Nadav maintains a healthy body on a keto, fasting lifestyle

Hey, Shawn et al.,


I’ve recently IM’ed with you over Instagram, and seeing your request to share benefit stories from intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating patterns, I’m glad to share my story.


I’m a 33 years old entrepreneur based in Israel. I have several hi-tech businesses.


I have been doing 18:6 Intermittent Fasting for one year straight now, coupled with three weekly resistance training days, and I’ve experienced great results.


IF regulates blood glucose levels, helps ketone formation, aids in reducing calorie intake, allows HSL and Leptin to operate more easily due to lack of consistent insulin secretion, and induces an easier recovery and less overloading on beta cells.


My basis of the diet is paleo, and my tendencies are towards the ketogenic and low-carb diet; however, I have chosen to incorporate carb loading and strategic post-exercise carb feeding to maximize muscle gains.


Apart from that, I’m definitely learning towards a low carb, moderate to high protein and high-fat diet. I’m usually eating three meals per day, and I don’t snack between meals to maximize my IF approach.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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3 thoughts on “Nadav maintains a healthy body on a keto, fasting lifestyle”

  1. Hey Nadav!

    Congratulations on your success. Could you tell me what carbs you eat post workout?

    Thanks again!

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