Skin Health

Real People, Real Results.

Adam improves vitiligo, brain fog, and TBI on a carnivore diet

The Prelude: A Struggle with Health Adam, at 47 years old, stands in his Dayton, Ohio kitchen, reflecting on a time when life felt like an uphill battle. As a professional photographer, his creativity was stifled by health issues – overweight, plagued with brain fog, and an overall sense of lethargy. His journey towards better health was about to take

Jeffrey improved psoriasis and ankylosing spondylitis on carnivore diet

Early Struggles and Misdiagnosis Jeffrey’s journey begins with unsettling symptoms in his teenage years. Living in Arizona, he transitions from an active lifestyle to one dominated by driving and fast food. Gradually, he experiences sluggishness and weight gain. Alarmingly, one day his legs give out, preventing him from attending class. This incident marks the onset of a series of health

Mike improved diarrhea and ulcerative colitis on the carnivore diet

Early Life and Health Issues My name is Mike. I reached out to you on Twitter or X…whatever it is called now. Wanted to share some info with you. I have had an extreme turnaround over the last 7 years. There is so much information that I really do not know where to start. Since I was a young kid

Dom improved autoimmune issues on a carnivore diet

Gradual Transition to Meat-Based Diets Dom’s journey towards a meat-based diet is a testament to listening to one’s body and taking a holistic approach to health. Before his transition, he used to consume a significant amount of carbohydrates. By 2009, Dom adopted a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet, which initially leaned heavily on dairy products like protein shakes, bars, and other

Judy improved energy, skin, and digestion on the carnivore diet

A Fresh Perspective on Health Judy was once like many of us, traversing the convoluted paths of diet trends, searching for the optimal solution to her health concerns. Yet it wasn’t until she chanced upon the carnivore diet that she found a dietary approach that resonated with her body’s needs. Unlike popular plant-based diets or the balanced approach of the

Elizabeth improved autoimmunity and skin on the carnivore diet

Exploring The Carnivore Path Elizabeth found herself captivated by the discussion surrounding the carnivore diet. This unique approach, solely centered on the consumption of animal products, stands apart from the multitude of diets promoted by health gurus and mainstream nutritionists alike. Elizabeth’s initial encounter with the carnivore diet was filled with trepidation. The very idea of forsaking all food groups

Lierre improved irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) on the carnivore diet

from veganism to illness From the leafy greens of a vegan diet to the hearty sustenance of a meat-centric diet, Lierre’s journey is unconventional, to say the least. Once a staunch supporter of veganism, she now finds herself on a contrasting path. But what prompts such a 180-degree turn in her dietary choices? It’s the pursuit of health. With the

Elie improved inflammation, pain, and skin on the carnivore diet

Discovering the Carnivore diet In the fast-paced world of modern medicine, Elie stands out. While his commitment to his patients is unwavering, something in his stride, his demeanor, and even his outlook has shifted. The epicenter of this change is his personal journey with the carnivore diet, a regimen centered exclusively around animal-based foods. Every day, Elie grappled with the

Donald improved joint pain and mood on the carnivore diet

Deep Dive into the carnivore diet In a world brimming with diet trends and nutritional advice, Donald, always keen on improving his health, discovers a unique path: the carnivore diet. Here, one consumes only animal products. It’s a radical shift from popular dietary recommendations, but Donald, curious and open-minded, is undeterred. He commits to trying this diet, eager to understand

Richard improved weight and mental health on the carnivore diet

The Road To The Carnivore Diet Over the years, Richard had experimented with various dietary approaches such as vegetarianism, paleo, keto, and low-carb in search of the best one for his health. Each brought its own lessons and experiences, shaping his understanding of nutrition. But it was his venture into the carnivore diet that truly caught him by surprise, offering

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