Real People, Real Results.

Tammy heals from arthritis and depression on a carnivore diet

From Debilitating Arthritis to Renewed Mobility Tammy’s journey with the carnivore diet begins as a desperate attempt to reclaim her physical independence. For years, arthritis ravages her joints, leaving her unable to perform basic tasks like buttoning a shirt, styling her hair, or even walking up stairs. Her hands, knees, and shoulders become constant sources of pain, forcing her to

Ira improved membranous nephropathy on a carnivore diet

The Turning Point: A Frightening Collapse In 2021, Ira, a dedicated media professional and editor in Mumbai, faced a life-altering event. While engaged in a casual conversation on the street, she experienced a sudden and terrifying health crisis. Her head heated up, her vision blurred, and she fainted. This incident marked the beginning of a journey that would challenge her

Chris improved dental health on the carnivore diet

A Journey into the Carnivore Diet Amidst the concrete jungle of New York City, Chris begins a gastronomical exploration many would label as off the beaten path: the carnivore diet. Driven by an innate curiosity and a desire to unearth the potential health merits, he dives into this diet which champions meats as its core component. meat and The Unexpected

Vajid improved endurance and weight loss on the carnivore diet

Energy Crisis before the carnivore diet Before embarking on the carnivore diet, Vajid grapples with energy inconsistency, a crippling daytime drowsiness that often catches him off guard, especially while driving. This lack of energy isn’t just a minor inconvenience. It plays a detrimental role in his daily routine. Before, Vajid would find himself relying on heavy metal music to fend

Advait healed metabolic health, IBS, migraines, fatigue, and depression on the carnivore diet

While I was always a health conscious individual, I did not realise I was metabolically unhealthy until my mid 30s. This was the case despite me having suffered from IBS, migraines, general body fatigue, a weak constitution, poor dental health since childhood. Having grown up in a family that had been vegetarian for generations due to socio-cultural reasons, I, like

Josh K improved joint pain, inflammation, digestion, and dental health on a carnivore diet

Josh recalls being morbidly obese as a child. Family meals consisted of lots of carbs—bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes—along with bowls of sugary cereal for snacks. At 12, Josh had back pain from carrying excess weight. In high school, he weighed 330 pounds. Josh developed sleep apnea in his early twenties, and waking up gasping for air terrified him. Another

Irina overcame candida infection, vitamin D deficiency, and vasculitis on a carnivore diet

Irina’s Struggle with Various Ailments   Irina struggled with many different ailments before she found the carnivore diet. She had Candida, IBS, a vitamin D deficiency since birth, bleeding gums, vasculitis that manifested when she was a teenager, PCOS, chronic inflammation, and exercise-induced asthma.   Her doctors told her, “This is just how it is; some people are just affected

Claire overcame anorexia nervosa and depression on a low-carb diet

Claire’s Struggle with Anorexia Nervosa   Growing up in France, Claire ate the typical French diet rich in saturated fat and protein. A dancer, she was naturally thin like her fellow ballerinas-in-training. Constant comparisons as to who was the slimmest, however, led Claire to develop body-image issues, and as she entered her teenage years, she started to restrict her eating.

Janet loses weight on a mainly carnivore diet

A Mindset Shift at 57   I’ve been chubby almost all my life. I’ve lost weight but unable to keep it off. In October of 2016, at the age of 57 I had a mindset change and became motivated to be healthy enough to enjoy my future grandkids. Family history was not good; my father died in his sleep at

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