Spence lowered his high blood pressure and lost 100 pounds

Spence is a full-time touring and studio musician who works in Nashville. This occupation often entails long hours and irregular sleep patterns. Nutritional health and being a touring musician do not come packaged together, and he found that he began to suffer from a variety of symptoms and health problems. His physician was concerned about his lab work, and at only 37 years old, Spence found his health declining. He knew that it was time for a change, and promptly!

His symptoms included high blood pressure, systemic inflammation, gastrointestinal problems, and general fatigue. The risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes, and a downward health spiral are all significantly increased by this confluence of problems. The likelihood of developing a disease is essentially multiplied when the risk factors are combined.

Spencer’s weight had gotten up to three hundred pounds and was still increasing. Since COVID was spreading in the United States, he knew he had to act because obesity, inflammation, and hypertension are all risk factors for more severe Covid infections.

As Spence tried different diets in an attempt to get his health back on track, he found that getting enough energy while feeling satisfied wasn’t easy, until he tried eating more meat. “I began experimenting with various diets to lower my sugar and carb intake. When I ate only vegetation, satiety and energy was a real problem, but I noticed when I ate only meat, I felt like I could fight a circle saw.”

Spence did the wise thing and decided to move his diet in the direction that provided him satiety, satisfaction, and sufficient energy to carry on through his day: “I listened to my body and kept giving it beef. Being from Texas where BBQ beef is sacred, this was as fun and easy as eating chocolate.”

Spence first heard about the carnivore diet while attending church. A friend of his mentioned the now-famous Joe Rogan interview when Dr. Shawn Baker (author of The Carnivore Diet) explained why the diet was a healthy choice and how well it worked for him and others.

Spence found the possibility exciting and says, “I soaked up every bit of information I could from Dr. Baker online.” Many of us have a similar story, indeed!

Having succeeded at cutting out all of the foods that were driving his weight gain and finally having the energy to begin weight training and exercise, Spence found his body transforming. He lost one hundred pounds, added muscle mass, and recovered from all of his previous problems. All of these life-changing improvements were accomplished in only one year, while still working as a musician!

Spence now has the energy that he always needed and is grateful to Dr. Baker for all of the progress that he has made because of the Carnivore diet. He says, “I now have stable energy to get the most out of living. Thank you for your work, Dr. Baker!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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