June 27, 2023

Real People, Real Results.

Aaron K reversed diabetes and hypertension and lost weight on a carnivore diet

My name is Aaron K, and I am a devoted husband and father to eight beautiful children. In my mid-forties, I received a life-altering diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and was advised to take statin drugs. Despite my persistent efforts to diet on and off for years, I found myself trapped in a cycle of temporary success

Tanner heals from Crohn’s disease, eczema, and being underweight on a carnivore diet

Tanner is 32 years old and located in Missoula, Montana where he has spent most of his life. Growing up in the 1990s and 2000s, Tanner ate the standard American diet full of processed foods and sugar. At age 14, Tanner was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease following a colonoscopy after years of digestive issues. He was severely anemic and entering

Matt improved neurological issues, speech, bloating, vision, and fatigue on the carnivore diet

My health journey began at 17 when I started experiencing strange neurological symptoms such as brain fog, headaches that common pain relievers couldn’t alleviate, and loss of speech ability, all within the span of a week. After a series of inconclusive doctor visits, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, realizing that changes in diet could potentially heal my body.

Scott improved sleep, gout, GERD, energy, libido, blood pressure, and weight on the carnivore diet

In 2010 after honorably discharging from the United States Marine Corps, Scott’s weight slowly crept up. Without the daily rigors and structure of military life, now attending college, Scott stopped paying attention to what went into his body, stopped caring for himself, and allowed his weight to balloon to 270lbs. Scott’s life revolved around his wife, growing family, and being

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