Keto Endurance improves fitness, joint pain, weight loss on carnivore diet

Hello Shawn,

I am 37. I have been Low Carb for 2 years. The first 20 months probably 80% Keto and 20% LCHF similar to Primal Blueprint. I have been on a Carnivore Diet for the last 4 months.

I have never been obese or had any noticeable metabolic diseases. However by the time I was 35 I was the heaviest I had ever been – 212 pounds which is heavy for me and the weight sat around my belly.

In the 20 months on Low Carb I dropped from 212 to 182 pounds, then from 182 to 171 pounds on Carnivore. Weight is so easily managed on Keto and Carnivore.

I fully respect Keto, and it helped me a lot. I would recommend it to anyone. However I have found that Carnivore is superior in a few way for me personally:

  • Dropped 11 pounds almost immediately from a maintenance weight of 182 pounds on Keto
  • I had chronic ankle joint morning stiffness/arthritis due to soccer injuries for over 10 years, cleared up in 2 weeks.
  • Would get sporadic lower back pain, which I put down to slouching. Experienced no lower back pain in 4 months.
  • No improvement in my running but has not declined either.
  • I do get the urge to lift stuff. So I am going to do a Press Up / Pull Up challenge in January.
  • No cravings for any plants, and I actually like fruit and veg but I have no desire to eat it.
  • It is also really easy to plan as you just buy meat, keto can get a little tiresome at times.
  • Shockingly I have not died of Scurvy and I still poop 🙂

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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