Doris improved her digestion, and diverticulitis on a carnivore diet

Doris’ Experience with Carnivore


Allow me to say since as far back as I can recall I think I had IBS symptoms from a very young age. I had my gallbladder removed at the very young age of 18 years old as well.


I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia at 18 and maintained a daily dose of PPI medication for about 25 years which didn’t control the pain until I started following a ketogenic lifestyle and gave up all grains.


Fast forward to 4 years of ketogenic lifestyle and an 80 lb weight loss.


I was diagnosed in 2017 after severe episodes of pain lasting days. I went to the ER thinking I had appendicitis. I almost went into the OR for appendectomy, but the doctor did a CAT Scan and surprisingly I was diagnosed with diverticulitis in the ascending colon.


The report indicates substantial inguinal gland swelling, and diverticulitis on the right side, and the sigmoid shows moderate diverticulitis and my appendix was normal.


I had been plagued with years of sudden drop to your knees pain, nausea, and sweats, but this attack was different and most severe.


Fast forward to recently, when I had just met with the surgeon for a post-consult after doing a colonoscopy a few weeks ago.


Shockingly, I was informed that there are absolutely no signs of diverticulitis or any bowel disease. One polyp had been found, but it was sent to the lab and is benign.


My symptoms have completely disappeared. My inguinal glands after having been so enlarged they were visible to the eye are now normal.


My surgeon was baffled and asked what I felt was the reason for such a drastic change.


I, with great apprehension, told him I eliminated all fiber. Apprehensive because I thought he would blast me. Instead, he said he had never seen anyone have such drastic improvement to overall gut health and eliminating habits and that he would share this with his patients who obsess about continuously getting healthier with more fiber in their diet.


I started following a carnivore diet in January of this year after hearing about this concept first on a podcast with Shawn Baker on Joe Rogan. This was the beginning of my healing.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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