Weight loss

Real People, Real Results.

Diane manages food addiction and anxiety on a carnivore diet

The beginning of a Carnivore Journey Diane, at 78, embarks on a transformative journey. Retired from a fulfilling career in nursing, she now faces a different kind of challenge: her health. Diane’s history with food has been a rollercoaster of binge eating and weight struggles. Her highest weight tipped over 300 pounds, leading to various health issues, including a life-threatening

Jeffrey improved psoriasis and ankylosing spondylitis on carnivore diet

Early Struggles and Misdiagnosis Jeffrey’s journey begins with unsettling symptoms in his teenage years. Living in Arizona, he transitions from an active lifestyle to one dominated by driving and fast food. Gradually, he experiences sluggishness and weight gain. Alarmingly, one day his legs give out, preventing him from attending class. This incident marks the onset of a series of health

Jeff lost weight and improved energy levels on the carnivore diet

Embracing the Carnivore Diet In April 2022, Jeff’s life takes an unexpected turn. Diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to his liver, he faces a grim reality. Despite this, he resolves not to rely solely on conventional treatments. Jeff decides to take control of his health, exploring alternative methods to complement his chemotherapy. Amidst his fight, Jeff

Todd overcame gout, depression, and anxiety on a carnivore diet

A Journey from Desperation to Hope In the quiet confines of his home, Todd navigates through his daily routine, a stark contrast to the life he once knew. Weighing over 700 pounds, his world was once confined to a mere twelve-foot square, a prison of his own body, where mobility was a distant memory and every day was a battle

Jason overcame degenerative disc disease on the carnivore diet

Embracing a Meat-Forward Diet In the vibrant and bustling streets of Mexico, where culinary diversity paints every corner with an array of colors and aromas, Jason finds solace and vitality in the simplicity of the carnivore diet. His journey, interwoven with the rich tapestry of Mexican culture and his anarchist lifestyle, unfolds a story where health and personal beliefs collide.

Chad improved chronic pain, inflammation on a carnivore diet

The Inception of a Dietary Revolution Chad, a passionate proponent of the carnivore diet, narrates his transformative journey with a diet primarily consisting of animal products. Chad’s experience with the carnivore lifestyle is not merely a dietary choice but a holistic approach to achieving optimal health and well-being. A Life Altered by Pain Chad’s journey begins with his struggle with

David lost weight and visceral fat on the carnivore diet

Discovering the Carnivore Way David, an Australian native, has found solace and health in an unexpected place: the carnivore diet. He feels a significant change in his health and overall wellbeing. The diet, which emphasizes meat consumption while minimizing or eliminating plant-based foods, has offered David a sense of resilience and strength in the face of adversity. The Carnivore Diet’s

William F improved chronic kidney disease on a carnivore diet

A Leap into the Unknown When William first embarked on the carnivore diet, he was met with skepticism and doubt from those around him. Even his own doctor was taken aback when, during a routine visit, William’s health metrics showcased improvements that seemed almost too good to be true. No longer reliant on medication for his chronic kidney disease, William’s

Kristie improved migraines and joint pain on the carnivore diet

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David lost weight and got off medications on a carnivore diet

Transformation through the Carnivore Diet It was a personal health crisis that first led David, a distinguished biochemist with a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, to explore the carnivore diet. Weighing over 200 pounds and juggling multiple health issues, David was in search of a solution, a regimen that could bring about tangible results. After extensive research, he stumbled

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