Cardiovascular health

Real People, Real Results.

Linda improved high blood pressure and hemochromatosis on the carnivore diet

Early Struggles and the Path to Carnivore Linda begins her story with a background filled with health challenges and dietary shifts that would lead her to the carnivore diet. From a young age, she dealt with frequent illnesses and a difficult school experience due to dyslexia. These early health problems were compounded by weight issues that began in her teenage

Patti improved sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and inflammation on a carnivore diet

Life-Changing Decision: the Carnivore Diet Carnivore has changed my life!!! I cannot say it any other way. My husband and I started Carnivore on Thursday, 4/7/22. I tell you it was a Thursday because we ate a breakfast and lunch full of carbs and by dinner, we went cold turkey to Carnivore. We didn’t need a Monday or a 1st

Richard improved diabetes, mobility, self-esteem, and blood pressure on a carnivore diet

The Dawn of Transformation Richard’s story begins at a juncture of life fraught with health challenges and the looming shadow of morbid obesity. Weighing at an all-time high and grappling with dire health prognoses, his existence was a daily struggle against the consequences of years of unhealthy lifestyle choices. The stark realization of his mortality, precipitated by a doctor’s grim

Nicole improved cholesterol, hypertension on a carnivore diet

Discovering the Carnivore Diet Nicole, a health-conscious individual, delves into the world of carnivore diets after years of adhering to different dietary regimes. She is no stranger to health challenges, having dealt with cholesterol issues, high blood pressure, and a likelihood of prediabetes. Although she never received an official diagnosis for prediabetes, given her eating habits and weight, she believes

David lost weight and got off medications on a carnivore diet

Transformation through the Carnivore Diet It was a personal health crisis that first led David, a distinguished biochemist with a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, to explore the carnivore diet. Weighing over 200 pounds and juggling multiple health issues, David was in search of a solution, a regimen that could bring about tangible results. After extensive research, he stumbled

Dom improved autoimmune issues on a carnivore diet

Gradual Transition to Meat-Based Diets Dom’s journey towards a meat-based diet is a testament to listening to one’s body and taking a holistic approach to health. Before his transition, he used to consume a significant amount of carbohydrates. By 2009, Dom adopted a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet, which initially leaned heavily on dairy products like protein shakes, bars, and other

Saif improved blood pressure and mental clarity on the carnivore diet

an Adventure to the carnivore diet Saifedean stood at a crossroads in his life. He’d perused articles and testimonials about the carnivore diet, but was skeptical. Restricting oneself to only meat seemed counterintuitive. But behind this skepticism was a burning curiosity. Could it truly be as beneficial as its proponents claimed? Deciding to find out for himself, Saifedean embarked on

Richard improved weight and mental health on the carnivore diet

The Road To The Carnivore Diet Over the years, Richard had experimented with various dietary approaches such as vegetarianism, paleo, keto, and low-carb in search of the best one for his health. Each brought its own lessons and experiences, shaping his understanding of nutrition. But it was his venture into the carnivore diet that truly caught him by surprise, offering

Pranavan improved blood pressure and fitness on the carnivore diet

From Tradition to Carnivore Diet Pranavan, like many of us, grew up believing in the merits of a well-balanced diet. He followed the guidelines touted by health professionals: whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and a moderation of red meats and saturated fats. He ardently stuck to these dietary principles, especially given his family history with diabetes and heart

Tro improved prehypertension and prediabetes on a carnivore diet

The Weight of Childhood Tro’s earliest memories are tinged with the awareness of his weight. At just eight years old, he vividly recalls a winter recital that became a turning point in his life. Playing a reindeer, he felt the weight of public scrutiny as his classmates laughed at him. This moment was more than just an embarrassing childhood experience;

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