Hadi got fitter than ever on carnivore diet

My name is Hadi and I want to share my story.

Losing the weight

I was 260lbs, addicted to junk food and sugar and in a really bad place. I initially lost around 28lbs by cutting out most junk and not eating as much as I used to (which was often to the point of being overly full). Being a loose Carnivore (with huge carb cheats every weekend) and then for the last 3 months a strict Carnivore helped me lose the last 40lbs and get in the shape you can see in the after pictures.

Strong and optimistic

I’m fitter than I was in high school, lifting heavier weights at a lower bodyweight and no longer a slave to my cravings. The mild to medium depression I had is 100% gone and I literally surprise myself at how optimistic I am about life. I am thriving in every possible measure of health and overall wellness.
Thanks for everything you’re doing for the movement. 
– Hadi

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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