Odaine improved mood, back pain and inflammation on carnivore diet

Carnivore Diet Journal


I am Odaine Tomlinson, currently 29 years old, and I started the carnivore diet on November 2, 2019. Prior to embarking on the carnivore diet, I served in the military, and once I got out of the Navy in 2012, I was doing long-distance running and bodybuilding eating a standard American diet.


At that time, I had an eight-pack and was super cut. But looking back, I do know that I always had inflammation in my right wrist when I did push-ups. As the years went by and life hit me, I lost touch with my fitness and eventually tried the vegan route briefly and eventually got into the ketogenic diet, where I then began working out again and saw nice results.


Time went by into 2019, and I hadn’t worked out in months and noticed that my stomach was poking through my shirts now and that I would have to suck in my stomach in public to try and fool myself. And after learning about the carnivore diet and seeing that Joe Rogan interview with Jordan Peterson, I was blown away when I researched other similar testimonies. So, I figured, why not?


Starting The Carnivore Diet


Stats on November 2, 2019 (Start of Carnivore Diet)

Weight: 190 pounds

BMI: 27.5

Body Fat: 21.9%

Subcutaneous Fat: 18.9%

Visceral Fat: 10

Metabolic Age: 31

Blood glucose level waking up: 103 mg/dL


Initial Results


A couple of days into the diet, I realized that I had a crazy surplus of daily energy and the ability to wake up like a robot. I don’t know how to explain it, but I was waking up with no lag; I am fully alert once my eyes open like I just popped an energy pill.


Also, I realized that whether I got 5 hours of sleep or 8 hours of sleep, I still had the same constant supply of energy and liveliness. Also, my wife told me that she noticed that my snoring disappeared.


Furthermore, one of the two biggest benefits to me is the fact that I am operating on the highest-octane level of fuel for my body, thus ensuring that I will most likely live a lot longer and more vibrant life even though I am only 29 years old right now.


Just knowing that this simple decision plays a significant role in reversing possible cancer, stroke, digestion disorder, and many other ailments that I could have potentially faced 20 years down the road is phenomenal to me.


In my eyes, doing this diet gives me the ability to theoretically get in a time machine at 50 years old and go back in time to my 29-year-old self and tell myself to get my s#!t together now so I won’t have to deal with XYZ at 50 years old.


Secondly, I thoroughly love the mental clarity I have now. It’s almost like I don’t have a subconscious mind anymore, which is my best way to explain it. I can fully control the direction of my thoughts at such a high level now.


I feel that prior to the carnivore diet, I had a loud sawed-off shotgun with unlimited rounds firing off while blinded folded in the dark in my head; and now I have a high-quality sniper rifle with a silencer with precise scope vision and no wind resistance on a sunny day. The difference speaks for itself.


A week into my first 30 days, I noticed some incredible results:


Stats On November 9, 2019 (End Of Week 1 Of Carnivore Diet)


Weight: 184 pounds

BMI: 26.6

Body Fat: 20.6%

Subcutaneous Fat: 17.8%

Visceral Fat: 9

Metabolic Age: 30

Blood glucose level waking up: 81 mg/dL


After the 2nd week, I saw even more improvement in my mid-section area. My abs were slowly coming back, and my chest didn’t have droopy nipples anymore. I also noticed that my voice was being projected farther/clearer, but maybe that was just my hearing getting better (so I am not sure which is the case on that).


Stats On November 16, 2019 (End Of Week 2 Of Carnivore Diet)


Weight: 180 pounds

BMI: 26.2

Body Fat: 19.9%

Subcutaneous Fat: 17.2%

Visceral Fat: 8

Metabolic Age: 29

Blood glucose level waking up: 79 mg/dL


After the 3rd week, I noticed a steady flow of my energy levels, and I have yet to see any negative implications as some people have claimed with transitioning to the carnivore diet. Another thing I recently noticed is that when I carry my 5-year-old daughter upstairs for bedtime at night, I no longer feel pain in my lower back and knee.


I am not sure when it went away since I haven’t paid any thought to it, but it is still a big plus. Also, I notice now that my face is very clear and smooth; I don’t seem to have random pimples on my face every other day or so.


Stats On November 23, 2019 (End Of Week 3 Of Carnivore Diet)


Weight: 177 pounds

BMI: 25.7

Body Fat: 19.3%

Subcutaneous Fat: 16.7%

Visceral Fat: 8

Metabolic Age: 29

Blood glucose level waking up: 84 mg/dL


After the 4th week, I still felt great health-wise. And during this week, there would be times when I would go through most of the day fasting just because I either didn’t feel hungry and/or still felt high on energy.


And at this point, I compared my picture from when I started the carnivore diet on November 2, 2019, to the picture from November 30, 2019; the difference was amazing to see.


Especially knowing that at this point, I went from being 18 pounds overweight on November 2 to just being 1.8 pounds overweight on November 30.


And please keep in mind that I did absolutely no exercises, no walking around the block, no pull-ups, no push-ups, nothing. And more importantly, I did not break my carnivore diet. I didn’t even eat a single gummy bear when no one was looking.


I plan to continue doing this diet plan for five more months and will start doing long-distance running two months from now so I can see what my weight/muscle baseline is before I take my body for a spin. So, look out for my next update here in another five months or so.


Stats On November 30, 2019 (End Of Week 4 Of Carnivore Diet)


Weight: 174

BMI: 25.2

Body Fat: 18.5%

Subcutaneous Fat: 16.1%

Visceral Fat: 8

Metabolic Age: 28

Blood glucose level waking up: 89 mg/dL (after brushing teeth)


So just for anyone else who is interested in knowing, I used a standard glucose meter for my blood glucose level. And for the other important numbers, I used the RENPHO Bluetooth Smart Scale, which cost less than $25 on Amazon. And as far as what I was putting in my body, I ate mainly grass-fed, grass-finished meats from Butcher Box, scallops, shrimps, bacon, and free-range eggs.


And as an occasional ‘treat,’ I ate aged cheddar cheese off the block, pork grinds, and grass-fed/finished beef jerky. I used Redman’s Real Salt on my foods, and I only drank water.


The water I was drinking ranged from regular bottled water from Aldi to Fiji Water to mostly Gerolsteiner water. And I intake a syringe mixture of butter oil, cod liver oil, grass-fed beef liver, and grass-fed colostrum every other day. I hope my experience helps you!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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2 thoughts on “Odaine improved mood, back pain and inflammation on carnivore diet”

  1. You said: Secondly, I thoroughly love the mental clarity I have now. Its almost like I don’t have a subconscious mind anymore is my best way to explain it. I can fully control the direction of my thoughts on such a high level now. I feel that prior to the carnivore diet I had a loud sawed-off shotgun with unlimited rounds firing off while blinded folded int the dark in my head; and now I have a high-quality sniper rifle with a silencer with precise scope vision and no wind resistance on a sunny day. The difference speaks for itself.

    The above statement is amazing and maybe that is exactly what I need so I can start living life again instead of being in auto mode.

    -Posted on December 17, 2019

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