Paulina improved her mood/mental health and weight loss on a carnivore diet

I’ve been on the carnivore diet since September 2018. Unlike many people who turned to this diet out of necessity, I was simply curious to see what the hype was about. If you’re looking to read something profound, sorry to disappoint you!


I’ve always struggled with my weight, but I knew it was attributed to my poor eating habits and lack of exercise. I started this diet after I went on my local news to share my story on a couple of teenagers who broke into my house- when I saw how big I was and never felt so embarrassed! I wanted to believe the camera added 50 pounds, not just 10!


Carnivore Is More Than Weight Loss 


I started the carnivore diet to lose weight, but it became much more than that. After my initial six-week goal, I couldn’t find a good reason to stop what I was doing. 


I didn’t realize how much diet affected my mood until I began this way of eating. I find myself less agitated, and I have a real desire to just keep it moving, both literally and figuratively.


For the first time in my life, I don’t care about how much I weigh because I have never felt this good about myself, both mentally and physically. I just listen to my body- eat when I am hungry and drink water when I am thirsty. Life is so much more simple now.


Beef is definitely my go-to; it seems to satiate me the most out of all the other animal proteins. A staple in my diet is 80/20 ground beef, ribeyes, and bacon. Don’t forget the Kerrygold butter!


Going to the Carnivore Conference 


I’m going to the 2019 Boulder Carnivore Conference and look forward to meeting like-minded people because my friends and family think I am nuts.


 I hope my short story encourages others who don’t necessarily have food allergies to begin their carnivore journey; I’m hopeful that many of you will find that this lifestyle truly helps you become a better version of yourself.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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