Kelly treats arthritis, digestion, cardiovascular health on carnivore diet

Today makes 60 days since I went on a Zero Carb diet!

You know those thin people who can always decline their favorite desserts, or not eat the free samples at the grocery store? I know people, but I most certainly was never one of them- until now!

Food no longer rules my life!

I seriously no longer think about my next meal all day long! I just eat (meat and eggs only) until I’m satisfied or full, then I don’t eat anything at all for many hours (often 8-12 hours) because I’m satisfied from my last meal.

I no longer care about recipes, having to list and buy ingredients for some food concoction I want to make, counting points or calories, entering my macros, nor do I longingly think of the next gathering or party I’m going to because of the food I’ll eat (Cake, anyone?)

I believe I have broken my food addiction!

My skin looks better than ever. My joints no longer ache with arthritis, the bloated belly, tummy aches, constant gas, constipation and pain are all gone!

My weight is steadily decreasing while my body is reshaping and putting on muscle and bone mass. My body is definitely restructuring and the fat parts are shrinking! Gone from an 18 to a 12 so far!

Before you ask, I did do labs as a plant based (vegan) dieter, and compared them to just one month of ZC and yes, there were marked favorable improvements in important things like Triglyceride/Hdl ratio and HgbA1C!

And I have discovered that “zero carb Zen” is a real thing! My normally anxious ADHD mind feels calm and settled and it is a new feeling for me.

I don’t think about food anymore. The thought comes along, “do I have meat at home to eat for the next few days?” And if the answer is, “yes.” I move on to thinking about other things and then just have a steak when I get home.

I know I used to think that plants were the source of ALL good health, but now I believe that plants are medicine, and just like one can be allergic to some medicines, one can be allergic/sensitive to plant foods and never do a full elimination diet to see how good it could feel to be plant free.

Hey, with all the science coming out today, it may be worth a shot to try something seemingly unconventional for once and just see what you think and how you truly FEEL physically.

People should realize that the arrowheads that are found throughout the world from tribal civilizations were used to hunt for food. They certainly weren’t used for shooting at root vegetables! Agriculture and farming as we know it is a relatively new idea. Humans haven’t always had access to plant foods, but we all know and accept that they were all big-game hunters!

I can’t even explain what it feels like to have the food monkey off my back!

Thank you to people who have encouraged and supported us these past 60 days!


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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