Victoria improved her rosacea on carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Victoria and I just wanted to reach out and thank you for providing this information. I’ve grown up in an Italian family and all my life, social events were focused around food.


Struggling for a healthy lifestyle

The last few years I have educated myself on fitness. For the past year I have been strength training 4-5x a week with cardio inbetween, and trying to eat “healthy” – that is, salads, lean chicken, veggie. Even with being more conscious of this, I have struggled to lose stubborn fat around my midsection and thighs. Also, I have had rosascea since I was a teenager and my skin is terrible, always ruddy and dull.

I finally dropped below 140 on the scale for the first time in years. Also, my rosascea calmed down!


My gym coach encouraged me to try the Carnivore diet for the month of January, so I dove in. I’ll admit I still drank coffee and diet soda, but I couldn’t believe how much I changed just a few weeks on this diet. I lost my cravings for sugar/carbs, felt satiated after my meals which prevented the habitual afternoon snacking (plus I never got bloated even after eating steaks), and my skin and body improved greatly. I couldn’t believe how many people commented on how lean I looked in such a short amount of time. I finally dropped below 140 on the scale for the first time in years. Also, my rosascea calmed down! It’s nowhere near as red and patchy as it was, and my skin even looks healthier! I think it’s because I cut out sugar at the beginning of February.


Superbowl cheating, not so super

I went off Carnivore for the Superbowl weekend and instantly felt like garbage. I was drinking, eating carbs and processed foods, and I realized: this feeling isn’t worth it. I even noticed how snap peas cause my throat/tongue to tingle, so I’m more aware of how my body react to vegetables which I assumed my whole life were to be consumed in abundance.


Back on!

Now I have completed another week of carnivore and feeling amazing! It’s a no-brainer to me to prioritize fat and protein in my diet now! And ultimately I’m just excited to see how carrying on this way continues to improve my rosascea and helps me to reach my goal weight. The journey has just begun!

Kind regards,

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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