Bruce improved digestion and ileostomy output on a carnivore diet

Beginnings: A Life in Pain

From his college days, Bruce was already grappling with the chains of ulcerative colitis. Every flare-up brought not only physical agony but also emotional turmoil that only those with chronic conditions could truly understand. Year after year, he sought relief from various specialists, hoping that one of them could provide a definitive solution to his suffering. They would offer medications, therapies, and even diet changes, but his relief was always fleeting.

The repeated failures of traditional treatments weighed on him. By the age of 30, Bruce was desperate enough to agree to a life-altering surgery – the removal of his colon. In his mind, he pictured a life free from the agonizing bouts of colitis, thinking the operation would be his salvation. However, post-surgery life brought its own set of challenges. Bruce found himself wrestling with complications from his ileostomy appliance. This, coupled with blockages and discomfort, seemed like yet another insurmountable obstacle.

The Dietary U-turn: carnivore diet

2018 marked a turning point. January of that year saw Bruce take a path less traveled: diving deep into the carnivore diet. It was a bold step, especially since it required him to consume foods like ribeye, bacon, and eggs, which had previously been marked as red flags by his healthcare advisors. Within days, he began to notice a change, not just in his physical condition, but also in his energy levels.

The weight loss was profound. From a worrying 390 pounds, Bruce began to shed the excess weight. As the days turned into weeks and then months, the benefits became more evident. Bruce’s energy wasn’t the only thing soaring; his self-confidence began to skyrocket as well. The scales tipped in his favor, and he found himself 135 pounds lighter. But life isn’t without its challenges. Despite the positive momentum, Bruce had to confront his emotional eating habits, which saw him gaining back 80 pounds.

Ileostomy on The Carnivore Diet

A significant change Bruce observed was in his ileostomy output. With a red meat-centric diet, his output morphed into a clear liquid or bile, showcasing efficient digestion. This allowed Bruce an unprecedented control over his routines, as he could predict and plan his restroom breaks post meals.

On an average day, Bruce feasted on generous servings of bacon, eggs, and ribeye steak. His dedication to this regimen played a pivotal role in his weight loss journey. To accelerate his weight loss after his brief setback, Bruce combined his carnivore diet with intermittent fasting, sometimes refraining from food for up to five days.

satiety on the carnivore diet

Even as Bruce sang praises about the carnivore diet, he was candid about the hurdles he faced. The biggest of them all was emotional eating. There were times when he sought comfort in the sugary allure of donuts and other treats. Bruce learned the hard way that such indulgences, even when on a meat-based diet, could still lead to weight gain and emotional turbulence.

One of the unsung heroes in Bruce’s journey was the sensation of satiety he derived from the carnivore diet. Unlike the uncomfortable fullness he’d experienced with other diets, this newfound feeling was liberating. Consuming red meat and fat gave him a satisfaction that was profound and fulfilling in every sense.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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