Ellis treated chronic pain, GERD, throat pain on carnivore diet

I suffered from debilitating chronic pain in my throat for seven years. I went to good doctors who just kind of shrugged at me. A few years went by, and I was still in pain, so I decided to see a throat specialist. I’ve been given a completely different diagnosis from the best throat doctors in Los Angeles as opposed to New York City. I wasted thousands of dollars I did not have on painful treatments that did not help.


The 7-Year Mystery Throat Pain

My condition was a pain similar to strep throat, except it was not caused by a bacterial infection. For years, I could not figure out what was causing the extreme pain. Thyroid? Acid Reflux? Tonsils? Completely different (top in their field) doctors were all telling me they were CERTAIN it was one of these culprits and absolutely none of the others. My throat pain was daily and unbearable for seven years.


Misdiagnosis From Top Specialists

I went on an all-meat diet in October of 2017 — For an entire month, I ate only steak. The seven-year mystery vanished completely after a little over a week. Sinus headaches, acid reflux, brain fog, and other symptoms just all vanished — but most importantly, my throat was no longer sore.


The All Meat Diet Solution

I slowly introduced other foods back into my diet. Veggies still seem alright, but I found that even eating two bananas in a row would wreck me. The throat pain would return instantly. I would eventually learn that my body just doesn’t process carbs well and that eating them causes inflammation.


No More Carbs: The Culprit Behind The Pain

I had been so dependent on carbs in the past that I never realized that even bread or fruit could cause me a ton of harm for days if I ate too much of them. I would take a week off from eating cookies in the past when I was trying to be “healthy” without realizing how unhealthy my diet was outside of eating those obvious junk foods.


Unhealthy Diet Habits

I used to eat whole pizzas for a meal. It is only bread, I thought. I would drink orange juice or have fruit in the mornings, or sometimes a muffin. Cereal. Bagels. Pop-Tarts. All high carb, high sugar foods.


Meat Heals: Personal Experience

I’m not a strict carnivore, but I will always base every meal around a large slab of animal protein for the rest of my life. Doing anything else would be like taking a hammer and hitting my own knuckles against the wall. I simply need meat to be healthy.


I was vegetarian for years and even vegan for 12 months. I get people’s concerns, but we are simply designed to eat meat better than any other food. If anyone is suffering from chronic health problems, I bet an all-meat diet for a month would see a dramatic change in health for the better. But that’s just based on my own experience.


Meat heals.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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