Mick improved his cardiovascular health and diabetes on a carnivore diet

I was raised by older parents who had gone through a series of health issues, especially my father who had a heart attack at 46. I was born shortly after his heart attack which led him on a health quest which led him to be a vegetarian/vegan and so I was raised on mother’s milk, carrot juice and coconut milk and was a bright orange, skinny baby.

I was a thin child until I got older and discovered McDonald’s where my daily order became 6 cheese burgers, a large fry, and coke to wash it all down. Of course this led me down a path of becoming an obese young adult. I tried every diet known to man and just made a lot of companies rich selling me their snake oil treatment of the month. My parents both became obese eating cheap processed vegan foods like bread with margarine, potatoes and pasta.

My older brother had developed type 2 diabetes due to his weight, and I watched them slowing remove his toes and fingers, watched him go blind, undergo a kidney transplant, and then die with early onset dementia. Of course he was eating his recommended 300 grams of carbohydrates each day while restricting healthy proteins and fats. He was constantly upping his insulin dose to keep up with his rising glucose levels due to all the carbs and being disabled due to all of his health issues, which pretty much kept him bedridden.

I finally decided it was time to try being a vegetarian/vegan since that was the way I started life and was thin. When you go from a SAD diet to eating more veggies you feel better for sure, but it was not long before my weight began to climb due to all of the carbs. After years of weight gain and topping the scales at over 300 pounds, I refused to get on a scale after 306 showed up.

Having a Dr. tell me that I would eventually need a knee replacement due to my weight, along with a consistently rising blood sugar, I decided to give Paleo a try. Paleo was a godsend, and my weight started to drop, but I quickly learned that I could still eat a lot of “healthy carbs” in the form of sweet potatoes, rice and sour dough bread, so the weight loss stalled pretty quickly.

Some of my Paleo friends started talking about the success they were having going to a high fat, low carb diet called keto. Since I was stuck at around 250 pounds I decided to give it a shot. After all of my vegetarian/vegan training, the idea of eating more animal products took me couple of months to get over, but I was determined to get to my natural body weight so I ordered some grass fed beef and found a local source of true free range eggs, and I was off and running. I quickly lost another 30 pounds and felt much better but was still experiencing some joint pain, especially in the knee the Dr. has suggested be replaced.

Mick sought out high quality meat products, and on a keto and now carnivore diet has transformed his health.

A couple of months ago as I was fixing breakfast, and I was listening to a podcast, and there was this Dr. talking about the benefits of an all-meat diet, my first thought was this is nuts, but at the same time I was intrigued after my keto success. So I listened to every podcast that Dr. Shawn Baker had done and started researching, and I liked what I found. I have been carnivore for over 2 months and have never felt better. I currently weigh 195 pounds, have a six pack, zero joint pain, an A1C of 5.1, blood pressure is 115 over 68, and my resting heart rate is 62. On my next birthday I will turn 60, and I am in the best shape of life.

What can I say, Meat Heals!!!!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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