Alex beats fungal infection, ADHD, improves gut health on carnivore diet

Alex’s Carnivore Journey 


I don’t know exactly where to start. Last fall, I had neck surgery, and after that, I was battling my gut health and a weird fungal infection in my forehead. I tried everything except going vegan. 


No medicine helped my fungi problem, and my gastrointestinal problems worsened. I did a deep dive into the ketogenic diet and tried that. But all the veggies made me so bloated, and my stomach pains did not disappear. So I took the bull by the horns 1.5-2 months ago and went fully carnivore. The results were amazing.


My skin and stomach got better within five days; best of all, my ADHD symptoms just disappeared. I was at the optician today, and my vision has also miraculously gotten better – I’m now close to a 20/20. God bless Dr.Baker for pointing me in the right direction!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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