Autoimmune issues

Real People, Real Results.

Mim improved her eczema on a carnivore diet

Mim’s Journey to Health with a Carnivore Diet   Mim has healed from numerous health conditions since implementing a carnivore diet. “Since I was a child, I have suffered from so many autoimmune disorders.” At 27 years old, she feels she has gotten her life back and has learned so much about how her body reacts to various foods.  

Ned improved skin and diabetes on a carnivore diet

From Paleo to Vegan and Back: Ned’s Diet Experiments   Ned and his wife have “been on a journey for several years,” and they have explored many different ways of eating along the way. Since starting a carnivore diet earlier this year, Ned has had the best results and has healed from diabetes and skin issues.   Ned’s Journey to

Michelle improved her autoimmune issue and joint pain on a carnivore diet

My History with Food and Diets    I have quite a history with food and diets. Since Junior High, I have maintained a 30 lb weight range (118-148 lbs) which fell into the “normal” range for my 5’5″ height. I struggled with anorexia in my early teens, and then in the 80-90’s, I ate low-fat/low-calorie, exercised, and was bulimic.  

Kari improved debilitating injuries on a carnivore diet

Kari’s Introduction to the Carnivore Diet   Kari, 48, has lost weight and healed from a painful shoulder injury since she began a carnivore diet. “I first heard about the carnivore way of eating from my son.” Kari’s son watched Dr.   Shawn Baker’s 2017 interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and shared the details with his mom. At

Mary improved her autoimmune issue and diabetes on a carnivore diet

Hi, my name is Mary. I am a 59-year-old female.   Mary’s Stats   Diet: Standard American Diet   Weight: 230 lbs   Health issues: Dyslipidemia Atherosclerotic coronary disease (CAC score: 99) Hypertension Obesity Pre-diabetes Arthritis Gout: right great toe Autoimmune Inflammatory conditions Anxiety Hypothyroidism Neuropathy due to peroneal nerve entrapment after left knee replacement 3 Anti-hypertension medications One thyroid

Dominic improved fitness, immune system, mood, skin on carnivore diet

I have been working with ketosis for 4 years. Carnivore since middle of December, not looking back now. Growing muscle mass, while staying incredibly shredded at 82kg at the moment. Deadlifting over triple my bodyweight and going for the 80kg-85kg British deadlift record. Prior to carnivore, my lifts were not going up and only slowly when improving. Mental energy and

Patricia improved arthritis and joint pain on a carnivore diet

Patricia’s Experience with the Carnivore Diet    I grew up in a family where the dad ate protein, and the family ate potatoes, vegetables, and bread and drank dehydrated nonfat milk. As a child, I was chubby, had digestion and elimination problems, and was always taking medication for ear infections, sore throat, or hay fever.   In 1992, I was

William improved his digestion and mental health on a carnivore diet

I, like so many, was taught eat your fruits and vegetables as well as drink your milk and eat multigrain breads and cereals – it’s GOOD for you! Well my whole life I’ve always had one stomach or digestive problem after another. In 1980, I was put on Tagamet/Cimetidine at 14 years old the doctor said you have ulcers take

Rob improved his ankylosing spondylitis on a carnivore diet

A Life Before The Diet   My name is Rob. I am a 35-year-old Paramedic in upstate New York. I am a father to an amazing 8-year-old son. I also suffer from Lupus, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Rheumatoid arthritis. Up until January, I was a mess. I could barely move. I was depressed. I was medicated for my disease.   The

Joanna’s Crohn’s have alleviated on carnivore diet

Hello Dr Baker! My name is Joanna. Thank you for your previous service to our country and continued work with carnivore!!   Incredible Healing   I’ve been carnivore for almost two months and already I’m shocked at how my body composition has changed. Crohns and Lupus symptoms are completely alleviated, completely! Carnivore is incredible and I promise it works for

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