February 15, 2022

Real People, Real Results.

Bruno improved blood sugar, triglycerides, joint pain, stiffness on a carnivore diet

Bruno has been struggling with his weight for most of his life. He describes struggling with a sugar and carbohydrate addiction and says by the time he was a teenager, he was obese. While in his early twenties, he suspected he had hypothyroidism.   He took his concerns to his doctor, who responded, “That’s a condition for women.” Still, Bruno

Nicola lost weight, came off antidepressants all from a carnivore way of eating

Nicola’s Struggles with Weight and Health Issues   Nicola has struggled with her weight for her entire life and describes herself as always obese. Nicola says she has struggled with food cravings and binge eating, particularly with foods containing carbohydrates and sugar. Nicola has also struggled with depression, anxiety, and debilitating panic attacks. She was on antidepressants for over ten

Suzi’s Multiple Sclerosis stopped progressing since eating the carnivore way

Suzi’s Weight Loss Journey to Joining the Navy   Suzi grew up in Battle Ground, Michigan, home of Kellogg’s cereal, and says growing up, she was encouraged to eat a lot of cereal and other grains. Suzi says she was overweight as a child and teen.   When Suzi was seventeen, she wanted to join the United States Navy but

Ryan healed depression, obesity, sleep apnoea, addictions all from a carnivore lifestyle

Ryan’s Struggle with Food Addiction and Weight Gain   Ryan spent many years of his life yo-yo dieting. He experimented with vegetarian, vegan, and pescatarian diets but had relatively zero success. At his heaviest, Ryan weighed over 340 pounds.   Ryan says he recognizes that he has a food addiction and an addiction to beer. Ryan also developed severe bloating

Stephen healed Ulcerative Colitis on Keto and Seborrheic Dermatitis on carnivore lifestyle

Stephen’s Health Struggles and Journey to Healing   Stephen has been a personal trainer since the early 2000s but says he didn’t learn about holistic healing until his health declined in 2009. Stephen began noticing blood in his stool. The problem progressed until 2010. Stephen sought medical treatment and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis– or ulcers in his colon.  

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