Ron got rid of skin tags, snoring, back pain, diverticulosis, toenail fungus, anxiety


Ron’s Weight Loss Journey: From Construction to Carnivore


Growing up near the Adirondacks in upstate New York, Ron worked in the family construction business and was a lifelong subscriber to the Standard American Diet. In high school, he was 5’6″ and 205lbs, with a 36-inch waist. Since his work kept him active, he was able to stay trim for a while, but when he hit his 40s and transitioned to a stationary desk job—his weight skyrocketed up to 285 pounds.


The Wake-up Call: Bell’s Palsy and Health Scare


After experiencing a few unnerving health problems, such as gallstones and a perforated colon, his real health scare came in January of 2022, when he had an episode of Bell’s Palsy. It spooked Ron at the time, as his brother had just suffered a stroke the previous year. Thinking of his daughters and how he wanted to be around for them, Ron felt compelled to make a change.


The Carnivore Diet: Ron’s Transformation


He came across the now infamous Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Jordan Peterson, who was discussing his carnivore diet. “Right after that, I’m like, ‘Carnivore! I love meat!’ So, I started on that, and it’s been no looking back ever since.” Ron took the plunge, and before long, he was losing 10 to 12 pounds per week. 


Starting out, he experienced some gastric issues, as well as a bad bout of brain fog, saying, “I got dumber than a stump for two weeks!” By week three, however, the aforementioned issues disappeared, and he began feeling “Really, really good.” Overall, the transition phase lasted three to eight weeks, so Ron encourages people to give the diet at least 90 days before calling it quits. Incredibly—in less than one year—Ron lost a whopping 100 pounds!


Some other happy disappearances include skin tags, snoring, diverticulitis, toe fungus, and back pain. Ron is also very happy to report that his sex life has never been better.


Ron and his wife (who also lost 40 pounds on the diet) like to keep an eye out for sales when shopping Carnivore, and when choosing leaner steaks, they supplement with eggs or additional fat to keep them satiated.


Maintaining the Balance: Football Season and Beer Intake


At the start of the football season, he reintroduced beer, and while he didn’t suffer any adverse reactions, Ron realized he had to limit his intake to one or two cans—otherwise, the junk food becomes more tempting with every passing beer.


At 52 years old, Ron is incredibly grateful for his new lease on life. He has extra energy and focuses on writing music and playing his guitar, and he is able to walk all day at an amusement park without having to stop and catch his breath every few minutes.


He shares his incredible transformation with anyone who will listen, hoping to help others experience the same freedom from obesity. “From a weight loss standpoint, you lose 100 pounds—it generally gives you credibility with most folks.”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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