Jordan A resolved allergies and sinus infections and gained muscle on a Carnivore diet

From City Life to Thrive Stock Farm


Being a rancher, Jordan knows a thing or two about meat. Five years ago, Jordan and his wife sold their home in the city and bought almost fifty acres of land in the Texas countryside. Jordan runs his ranch, Thrive Stock Farm, solely by himself. Jordan says he has approximately 50 pigs, 120 hens, and some cows. He raises and sells the meat primarily from the pigs for a living.


Jordan’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet


Before becoming a carnivore eater, Jordan says his diet primarily consisted of meat; however, he consumed some carbs. Jordan’sJordan’s goal is for his ranch to become completely self-sustainable, so he and his family have already been eating from the animals he raises. He says he had thought about gardening to become self-sustaining but didn’tdidn’t feel it would be worth the time or effort.


One day he and his friend were listening to a podcast when he was introduced to the carnivore diet. At the time, Jordan thought the diet seemed slightly extreme but was intrigued that the diet could be a gateway into being self-sustainable.


Jordan says later that day, he and his friend went to a barbecue restaurant, and he decided then and there to try the carnivore way of life.


The Benefits of Eating a Carnivore Diet


Though his reasoning for starting the carnivore diet was somewhat rooted in health, his main priority was simplifying his life and eating. Jordan says he did not consume a lot of carbohydrates before the carnivore diet, so he wasn’twasn’t expecting a dramatic difference.



However, since starting the carnivore way of life, Jordan has lost body fat, and his sinuses have improved. Jordan says his sleep has gotten better as well. He used to wake up multiple times during the night, but now he sleeps straight through until it is time to get up.


And though his weight has not changed, Jordan has noticed his waist has gotten smaller, and he’ been able to lift more weight, gain muscle, and experience a better recovery when he works out. And he no longer depends on protein supplements to get adequate nutrition.


A Self-Sustaining Lifestyle on the Ranch


Jordan says approximately ninety percent of what he eats daily comes directly from his ranch. He eats a lot of pork, eggs from his chickens, and some beef. The other ten percent comes from cheese and butter he and his wife bought at the store. Jordan says his kids and his wife also eat a lot of animal products.


Future Plans: Scaling up the Ranch and Selling to Other Carnivore Diet Followers


Jordan goes on to say he sees “a lot of virtue” in the carnivore way of eating, which fits his rancher lifestyle. Jordan says a typical day for him includes eating a six-egg omelet in the morning, followed by two to three pounds of ground pork or ground beef for lunch and dinner. He plans to continue his carnivore diet and scale up his ranch.


Jordan currently sells the pork meat he raises but wants to begin branching out into selling to other carnivore diet followers. Jordan says it is “hard to imagine doing anything else” and is grateful for the additional health benefits eating meat has given him and his family.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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