Grocery shopping tips

Real People, Real Results.

Water: The Classic is Back!

Every animal on the planet drinks water; it works well for hydration. Seventy percent of your body is made of water. It’s all you need to drink, and as you get unhooked from sugar and artificial sweeteners, you’ll come to enjoy it. If you want to go crazy, get some sparkling water. Although you might feel like you might die

Plants Are Out to Poison You!

Plants have been on the planet for roughly 700 million years, and they have been successfully fighting off various fungi, insects, and other animals since well before humans arrived some 3 million years ago. Plants have developed all kinds of defense strategies to ensure the survival of their species, including a system of elaborate chemical defenses. If you and I

Might I Suggest the Carnivore Platter

I’m sure you’ve been thinking, “What food can I eat?” Generally, if a food comes from an animal, you can eat it: beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, deer, bison, fish, shellfish, pork, caribou, whale, shark, elephant, snake, crocodile, whatever. Most people on a carnivore diet limit what they eat to the animals that are available in the same geographic region where

How Much Meat is too Much?

This question is perhaps more common than any other question I receive. My smart-aleck answer often is, “Enough.” Although that might sound flippant, it’s truly a very honest and simple answer. But how do you know what is enough? I’m going to throw out some general numbers; don’t take these as gospel. I’m merely giving you some ballpark starting figures;

New shopping habits to thrive by coach Kiki F

Shopping is Not What It Used to Be For many of us shopping and grocery shopping have changed a great deal since our childhood. Growing up in London and New York City, my family mostly shopped at small old fashioned proprietor owned shops, like the butcher, the green grocer, a bakery. Additionally we might visit specialty shops specific to a

Simple grocery shopping tips by coach Tracy K

Simple is the key word here in shopping! Skip all aisles in the grocery stores except for the meat department, dairy department, and maybe the cleaning aisles as needed. You’ll be so much happier just going for the nutrient dense foods and skipping all the junk, temptations, and crowds of people! Also, prior to heading to the store, be sure

Carnivore grocery shopping tips by coach Elizabeth B

It’s best to go grocery shopping after a meal or a snack. If you go when you are hungry, you may end up buying carbohydrate foods that give quick energy. They stock the carbs in the front of the store and in the check-out aisle to temp tired and harried shoppers.  Squeezing in time to shop between other important tasks

Carnivore grocery shopping tips by coach Michele F

When grocery shopping, it helps to walk directly to the meat section and fill your cart or basket! You will find that there are so many choices within the meat section – different cuts and beautiful pieces you have yet to try!  It is exciting to be able to spend your grocery time and money exploring the meat section. Choose

Carnivore grocery shopping tips by coach Dana S

Buy the best you can afford.  Eggs are usually inexpensive if you can tolerate them. Look for sales and stock up.  Freeze what you won’t use within a few days. Buy in bulk whenever possible.  Split the food up and freeze what you won’t use in the next few days.  Food savers or airtight containers work well for this. Shop

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