Inge eliminated anxiety disorder & pain and healed skin and gut issues on a carnivore diet

From Ballet to Bariatric Surgery: Inge’s Health Journey

Inge was very active during her childhood and teen years. She says she was athletic and spent a lot of time training in ballet. During this time, Inge ate whatever she wanted. Her body could burn all the calories and carbohydrates because she was constantly training. Looking back, she recognizes she was a “very unhealthy skinny person” at the time.


Trying Keto: Successes and Struggles

When Inge went to college, she decided not to train in ballet. She became very inactive but kept her same eating habits. Very quickly, she began to gain weight and continued to do so for several years. Inge had a bit of a wake-up call in 2016 after she was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. Inge knew she needed to take her health more seriously.


Like many people, Inge’s first attempt at a low-carbohydrate lifestyle came as she followed the ketogenic diet. Inge’s keto journey involved zero grains and sugar, some dairy, and lots of keto “substitute foods” like keto bread, fat bombs, and dessert. Inge says she had some successes with the keto diet. She lost some weight, and her anxiety began to improve, but she still struggled with other ailments, such as acne on her skin, some gut issues, and headaches.


Committing to the Carnivore Lifestyle

Inge also describes that the keto diet was a lot of work for her. She spent most of her time counting carbs and macros and prepping all sorts of keto-type foods. She didn’t feel like the diet was sustainable. Inge began to learn more about the carnivore diet. She says, initially, she thought the carnivore diet sounded too extreme.


In October 2020, Inge underwent bariatric surgery. During this surgery, her stomach size was reduced with a gastric sleeve. Not long after her surgery, she began noticing that many of the keto foods she enjoyed before the weight loss surgery were now bothering her gut. So, one year after dabbling with the carnivore diet and learning about its many benefits, Inge decided to commit to the carnivore lifestyle fully.


Benefits of the Carnivore Diet for Inge

Inge has been following the carnivore diet for the last few months. She says she has already noticed significant changes. Not only has Inge continued to lose weight and gain energy, she no longer suffers from intense headaches, and his skin has cleared dramatically. Inge describes she is still experimenting with many foods, but her skin seems to be a good indicator of what her body can and cannot handle.


Inge says she eats all types of meat, including beef, pork, seafood, and eggs. She tries to refrain from eating a lot of cheese, though she will enjoy it occasionally, and eats butter on her steaks and heavy cream in her coffee and tea daily. Inge describes finding a new love for cold meat, something she never thought possible. Her favorite thing to eat is a cold steak cooked to medium rare.


Inge also talks about how having weight loss surgery has affected her carnivore journey. She says that eating one meal a day isn’t feasible for her. Her stomach can’t handle that much food at one time. Instead, she eats small meals or snacks throughout the day when she is hungry.


Finding Simplicity in the Carnivore Diet

Inge says her favorite part about the carnivore diet is its simplicity. She doesn’t measure or count her food, and most of what she eats is very easy to prepare. Inge says her advice to anyone who has had bariatric surgery and is interested in following the carnivore diet is to “find the delicious and nutritious foods that work for you.” Inge admits she is still experimenting with the carnivore diet, but she is grateful for all she is learning and how it has dramatically improved her health.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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