Skin Health

Real People, Real Results.

Andrea improved fatigue and hormones on a carnivore diet

From Vegan to Carnivore: Andrea’s Healing Journey Andrea’s health journey began in her mid-twenties when she owned an insurance agency. When her mother was diagnosed with stage four cancer, Andrea ran her business from the hospital, experiencing tremendous stress. This experience first opened her eyes to nutrition as she supported her mother through treatment. However, Andrea’s own health began deteriorating

Mike B improved rheumatoid arthritis on a carnivore diet

From Unable to Walk to Complete Recovery: Mike’s Carnivore Journey Mike, an IT infrastructure manager in Las Vegas, spent nearly a decade battling mixed connective tissue disorder, an autoimmune condition that left him walking with a cane and unable to play his guitar. After multiple medications failed him, he discovered the carnivore diet and experienced a remarkable transformation. The Devastating

Ankur improved cholesterol and sleep on a carnivore diet

From High Triglycerides to Metabolic Health As an emergency physician in New Delhi, India, Ankur has witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of the standard high-carbohydrate Indian diet. What makes his story compelling is that he experienced these effects personally before finding a solution through the carnivore diet. “My carnivore journey is about two years old,” Ankur explains. “Before that, I

Pierre improved diabetes and psoriasis on a carnivore diet

From Despair to Recovery: A 77-Year-Old’s Journey At 77 years old, Pierre has transformed his health through the power of low-carb and carnivore nutrition. Living near Fort Lauderdale after retiring as an electronics engineer, Pierre spent decades battling multiple health conditions that conventional medicine couldn’t resolve. “I had no idea what metabolic issues were when I started having psoriasis in

Rachel improved perimenopause and hair on a carnivore diet

From Perimenopause to Powerful At 53 years old, Rachel has discovered a new lease on life through the carnivore diet. Her journey began around age 41 when perimenopausal symptoms started appearing. “Each year, I added another symptom, and I put on a considerable amount of weight. My hormones were all over the place,” Rachel explains. She spent years following menopausal

Leo improved anxiety and skin issues on a carnivore diet

From Eye Floaters to Freedom: A Taiwanese Transformation Leo, a 25-year-old from Taiwan, had been living in constant fear. Every morning when he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the same unwelcome sight: numerous floating spots disrupting his vision. These eye floaters appeared suddenly at the end of 2021, and with them came crushing anxiety. “When you are having

Jenny improved neuropathy and fatigue on a carnivore diet

From Chronic Health Struggles to Ultra-Marathon Success At 64, Jenny lives a vibrant life in rural New South Wales, Australia, competing in ultra-marathons and enjoying optimal health. But her journey wasn’t always smooth. For decades, she struggled with weight fluctuations, chronic fatigue, back issues, and various health complications that limited her active lifestyle. “I had several sets of clothes in

Jason improved irritable bowel syndrome on a carnivore diet

From Decades of Illness to Vibrant Health Jason from Brooklyn spent four decades struggling with multiple chronic health conditions before finding relief through a carnivore diet. His transformation began in March 2021, leading to resolution of long-standing issues including depression, IBS, and food addiction. Early Health Struggles and Treatments From his earliest memories around age five, Jason dealt with food

Nelson improved high blood pressure on a carnivore diet

A Doctor’s Transformation After 40 years of practicing medicine, Dr. Nelson has seen the healing power of diet from both sides of the examination room. At his heaviest, he weighed 320 pounds and dealt with multiple chronic health conditions. Today, he maintains a 120-pound weight loss and has reversed numerous health issues through a meat-based diet. A Journey Through Different

Rebecca managed multiple sclerosis and eczema on a carnivore diet

A Life-Altering Diagnosis At age 36, Rebecca was nearing the completion of her PhD in Translation Studies when her world suddenly changed. What began as a few days of dizziness and nausea evolved into persistent double vision. After being admitted to the hospital for testing, she received devastating news – she had multiple sclerosis (MS), a condition where the immune

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