October 5, 2019

Real People, Real Results.

Chris improves digestion, fitness, mood, mental health on carnivore diet

Chris works as a butcher I’m healthy, happy, lean, and strong, but that wasn’t always the case! This is my story on why I’m a carnivore, and the amazing benefits this way of life has given me and could give you, too.   Sickly Childhood I was a C-section baby to very young parents. Mom was 21, and my dad

Charlene improves sleep, cardiovascular health, digestion on carnivore diet

My Carnivore Diet Journey As per interest and requests I thought I would sit down and talk about my story of approaching and reaching my carnivore diet. Even though I like to never look back or put any focus on my previous ill health, I know that by doing so it may help others. Warning… I’m a number of things,

Keto Endurance improves fitness, joint pain, weight loss on carnivore diet

Hello Shawn, I am 37. I have been Low Carb for 2 years. The first 20 months probably 80% Keto and 20% LCHF similar to Primal Blueprint. I have been on a Carnivore Diet for the last 4 months. I have never been obese or had any noticeable metabolic diseases. However by the time I was 35 I was the

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