Josh heals from PTSD and depression on a carnivore diet

Serving in the Army and Struggling with PTSD


Josh bravely served his country in the United States Army, and has found hope and healing while following a carnivore diet for the past eight months. 


After leaving the Army in 2012, Josh began to notice signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While PTSD may seem like an invisible struggle, the effects of the condition are far-reaching, and can worsen over time if not addressed. 


Symptoms of PTSD can manifest as or mimic signs of other medical or psychological conditions such as (but not limited to) high blood pressure, fatigue, hallucinations, paranoia, and depression. 


According to the health and wellness site, between 11 and 20 percent of veterans who served in the Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom suffer from some form of PTSD.


Exploring Carnivore Diet as a Soldier


“I’ve been on the carnivore diet now for the last eight months,” Josh shares. “I started it because I’m a former soldier. I got very depressed and went to the VA for help. Apart from giving you drugs, there’s really not much the VA can do for you.” The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides life-long healthcare services to eligible military veterans at the 170 VA medical centers and outpatient clinics located throughout the country. “There’s not much really anyone can do for you,” Josh continues, “so I started looking online for help.”


Carnivore Diet: A New Hope for Healing


Seeking answers on how to heal from his symptoms, Josh came across interviews from Dr. Jordan Peterson regarding his daughter’s healing from the carnivore diet, as well as Dr. Shawn Baker’s interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. “I heard Dr. Jordan Peterson speaking about the carnivore diet and the success both he and his daughter had, so that made me start looking more into it.” After hearing more detail from Dr. Shawn Baker, Josh was convinced to give it a try. “It seemed to really make sense. Especially coming from another soldier, that was helpful. I said, ‘What do I have to lose?’”

Positive Results in the First 90 Days


Josh’s first 90 days on the carnivore diet proved very successful. “I was very strict,” Josh explains. “I ate nothing but ribeye, hamburger, and roast with salt and pepper. I would eat bacon as a snack and I ate until I was full, exactly as Dr. Baker said to it. I discovered it worked very well. I had no kind of withdrawal or anything like that.” Josh improved his sleep and in the first three months shed 40 pounds.

The Journey Towards Physical and Mental Well-being


“I felt great,” Josh recalls. “I felt better physically than I had since I was in my twenties.” Josh began working out and got lots of exercise. “I started working on my property here in Kentucky, lifting weights and eating the carnivore diet. 


Slowly but surely, I got better and better. Now, I’m 80 pounds lighter.” In addition to weight loss, Josh experienced other physical benefits as well. “I feel outstanding!” he says. “My energy levels are through the roof. I get plenty of sleep.” And what about his mental health struggles? “My anxiety has completely dissipated, I seem to have a much more positive outlook towards work and everything. It’s just been a life-changing experience for me. It all started with this diet and it’s been a blessing.”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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