Jamie’s joint pain went away on a carnivore diet

From Fruitarian to Carnivore: Jamie’s Health Journey


Jamie is a month shy of his 49th birthday and is proud to be able to wear the same size pants as he did in high school! Since switching to a carnivore diet, Jamie no longer has joint pain and has more strength in the gym than he did in his twenties.


Overcoming Joint Pain and Gaining Strength with a Meat-Based Diet


For many years, Jamie followed a fruitarian diet and limited his fat intake. Originally from Canada, Jamie was living in Korea and started to experience excessive sleepiness during the workday. “Like many people when they make a diet transition, they feel good at first,” Jamie explains. “But I was unable to stay awake at about 1 or 2 in the afternoon.”


Jamie’s weight began to rise in his mid-thirties, so he switched to a ketogenic diet. It was really interesting that when I dropped the starchy carbs and started increasing my intake of saturated fat, butter, and eggs, my cholesterol levels moved within the ideal targets of the guidelines.”


Jamie continued on the ketogenic diet for the next decade, but he was concerned about joint pain that appeared in his early forties. “I would wake up with sore joints,” he recalls. “I’d have to move around for a half hour before I felt good.”


After watching Dr. Shawn Baker’s interview on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, he decided to try a carnivore diet. “The idea that vegetables may actually have a cost to your health was a novel idea,” he says.


Jamie’s Significant Transformation on a Carnivore Diet


It’s been three years since he switched to a meat-based diet, and Jamie is pleased to report that he no longer has any joint pain and can lift heavier weights now than he did in his twenties.


His weight is now steady at 180 pounds at 5’11”, down from 205 pounds. “I push myself hard in my weightlifting, and I rarely have sore muscles,” he shares. “It really speaks to the level of recovery I get with a carnivore diet.”


Intermittent Fasting and the Freedom of a Meat-Based Diet


Jamie enjoys steady energy throughout the day as the owner of a busy wine shop. He finds freedom in intermittent fasting and not having to constantly worry about when he’ll eat next.


It’s really easy to consume an ancestral meat-based or fish-based diet here in Tokyo,” he says. He and his wife can save money at the local markets and enjoy a variety of fresh foods without breaking the bank.


Enhanced Mental Clarity and Efficient Digestion on a Carnivore Diet


Since switching to a carnivore diet, Jamie has enjoyed better mental clarity, allowing him to accomplish more goals. He experiences much more “efficient digestion” than on previous diets but notices a considerable shift if he has a carbohydrate-heavy meal.


“We have the potential to live as vital humans,” Jamie notes. “It’s amazing how your body knows how to regulate itself. When you’re in fat-burning mode, you eat the right amount of food and feel satisfied.”


Jamie’s Inspiring Message for Others


Jamie hopes his story will encourage others to take control of their health and weight so they can experience the same freedom he has found with a carnivore lifestyle.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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