Leigh has eliminated her seizures, gained energy and now lifts on a ketovore lifestyle

Leigh’s life has completely changed since she started following the carnivore diet. Leigh has been suffering from partial seizures since she was just eighteen months old. She says her doctors tried many different medications and treatment plans for years, but nothing worked. Leigh would still have two to three seizures a month. Leigh also struggled with her weight, having weighed 250 pounds at her heaviest. Additionally, Leigh was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and suffered three miscarriages.

To improve her health, Leigh says her then-partner started researching diets that might help with Leigh’s seizures and PCOS. Her partner found the ketogenic diet, which Leigh began to follow. Leigh says initially, she struggled with the “keto flu”– flu-like symptoms usually associated with carbohydrate withdrawals. However, after she got past the keto flu, she began to feel better and lose weight.

To keep the momentum going, Leigh transitioned from the keto diet to a meat-based keto diet, sometimes called ketovore, before finally settling on the carnivore diet. Leigh says again she struggled with the keto flu during her transitions, but her health began to improve like never before.

Since finding the carnivore diet, Leigh has gone from two to three seizures a month to just one minor seizure in a year. Leigh has also been able to treat her PCOS symptoms with her carnivore diet more than she could with any medications.

Leigh has gained energy from following the carnivore diet and now lifts weights and runs. At her lowest weight, Leigh got down to 140 pounds (over one hundred pounds lower than her highest weight). Leigh says she struggled with her diet during the covid pandemic and put forty to fifty pounds back on her body. However, she has noticed that her body fat percentage has not changed much despite gaining weight– just two percent! Leigh believes the carnivore diet has changed her body composition and made it easier to gain muscle while losing fat.

Up until recently, Leigh followed a one-meal-a-day eating plan. She says many of her meals consisted of steak, shrimp, and other meats. Leigh is currently trying to get pregnant, so she is eating more often and increasing her fat intake. Now, she eats a lot of eggs, butter, and heavy whipping cream in her coffee and two to three ounces of cheese every week.

Leigh’s husband and stepdaughter have also joined her on her health journey. Leigh says her husband followed a vegan diet when she first met him. Now he has turned completely around and is a carnivore diet follower. Leigh says her daughter is not a carnivore eater, but she does eat more meat these days, and Leigh enjoys teaching her about the benefits of eating healthy.

Leigh is a member of the Carnivore.Diet community and says she and her family gained a lot of insight from the website. She says Carnivore.Diet is the first place she looks to when she needs advice on products and best practices. Leigh is thankful she found the carnivore diet and is now in more control of her health. She says, “it’s definitely life-changing.”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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