Real People, Real Results.

Gabby improved hormonal imbalances on a carnivore diet

My name is Gabby, and I’m a 40-year-old female new to the carnivore diet. Here’s my story:   A Little Back Story   I have always had thyroid issues since my 20s (Graves disease and Hashimotos). I was on several medications, and nothing worked. In 2010, I listened to my doctors and had a complete thyroidectomy, a decision I regret

Adam overcomes plant-based diet, has improvements on carnivore diet

Discover how Adam (and his dog!) both overcame the negative effects of a plant-based diet and the many benefits that have come along with the Carnivore Diet, including better athletic performance and recovery, better digestion, mental clarity, and clearer skin.   Meet Adam, the Carnivore Diet Advocate, and His Dog’s Incredible Transformation   Adam is 42 years old and has

Corina overcomes veganism and many health issues on a carnivore diet

Corina’s Carnivore Journey: From Veganism to Health Improvements   You’ll be amazed by Corina’s carnivore journey; in just six months, she was able to reverse the negative impact of veganism on her health and resolve joint pain, fatigue, migraines, and some social limitations.   Diet Diversity Across the Globe: From Dairy and Carbs to the Carnivore Diet   Corina’s health

Man improves energy levels tremendously on a carnivore diet

Listen to this revealing experience of going on the carnivore diet. This man got his energy back, and then some. Added to that, nog more bleeding gums, no more cramps, all around better. Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or

Sara loses weight, resolves pre-diabetes on carnivore diet

Meet Sara, a 41-year-old stay-at-home mom. In 2012, she weighed 180. Sara had an oral glucose tolerance test and was told by her doctor that she was pre-diabetic and should lose a few pounds. After connecting with an online weight loss group, she started intermittent fasting and tracking her numbers. Over a few months, she lost 50 lbs. In 2013,

Jane healed depression, and anxiety on a carnivore diet

My story is one of mental health transformation as well as other health challenges.  I’m a 50 year old woman from Australia and in the past few months it seems I have resolved my Bipolar Type II using a carnivore diet.   During my one year on a ketogenic diet I have lost 17 kilos of fat (37 lbs) which is half

Amy healed psoriasis, yeast overgrowth, brain fog on carnivore diet

For the majority of my life I have tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle. i’ve eaten clean, exercised regularly, played often in the mountains and in the sun, practiced yoga and meditation, de-stressed with massage or acupuncture, used vitamins, supplements and oils and have maintained a regular, healthy sleep routine. But I’ve continuously struggled MOST OF MY LIFE with the

Anonymous improved anemia and digestive problems on a carnivore diet

My story is quite an extreme one. When I was five years old my entire family became vegetarian. This would have been in 1975, when being a vegetarian was still very unusual. I gather it was after a distressing trip to an agricultural show, but of course I don’t really remember the details. Before that, I had eaten a fairly

Dain improves in sleep, anxiety, dandruff, tinnitus on carnivore diet

I’ve been eating this way for 3 weeks (I keep eating to a 6 hour window). Changes are as follows: Life long dandruff gone in a week Sleeping better then ever Cleanest skin I have ever had – not one zit on my body Tinnitus I have had for years is greatly reduced Endless energy Anxiety greatly reduced Overall better

Udo lost weight and improved mental health on a carnivore diet

  12 Months A Carnivore If you are like most people out there, you may clutch your pearls at the thought of somebody eating nothing but or mostly meat. And when it’s not meat it is exclusively from the animal kingdom. And NO fruits and vegetables!   Turns out there are lots of people like this. Not only are they

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