby’s success on a carnivore diet has been astounding, and his doctor is “delighted” with his results! He’s pleased to report a total weight loss of 150 pounds and a total of 10 inches around his waist.


He is no longer limited to “Big and Tall” retail stores and is thrilled to trade in his size 5X shirts for XL. “I feel better than I’ve felt in 30 years!” he shares. “The only downside is that I have to buy a lot of clothes now, but it’s a good problem to have.”


Thankfully, Bobby’s skin issues are 90% resolved on a carnivore diet and no longer cause him discomfort throughout the day. His doctor is also weaning him off or has already removed his blood pressure, allergy, and asthma medications since his symptoms have significantly improved.


Bobby’s Advice for Others Who Want to Improve Their Health


Bobby is now enjoying helping others bring back their health. “You have to want to make the change,” he tells his clients. “Become friends with the food that is going to help you!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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