weight loss

Real People, Real Results.

Daria lost weight and improved mental clarity on a carnivore diet

A New Dawn in Dietary Choices Daria’s life has always been about making conscious choices. As someone deeply committed to veganism, she believed she was on the right path. But life has a way of challenging our beliefs, and for Daria, a health crisis became the catalyst for change. The carnivore diet, once an alien concept, soon became her beacon

Bruce improved digestion and ileostomy output on a carnivore diet

#### Beginnings: A Life in Pain From his college days, Bruce was already grappling with the chains of ulcerative colitis. Every flare-up brought not only physical agony but also an emotional turmoil that only those with chronic conditions could truly understand. Year after year, he sought relief from various specialists, hoping that one of them could provide a definitive solution

Laura improved skin, hormones, and digestion on a carnivore diet

Embarking on a New Journey Laura’s encounter with the carnivore diet marked more than a mere curiosity; it heralded a pivotal metamorphosis. This distinctive regimen, centered on consuming solely animal-based products, first appeared to Laura as a means to lose weight. Yet, within the initial year, she observed a notable weight decline. As she explored further, she grasped that the

Liam improved mental and skin health on the carnivore diet

Embarking on the Carnivore Diet Liam, a spirited young man, embarks on a journey that deviates from the traditional dietary norms. Enticed by the numerous stories and testimonies, he ventures into the world of the carnivore diet. This decision didn’t arise from mere curiosity; it was a call from his body, which suffered from various conditions. Transformative Effects For Liam,

Vinnie improved sleep, energy, and stamina on a carnivore diet

Carnivore Diet: A Dietary Curiosity Vinnie, always one to keep an open mind about health and nutrition, finds himself intrigued by the carnivore diet. This all-meat approach, which eliminates carbohydrates, plants, and sugars, stands in stark contrast to his previous balanced eating habits. But Vinnie, never one to shy away from a challenge, decides to try it out for himself.

Marina manages depression and weight on a carnivore diet

My health journey began in my early 20s when I had just come home from college. I had often wondered why I had more gas and reacted worse to certain foods than some people, but it was one day when I experienced unexpected and random, severe stomach cramps that I decided to make a change.   My grandmother had recently

William improves weight and blood markers on the carnivore diet

A Standard American Diet with a Twist William’s dietary journey begins with something familiar to many: the standard American diet. However, his version is slightly different. Raised with less sugar than his peers and influenced by the low-fat craze, William’s diet was not as bad as some. But by the time he reached 43, he had put on a few

Ivor improved cholesterol and weight on a meat-focused diet

A Health Awakening Ivor’s journey into the world of meat-focused eating begins with a health scare. In 2012, he finds himself 30 to 40 pounds overweight, struggling with hypertension, and alarmed by high levels of serum ferretin and liver enzymes. His cholesterol is also off the charts. Despite consulting three different doctors, he doesn’t find satisfactory answers to his health

Sarah improved weight and ovarian cysts on a carnivore diet

A Life Struggling with Weight Sarah’s life has been a constant battle with weight and eating disorders. She’s lost 100 pounds three separate times in her life, and food addiction has been a significant challenge. Her health problems extend to ovarian cysts, painful menstrual cycles, insulin resistance, and severe joint pain. Her daughter, who has severe autism, adds to her

Douglas manages anxiety and blood glucose on a carnivore diet

A Life of Chronic Illness Douglas, a retired respiratory therapist, has spent his life battling various health issues. From adrenal tumors to bladder cancer, his life has been a series of medical challenges. But it’s not just the physical ailments that have plagued him; paranoia has also been a constant companion. The medical treatments, while necessary, have left him feeling

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